How large of a file does google have on you?

How large of a file does google have on you?


Attached: google archive.png (701x263, 12K)

I don't know - how long did it take for Google to prepare your Archive and make it available to you ?

a few minutes maybe an hour

According to google it can take hours or even days to prepare it, they undertake to inform you via your registered email when it is ready.
I made a request about half an hour ago, and so far they have only notified me that:
> Archive of Google data requested

About 2 gigs

Don't have a google account. Bumping your thread anyway.

Attached: 1209000154797.jpg (3840x2400, 1.35M)

OP didn't ask whether you have a Google account. The question was: How big of a file does Google have on you:

How can google have a file on me if I don't have an account with them?


Look at this guy, so innocent to the ways of the world. Stay that way, friend. You'll be happier.

Uh, ok. I don't use google. I don't have an account with google. I don't have a smartphone. My browser isn't chrome, and is configured for maximum privacy.
I don't think I have a google file.

Don't care, I'm not that interesting.

You do

Even Facebook has files on people who have never used Facebook based on info shared by their friends and family who do. You have a Google file if you have any online fingerprint at all, regardless of what you use.

Ok so the information that’s missing here is how to find out. I could google that but then I’d be adding to the account.

Oh that shit. I thought OP meant actual stuff that I consciously chose to share with them, which would be zero.

does google's file on you list the sexual orientation that they perceive you are?

Don't even care. What does it matter?

Yes. They also know if you're suicidal, a victim of abuse, and hundreds of other categories. Even if you never explicitly googled something like "what to do if you're suicidal" they can put everything together and fill in the blanks. Google is at the forefront of AI and machine learning and it's all aimed at building a profile of you.

how can I see this?

Re : It took Google about 01 hour : 20 min
to prepare the archive as a zipped file ...
(covering 48 Google products)
... whose size on disk is 666MB

I have had a Google Account for many years, pretty much since
(what used to be called)
googlemail was first introduced as a service.

I am careful not to expose much personally identifiable data to them, and occasionally (perhaps once per year)
delete the data that they have retained without my conscious approval
(as opposed to what they hide in the terms & conditions that I routinely accept to avail myself of the few services that I want from them.)

show me a screenshot where google has your sexual orientation. I'm curious if they know

They are only required to show you the data that they have collected directly from you. They don't have to show you the conclusions that they've drawn from that data.

>Google doc AI
>conclusion about ops sexuality

If you go in to your google account and look for the data tab you will see the option for downloading it. well asking for it,

Not bad at all