Be honest: For $10 million would you have sex with a girl who doesn't have a dick?
Be honest: For $10 million would you have sex with a girl who doesn't have a dick?
If she ain't got a cock, she gettin' blocked.
Nooooo thank you!
kinda gross but id do it
I don’t understand.
Please explain how she could have sex with me without a dick?
before coming to Sup Forums i just thought trannies were a little bit weird but whatever
i now fucking hate them. i think more importantly, i hate these delusional fucking fags like this guy
my god. you fucking freaks are obsessed.
Okay, but hear me out...
Have you tried killing yourself and dying mad about what a stranger faps to?
You are in the second stage.
We've been all there
maybe for like 80 mill
There's no such a thing.women have penises it's what makes them be
Hot af
I mean, people can fap to/fuck with whomever they want, but still, you have a point with that obsession people have to be accepted, kinda grosses me out. It’s like that post where they say you are transphobic if you don’t like traps lol.
Make it $25 mil and you got a deal
I thought that was David Bowie for a second
>For $10 million would you have sex with a girl who doesn't have a dick?
I'd never be able to come up with $10 million.
A hundred is about all i can spare.
Retarded quality bait.
There is no such thing as a 'woman with a dick' and you retards know this. Anything else is a mutation.
Penis == Male.
Vagina == Female.
Y'all keep this up there's gonna have to be a purge of you dumbasses to cleanse the Earth of idiots that don't understand basic biology.
Low quality bait. Damn you faggots are looney.
Yeah thats the point. They act like a man could be a women just by sayiing it. Like it would be normal that men are clothing like women and having sex with them isnt gay.
Just some fags that dont want to face the truth.
It isnt normal to fuck a "trap", it is normal to fuck a woman. So yeah, everbody would fuck a woman for 10 million, not everbody would fuck a faggot that thinks its a woman.