Second YLYL of 2020. Nothing is real version

Second YLYL of 2020. Nothing is real version.

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I said "is real" not "Israel"

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>meme president
Do you live in alternate timeline where Hillary won?

>meme president
Of course he's a meme

Nothing here is real, remember?

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Why must you stupid fucks make everything poltical? So tired if it all, I don't give a shit what side you're on I just want to laugh at something stupid, and not have fucking retarded ass politics constantly shoved in my face. Is it really so difficult to give it a break and not have your entire existence revolve around ideology. There is so much more to life.

...what the fuck?

I'd love to hear a door pun



When is a door not a door?
When it’s ajar

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adoorable house

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woke af

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I love that shit, but i'm pretty sure a lot of Sup Forums have less than 20, so it's not working :/

>shark tits

Fuck off, I'm sleeping

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Was the first YLYL of the year this unfunny, or is this a sophomore slump?

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Would smash. Any yell 'Monica' when I come.

Tried to twitch my real fingers but only my peepee moves

Dubs don't lie

Guy is looking on the left so it came from left and going right side

Mein sides