Im takin a shit, whats up with you

Im takin a shit, whats up with you

Attached: 20191224_135405.jpg (3264x2448, 1.32M)

ghetto ass toilet,get back to your glory hole

Also shitting, just pinched it off. I should eat better: wiping is becoming a chore

Also taking a shit

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this whole picture is fucking weird man.
you dont even have room to move, what kind of scuffed toilet is that? womens panties? what the fuck.

The camera makes it look smaller, I have room. And whats wrong with womens panties?

you're a man wearing womens panties. Are you german or something?

Show pp please

Don't your balls get parted and hang down each side? Or do you have roid balls or something?

Bro are you assuming the gender of the panties?

Seems like you have an issue here friend, not me

I'm also taking a shit. At my fwb's place. Her toilet is way too high, so my poop is not coming out as well as it could.

Nope, they stretch so they hold my balls well

Jerking off

Not to you, but to traps and stuff.

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This thread is cringe

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I'll take requests BTW

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Are you a dude wearing panties?
This place will not cease to impress me with its stereotypes turning out to be solid gold truth

Glad youre impressed

you look like a really cute twink

I’m impressed at your faggotry
And i don’t mean that in a good sense

Thanks lad

Sharpie up ur peehole

>tfw You realize OP actually just has a fetish for taking pictures of women's panties around his ankles while sitting in other people's fully tiled coat closets.
>tfw You just got trolled into thinking OP is naked and shitting while on Sup Forums wearing a woman's thong.
>tfw OP just won the game for inventing the world's most specific and odd fetish ever and you were part of it.

Who tiles a coat closet?

I won't give the truth out. Let it be a mistery.

Happy fucking New Year

This fucker is Sup Forums‘s official penective
Truly a walking 6th sense

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Cum on your pillow and take a picture of it.