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forced meme?


what's that you say? for me?



Gotham's reckoning confirmed?

Dead meme


The deadest of dead memes


Impressive, but check these out

Let's see Paul Allen's quads.

hot heads pls go

>2042. It's been 30 years since the first plane crash. I think back on that day, of the men I lost, of the call I made. I was young, cocky, naive. Ignorant of what was to come. It seems almost funny, how little we knew, how we still dared to hope. People try to rebuild today, yeah, try to rebuild the agency but I think we know that its dead, we're all dead. Dr. Pavel is a distant memory, did he exist at all? Bane I last saw at what remains of Washington D.C. but that was 15 years ago at least. We locked eyed for a moment and kept walking, there's nothing left to say. The conversation ended when my men brought him on board. But still my mind goes back to that airfield, where I stood, waiting for him. Back then I said I was CIA. I'm all that's left of it.

so show me the body

Take this dubs trash somewhere else and stop ruining these threads you fucking faggots


Would watch/10 user was a big guy today




>tfw never seen the movie, and slowly piecing together the plot together through secondary Bane memes
I can't ever watch the opening scene now without cracking up so I doubt I can watch it now


this scene inspires such thoughts of existentialism and god within me. It harkens back to Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel, in the blink of an eye God created us among his angels, much like CIA created his predicament on board that plane

Or perhaps, as scholars posit, the painting actually shows man making God perfectly encapsulated. When one looks at it like this, we realise that it was Bane that orchestrated the events.
Yes, CIA thought he was supposed to be in charge. But who really was? Such profound questioning and insights was our very own Christopher Bravo Nolan

Don't, Nolan's a hack. The plane scene is the only remotely memorable part of the movie, and only ironically



Guys can we stop meme'ing this scene to death already?
Justice League is out in just a few months and the rumour mill suggests deathstroke might make a surprise appearance

>"Big Bird"
>"For me"
Has Baneposting gone too far?

there were already so many unresolved plotlines in BvS that I just hope the film addresses

Is there a comprehensive baneposting youtube playlist yet?

Even the Hoffman's doing it

Baneposting Squad
all you need

>that picture
underrated kek

Tom Hardy and Aiden Gillan reunion when?

>ywn protect that smile

Cheeky Blinders

why are his teeth so yellow?

Why won't DC make a full fledged CIA movie? No one cares about Wonder Woman or whoever the fuck.

Lotta loyalty for a hired gum

I never understood this meme.

its a big meme

Perhaps you were wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing him from a plane?

i live about 30 mins down the road from where the filmed this (cardington hangars) and often dream about filming some scenes that would happen just before we see the meet up.

fresh and edgy.

i like it


I wish Elijahposting was more popular.

>no maketta man


No one cared who I was 'til I put on the make-up.