No YLYL thread? YLYL thread

No YLYL thread? YLYL thread.

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Goddamn I miss these commercials
>have this ever happened to you?
>proceeds to simulate opening a tin can while experiencing a stroke during a level 8 earthquake

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Weak start
Pretty bad thread already

>Dat Boi
Oh shit Waddup?

Have you seen bröt (bread) the German comedian. Fucking disturbing.

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This mother fucker

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I miss him Sup Forumsrose. Was he from 2018? Feels so long ago

leave bröt alone, his hilarious escapades distract me from the harsh reality of the würst mines

Yeah must've been 2018, memes move so fast these days

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I've never seen him perform is he good? I learned about him in highschool German class and his face is burned into my memory.

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If it's a brown background, that means it's a historical/heritage site and presumably a tourist attraction. If it's an active military location it'll be a white sign with a red border outline, and it'll just have the name of the base.

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I dont know, his show is for kids between the ages of 6 and 12. Guess you'll enjoy it with the right autism level.

Sounds like my kind of show my guy, happy New year

You just know that Lazy Boy's seat smells like ass cheese.

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F u

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This is so racist against people of color

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I don’t get your joke but good shot user.

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Fuck off nigger boy

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c u c k

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yo we need to do pools closed shit again

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>implying a seatbelt in an aircraft would save your life

If you want to be autistic over a joke, sure

Nigger boy

Nigger boy

Because there's so little material for gay jokes that you need to go for a shitty one, right?

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Joke wasnt that shitty. Youre just upset. Its ok dude(?)

I liked the joke.

It was shit. The fact you laughed at it proves you're the autistic one here. Enjoy your shitty taste in comedy, I'll leave you to enjoy your Michael McIntyre DVD you got for Christmas.

It's probably reveals something about you that you had to comment on that particular one?

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Yeah, that he’s a fag.

On Sup Forums we take our jokes seriously

if you dont wear your seatbelt during strong turbulance or an emergency landing it can absolutely kill you.

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part 2 now

What's that one meme where it's like "something something as fuck.
5272826 dead X"

>there's so little material for gay jokes
If you keep posting we'll have an ample supply

milk truk just arrive

(especially you)

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Looks like that dude hit like a fucking ramp or something lol moves the entire car

>look mom I replied to everyone again, i'm a massive faggot cuck black cringe cunt whore penis semen

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nice gatekeeping nigger

since this stale ass joke appears at least 50 times per day on this board, I'd like to point out the 40% is attempted suicide not successful attempts. If you think this is still funny I hope your next attempt is successful though

Found the faggot

post the full thing i fuckinb lolled

I never understood the added comedy element of shopping chuck Noris’s face onto Leonardo’s in that bottom part there. Seems unnecessary

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ok aspie nigel

There’s no comedy whatsoever in those types


What is the successful suicide rate?

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Oh dear god the story's real? You must eat all of the eggs


soft chuckl

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nice reddit watermark

oh fuck that frog

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they enjoy tide pods

Oh fuck I remember this thread

Ahhh, a faggot commie redditposter.
A real trifecta of degeneracy.

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Ok boomer

Phenomenal progress IMO

Don't mind 9. It is Ha-Tik

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Too smol to read mate