Stupid Americans your gun fetish is dumb

Stupid Americans your gun fetish is dumb

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>Stupid Americans your gun fetish is dumb

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Brain slushy!

Fuck off kike

>not being American
Everyone point and laught at the faggot.

Apparently one doesn't need guns to murder out of hate.

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pol is leaking again. and it’s great

Sup Forums is pol

I’m happy with this

Haha what a faggot

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We don't care.


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Nice Johnson!

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Where you from?

GUNS! And a bed for the cat, just incase. Nice collection though.

Shit hits the fan, I’m coming to your place. Got damn, nice set up. Like the pieces you have in the shadow boxes.

russian mauser broom handles with original stocks and case

if you need a gun and you aren't living in the bush, it's time to move. if you must have a gun, then it is already too late.

Dumb? Nothing stops a nigger with a gun faster and more effectively than a fucking gun. Stupid liberals. OP will be the first one raped and murdered cuz guns 'r' bad.

that millennial retardation

Your house is leveling your block in a fire


i wish was so young

Guns are for fags, real men carry a knife, or better: a shiv

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why do you retards always reply like this?

All rights are secured by deadly force.
All freedoms are maintained by threat of deadly force.
An unarmed man is a slave.

You ride is here

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Was this nigger investigated and put in prison where his kind belong?

that's a dog bed you fuckhead

Its amazing that different guns that uses the same kind of bullet, one can shoot further or more powerful than the other.

WhY iS oUr GuN vIoLeNcE sO hIgH

Free premium snaps on discord theres a fetish here

Not how burning ammo works

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Guns are a part of our religion.
This is the way.

Same with ISIS.

sad retort
as expected

it must be eurotard night

Your ISIS, so is you’re mom.

yes sup gun addicted amerifags

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sorry it must be cringe night

that's all you got?

yes it is