Friends you fap to

friends you fap to

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Tons of times

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>friends you fap to
Been friends with these two for years. They're both retardedly hot to me and I jerk off to anything even remotely sexual they post

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Finally saw a girl I know posted here and can't stop

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Send pics of your friends to jerk off
And trade something. No rules, incest ++
Kik basenrc

she a real 1

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She's gotten it the most

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she's a fking model and i love it

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God bless America

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Damn, dude. I'm in NJ too and know M & C and it's strangely hot knowing that I'm not the only dude who jacks off thinking about them

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Lol you don't have hotter friends?

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Ohhh shit those tits. Please post more, especially in that outfit.

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Yeah, want more?
Kiaribitch ig

Too often. I want to pump her so full of cum.

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anyone want moar?

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you gotta love dem' titties

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I really just want to cum on her face

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You like?

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yea, she rlly pretty

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My cousin.

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What is his name?
That jawline is obviously not female

any body pics?

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this goddess

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fking moar!!

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any ass?

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any nudes? hah


Attached: 50154925_528982530930737_8952682045734059808_n.jpg (640x1137, 152K)

shes awesome


beautiful face. Don't blame you for jerking to her at all. You ever actually made a move to try and be with her for real?

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