Do the OGs have any life advice to the younger crowd on here? What would you tell your younger self?

Do the OGs have any life advice to the younger crowd on here? What would you tell your younger self?

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I would tell myself, don't sleep with Katrina. She has herpes


Also don't do drugs unless you are at parties or whatever. Addiction sucks.

sober now?

Are you implying youre underage?

money always wins. Don't bother making friends just yet.

no lol im in my early 20s

1. get the quickest degree that you can that will give you IT skills.

2. get a well-paying job in a low cost area.

3. save up and buy a large fixer-upper house.

4. fix it up and let out rooms.

5. invest aggressively.

6. don't fuck with domestic western trash. when you are dong a bit better, go on vacations, fuck around, and figure out where you want to live.

7. when you're nest egg is large enough, get the fuck out of here and don't come back.

always keep it real muhfucka

where/what to invest in?

stocks and bonds, 85%/15%
mutual funds in you employer sponsored accounts. have both individual and employe sponsored plans. your house is also an investment if you get rent receipts.

If you want to get married, don't rush into it. Live together for at least a year. Make sure you trust them. If they pressure you, you'll be miserable and regret it.

thank you, are you still married?
thank you

you are most most welcome.
this is church.
i got with the plan later in life. 5-7 years and i am out. i have wasted a lot of time.

age if you dont mind me asking?

i would also add that you are best off if the stock and bond holdings are in ETF's.
hold each of the MSCI us capital indices in about half. bonds (us, international hedged, and emerging markets) about 15%. the rest in ex-us markets and emerging markets. the pundits are predicting that emerging markets will have a good year this year. but how knows? keep you portfolio balanced. have the nerve to sell a portion of what is making money to buy more of what is mot doing all right now. tax loss harvesting is a way to get the IRS to give you a margin loan on your salary.


Broaden your world view sooner than later. Watch movies you never would. Read about cultures, peoples, faiths, and put them into practice. Immerse yourself in the human experience. The more perspective you gain, the more eyes you can see through, the more you will understand and appreciate the whole world around you

the alternative is narrow, isolated, and angry.

You are the only person in your whole life who can change it, and take control of it. If Quan Duc can burn himself alive and smile peacefully, then you can do great things too

this is good advice too. getting a good education will help with this. once you do, you can accomplish this and not have it interfere with you investment plan.

ill have to do some research to get up to speed on this.

it feels like im currently in the alternative route right now but im hoping to change that, do you recommend any books, magazines?

that's what i did. there are many good books about there. read about the FIRE movement. Some of my goals, but not all, are shared with this approach. Read about disciplined index investing.

read good media outlets: NY Times has a lot about arts and culture and puts it in context of current news (sorry Fox crowd). Getting a degree or going to school helps. Go to a real campus with real events. It will expose you to a lot. A good school will go out of its way to get you involved in things you could not possibly imagine.

Peace is Every step - Thich Nhat Hanh
Be Here Now - Hunaman Foundation
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Tao Te Ching - ???

These books are great for a general sense of Eastern/Western faith. they give really unbias and practical advice that you can directly use in your day to day life so you can see/feel the effects for yourself.

Some great YouTube content is Alan Watts. They call him the "bridge from East to West" because he has such a poetic way of bringing those foreign ideas into ways that we can better understand them. I can't recommend him enough, rest his soul

Try lots of things, even if they seem weird to you, or you don't want to believe them. Part of opening your mind is giving these things the benefit of the doubt. In the same way that when you read a fantasy story, you believe that humans can throw fireballs - so too must you believe that these ideas and practices are true

"I know that I know nothing, therefore all things are possible."

It feels uncomfortable at times, sorta "forcing" yourself to see the world in a certain way, but that's why they call it a practice :)

We are. I had a whole long thing typed out but I started rambling. Long story short, I don't hate my wife, but we are together for the sake of our kids. Its cliché, but that's the way of it. I make a good living, she's the housewife with a part time job.

Think of the financial advice you got, you get yourself a nest egg, and then you lose half of everything you worked for in alimony and child support, and you have to uproot your kids. Its cheaper to keep her at this point.

If I knew then what I knew now, I would have done everything different. Get yourself financially situated first, in your name, then commit to pussy, if you want to get married.

Fuck as many women as possible. Dont live with a woman in your 20s

not sure if this is all one person but i really appreciate all the advice, im looking to read more.
its time for me to grow as a person.

I'm only one of those posts, the really long one with the books

If it's time, it's time :)
proud of you buddy

damn man i never thought id meet such good people on here. i really appreciate the support

i'm the guy posting about investing.
the guy suggesting the books is really worth listening to as well. you are making the right choice.

I would say: dont think, get into drugs early, and try to limit your memory and connection processes as much as possible. For me specifically. Oh and dont join the robotics club.

investing is something I know I should be doing but haven't taken the time to learn it yet Dx

Especially in a Capitalism atmosphere, you're gonna need money

I'd tell them to get the fuck off Sup Forums, both because underage gets b& and this place is, not unlike vegas, a soulless shitshow with nothing wholesome or meaningful to offer.

psychedelics helped me to grow and learn in a lot of different ways. I only recommend them to those who are curious tbh

they aren't effortless things to experience either. I know a lot of people who trip a bunch but don't learn a damn thing from their trips. Just another party drug to them :(

So many substances have such potential for healing and change but man oh man that gets buried under the festival culture

skill can only be found in the man user

Yeah I am sober. Addicted to videogames but otherwise without vice