What happened to him Sup Forums?
What happened to him Sup Forums?
*record scratch*
Boogers out one nostril, blood out the other. What a terrible fate this lad suffered.
Beaten and imprisoned, not allowed to call lawyer or family. Same as the rest of the army officers.
He's up on a farm now user, where he runs around the pasture all day chasing butterflies.
*freeze frame*
>"so.. you are probably wondering how I got myself into this mess huh..."
Beaten, raped, imprisoned. Possibly beaten, raped, killed in no particular order.
i cutted his head off
he got raped and beheaded
>"that is actually a funny story
It all started when"
*record stratch*
We need pics before and after
His nose has both blood and a booger.
The colors of Turkey's flag.
He's kebab now
>I entered a bar in Turkey, and there he was, Donald Trump, buying shots for everyone. Come join us, he said...
>I have this hilarious plan to take over your country's government, u want in?
15000 people just been fired in turkey by education minister.
Water under the bridge
cut, not cutted you dumb faggot
I wonder what political view Koksal Baba holds.
He is the only turk other than Erdogan that I know by face and name.
it was a tough day for him
I can't really see him as a hard core Islamist though
He is from Trabzon, a beautiful place full of Islamist retards, so he is probably an AKP supporter.
I came here to post this.
I've seen this 100 times and it's still funny
certainly turned into kebab and shipped to europe to be eaten by gullible europeans
Anyone got some Turkey gore? Love the happenings from that day