French bros, what is the feeling like in your country after all these happenings? How do you contain your rage when your people are being savagely attacked by muslims? How many mothers and daughters will you let be raped and tortured before you stand up for your own people. Your country is FILLED with foreign invaders and yet you do nothing while your country is rocked day after day with violence. How will this end?
French bros, what is the feeling like in your country after all these happenings...
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Self bump
only 150 french die in those multiple ISIS attack
Next presidential is in 7 month anyway
I feel like i'm fucked. I'm in an isolated area (near Maubeuge, Nord), with a lot of extreme islamists and people who made the jihad and came back. Every night, there's people coming with their cars in the front of my house and dealing drugs and stuff (weapons probably ?)
Not so long a go, a girl from my little street got captured and raped.
I feel unsafe.
This will end badly.
Civil War probably, but I still hope we'll find another solution.
Good luck, seriously I hope the best for your country and its people.
I live high in the alpes so didn't saw a lot of muslim until I had to go to another city for my studies. However recent news shows that there is so much mulim now that even the mainstream parisian tourist can be muslim.
Keep in mind that France is verry different than USA in terms of religion, more than 50% of the pop isn't a beliver or is agnostic. I really thought we was going to get over religion however because of the increasing muslim number some people wnt back to christianity just to oppose them.
Honestly I really like the landscape and and pre 2000 culture of this country but when I see people that lives in it today I kinda give up.
Will probably leave once I finished my studies.
Watch your own problem Obongo
Wtf ? Article about that rape ?
>Civil War probably, but I still hope we'll find another solution.
There is no other solution. There are simply too many enemies living within your borders for this be resolved peaceably.
>what is the feeling like in your country after all these happenings?
Islam is a religion of peace and love. The danger for French is the national front.
>How do you contain your rage when your people are being savagely attacked by muslims?
We do not rage because the French are mostly of foreign origin and the French are divided.
>How do you contain your rage when your people are being savagely attacked by muslims?
I became muslim.
thank you ameribro
Seriously my father is a journalist and had to make some kind of interview in a part of the city of Maubeuge (L'épinette), and when he arrived there, he got fastly surrounded by more than 50 guys who thought he was going to buy drugs and weapons. He fastly left in the car. The guys were trying to open the car and stuff.
There are a lot of no-go zones near where i live.
If you're interested, look at :
-Sous le Bois (Maubeuge, it's the toughest part of the city)
-L'épinette (Maubeuge)
-Hautmont (little town here 3/4 of the stores are involved into drug dealing, weapons, and some into jihad)
No articles dude. You don't hear about eveything in the media. In fact, you just hear about the biggest things.
>Islam is a religion of peace and love.
Fuck you kindly.
Nope. It's kill or be killed.
Thanks for this I will look into these areas.
I think muslims in France are upset because it's a very atheistic country and there is no come back from the truth. More and more Arabs drink alcohol and eat whatever they want and don't give a fuck about allah, so to me it's more a "bouquet final" (expression to mean the last big series of explosions in a fireworks show before it ends) from butthurt muslims seeing their religion dying.
Civil war is the best solution.
Its our only chance. Any moderate solution would just slow down our death.
Sieg oder Tod!
>a girl from my little street got captured and raped
fucking christ
I wouldn't joke so much if I were you, user.
Not long ago, materials have been stolen in a laboratory which is studying dangerous diseases.
It means two things:
> security is a joke in this country
> "someone" wants to kill a lot of people
I forget the worst one : Les Provinces Françaises (still in Maubeuge)
It almost happened to my sister 3 weeks ago.
She had luck that she ran into people who protected her, otherwise she may be dead now.
I doubt that very much. There will be more, and it will get worse. No such thing as assimilation with 99% of these shitskins
there's a little park near my house, she was there with her boyfriend and other friends. She left early for a reason that I don't know, and alone.
There's less than 50 meters between her house and the park. She got captured in a car, raped, and left away somewhere.
To be honest I'm preparing for the upcoming war
lol no
They've predicted this shit for decades and muslims in Europe have only become more extreme.
Also all muslims in both Europe and the middle east drink alcohol, do drugs and don't give a fuck about going to the mosque. They still consider themselves muslims though and will always side with fellow muslims against the infidels.
It's really that fucking bad?
Post French-Arab cuties.
I have been saying that France is not serious about security. Am I wrong?
She is 19 and and was going for a walk outside in the landscape like she uses to and got followed by a nigger, about 1,73m tall, skinny, she described him and I instantly though of an ehtiopian, he was wearing adidas stuff and followed her.
She changed direction when she noticed that and so did he and he kept following her, she changed direction again and so did he, then she began to run into the woods and so did he, fortunately this was near an autobahn parking lot so my sister managed to reach the parking lot where people were having a smoking break at their cars, the nigger still stared at her til he saw an unaffiliated autobahn polizei car rolling into the parking lot.
My sister called the police and my mother to pick her up.
Police Advice was:
"Go to the man and confront him that you dont want to be followed. We cant do more because he did nothing legal yet."
Case closed.
Not in some places.
In French Brittany (Bretagne), life is good.
There still are some strange places, but only a few.
But where I live, it's fucking dead.
I'm going to the theater tonight with friend, I hope we won't get fucked.
WTF. How can stuff like that happen and the medias say nothing?
Why are you so surprised, UK? Literally hundreds of little girls have been raped by Islamists in your country, and the police did nothing because they thought it would be racist.
Maybe you missed the news?
I feel ecstatic.
They're paving the way for a hard right government in France. The left is about be completely eradicated in France.
In a few months time, immigration will stop. Hundreds of thousands of mudshits will be deported. At the very least.
same in Germany.
A mid rank manager of the Deutsche Bank branch in my town told my father that the sanitary company's owner they employ who also works for the community was threatened by a local politican via phone that if he would spkeak up about that his company cars got stolen by refugees he would not be conctracted by the city counsil anymore.
And this was in August 2015.
dude, things like that happens all the time here.
My ex-gf was raped when she was 10.
I live in a village where two pedophiles live, and keep touching little girls.
The last thing that happened in my village were those two guys and the gf of one of those killing one of the girl's little daughter.
She was 2 I think. They burned her alive in very warm water, and let her suffer all the fucking night. She was dead the morning. The mayor is always supposed to go to the crime scene in those cases, and he couldn't.
The girl's body was melted with her clothes.
They weren't muslims tho, but it's to show that a lot of things happens here and no one talks about it.
Are you really just discovering it now ?
oh, and there are a lot, a FUCKING LOT of housebreaking here. It happens almost everyday in my village (with only 1300 people in this village)
I'm fucking boiling.
I openly insult Romas, Sheboons wearing African dresses and veiled women.
That's like telling a rich businessman to go to the an alleyway in the ninth ward to stop pointing guns at him. "Just go tell that black man that you dont want to be shot and they will change their mind."
I know they're not delusional or care about being tolerant. It's an agenda they have to fill because they LEGITIMATELY want to destroy Europe.
*and ask them to stop
Yes, its true. Its a race war. (((they))) have decided that the whites need to go, so they are using niggers and muslims against us. And lefties.
More like 242 (Nice, Magnanville, Paris, Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, Aurélie Châtelain, Charlie Hebdo, Merah).
And today a woman and her three daughters stabbed in a village in southern France by a Moroccan who found the childrens' clothing indecent. I haven't seen a thread about it here.
There are many factors, one of them being political stifling.
This is often the case in cities controlled by the left who do not want any incidents not fitting into their multicultural ideals.
A few years back, a friend of a friend was decapitated and his head thrown in a bin by a "pacifist" for being homo. My friend said it didn't even get a footnote in local news.
I'm asking this seriously memes aside, do French people not give a shit anymore? I can't bring myself to think that. At some point there are going to be enough people whose loved ones, friends, or family have been killed or attacked by Muslims, that there is going to be a civil war or at least mass riots. How it hasn't reached that point yet is unbelievable.
Before you draw the parallel to America's problem with blacks commuting crime, think about this: we have lived with blacks doing this for 100+ years. Blacks do not commit mass terror attacks as Muslims do.
Muslims are relatively new in France. At some point people are going to start losing their shit whether they have guns or not
>How do you contain your rage when your people are being savagely attacked by muslims?
By not having a 1st amendment and highly punitive laws for everything coming from the right side of the spectrum.
>How will this end?
Identitarian uprisings followed by merciless repression, possibly martial law if things go south enough.
Elites have a plan to prevent Marine Le Pen to effectively seize power should she win the election next year. Most likely insurrection.
Houellebecq's prediction in Submission seems pretty accurate: a Muslim party is created, polls 20% in the next presidential and wins against the FN in the second round, effectively passing the country under Muslim control. I'd give it 30% chances of happening, at least.
Scary to think of what a muslim majority in politics can do...
Hope you got some illegal guns, pierre. All the shitskins do.
Rennes is fucked, like any other big city in France. But yeah, life in kreiz breizh is good.
It's the reason they are leftists actually, since they don't have niggers and muslims, they can't realise how bad subhumans are for society.
>Mother and three daughters, aged between 8-14, are STABBED 'by Muslim' in French holiday resort because they were 'scantily dressed'
Does French media even report stories like this anymore? Or does it happen so often they have just given up.
It is. They have the numbers to make it happen. Roughly 20% is all they need. Elites would trade if versus a drastic drop in criminality and having the no-go zones under control.
You guys are lucky having a much smaller minority to deal with and based leaders like Trump to correctly point out the danger. Btw don't let them infiltrate your blacks.
What was his name?
We can use meme magic to still make it a headline
too late. Blacks are going muslim in masses. Especially niggers from Somalia in Minnesota
A lot of them are redpilled tho
I was in a medieval town for the 14th July (Josselin), and I only saw 2 muslims family, and they were getting booed.
Close your border Pepebro
what the fuck? It's no better here but what the fuck? Did they get prosecuted?
no. she didn't saw them. it was at night, and they never got caught.
same in US, but everybody knows that. My little brother's baseball coach was killed by an illegal immigrant at 5am. The coach was on his way to work, the spic was on his way home from the bar, still drunk. He ran the coach off the road into a tree.
The family hasn't been the same. Mother is strong thankfully, the kid needs a dad.
you americlaps are responsible for that
Thanks to cultural Marxism you spread all over Europe
do the peretrators happen to be "minorities"
yea, muslims most of the time.
Nice flag btw
Time to arm yourself.
Even if you are against war, if it comes its better to be part of the armed guys than of the unarmed.
> and they were getting booed.
Would you care to explain? Why did they booed the muslims?
be prepared and be safe, train to defeat them in battle
Interesting, just done a trip around there using google earth, looks rough.
so what are we going to do?
because they were muslims. They were two family (10 persons), out of hundreds of people there. Two womans had the hijab (i think it's called like that).
It was a medieval celebration.
People in that part of the Bretagne (Near the Brocéliande Forest) are redpilled.
There's not much muslims there. Because of the legends, probably ?
I live literally in the forest.
All these shits are a tv show for me.
Before I chose this life, I've spent my life to warn people about the religious threat.
I did my best, and made myself lots of enemies from every politic side.
Now F-U-C-K-Y-O-U.
French general for all of your surrender needs.
There are no such thing as as white French posters. Chances are you're talking to a shit skin. All white French are geriatric and gave their country away to subhumans. But at least they'll be remembered as tolerant and progressive
I wonder how far the arm of the German and French secret police reaches. If I as an American told you to burn down a refugee center and get the high score, would I be arrested by them, or by my own police? This is all hypothetical, by the way, Mr. FBI
i'm rare, so
I'm french with no special origins.
holy shit mate
with Bundesland? NRW?
Not that far away actually.
Except I don't need guns.
I'm safe and comfy.
I watch my fellow citizens eating their own shit.
I consider it as a victory, I warned them, I was right, they were wrong.
Near Düsseldorf
Yes it has nothing to do with secret police, abetment is punished like the deed that was abeted.
If you live in the US I guess your government wont turn you in, and abetment is hard to proof if no money was involved anyway
I plan to do the same after I have earned enough money for my parrents to live properly.
They dont want to live in a small village far from civilization...
There are only three logical solutions.
They integrate peacefully and completely to the French way of life
France turns peacefully and completley to their way of life
Civil war until one group wins
There is no other solution. None. The only question is which of those three is most likely to happen.
I wrote to my representants and my mayor, I talk to people but everybody is okay to say "it's sad blablabla", but whenever I speak about banning Islam and deporting muslims back in Magrheb to end this shit for good I'm called a nazi.
I'm just a broke student at the end of the day, I'm not the president or a minister, I have no mean to change anything aside voting.
I'm buttmad angry right now and scared and tired right now, since months I'm obsessed by Islam and try to redpill people but most of them are apathetic, I even met a guy that told me he prefers attacks every week to have the FN in the government.
Large part of the population prefer to isolate itself in entertainment as a coping mechanisms.
It's the job of our leaders to protect us and to do the necessary to not have muslims slaughtering us, that's why we vote for them, that's why we pay taxes and obey the laws they vote.
And still they don't give a fuck, and why should they ? Nobody protest in the streets for that, apparently labour laws are more important than that.
If I had Valls and Hollande in the room I would beat these 2 manlets unconscious for all the blood they have on their hands, I hope I will see them guillotined in the street during my life for high treason, honestly they are getting away with far more than Louis XVI ever did
I wait for 2017 and hope MLP will be elected, because if we have Juppé it is Civil War guaranteed.
I think I will just get the fuck out of this board because it just makes me more and more angry, keep going in my life and preparing myself for the inevitable crisis.
At this point we just need 2008 again and there will be blood in the streets, the moment poor will have the nanny state cutted it will be a massive chimpout.
We are fucked, beyond any salvation.
A crusade would at least give me a job.
Eternal French Whiteflags!
Can't wait to vote for Marine
Honestly I think FN is gonna win, election is like in 7 months are there gonna be happening way before it
Can't wait to see delicious faggots tears on national tv
Reconquista when?
I decided to become Muslim.
Say thanks to leftists that sing "happy days" after the bataclan attack and create the "love army"
Everyone is tired of this shit, but you'll be in trouble if you make one mistake and meanwhile muslims are dealing, raping and killing without being worried seriously
Most of the people I know are waiting 2017 and when the law won't be on the side of shitskins
I think some people are already attacking arabs and mosquees, but it isn't on the news for "cohesion"
wow seriously confront them if you do not want to be followed. like can y'all conceal carry anything legally? like pepper spray/knife/gun
Pepperpray and knives and CS-gas guns.
I also own real guns but are not allowed to carry them of course.
The government has betrayed us.
They directly created this situation, and then rather than admit their mistake and correct it, they want us to accept terrorism as part of our daily lives.
"Oh it can't be helped, just deal with it."
It's like someone taking a huge stinky shit on your living room rug and then telling you this is the state of the rug now and you must learn to deal with the smell.
Yes it can be helped, and this is their fault, the military should have intervened when the secret service told the politicians about the Syrian refugees hiding ISIS members and sympathizers and they did nothing about it.
They stick their fingers in their ears and sing about public cohesion to drown out the sounds of the Muslims they invited here killing everyone.
There is no public cohesion, our society is fracturing, and they won't take any steps to deal with it.
It's hard to watch this shit happen to Europe it fills me with rage to see political correctness destroy the world.
>they won't take any steps to deal with it.
Then you THE PEOPLE must take things into your own hands if you wait any longer things will just get worse. It's not like you have anything to loose so you might as well stand and fight.
Third one. I'm not sure what the government will do, though. Could well be that there will be prosecution until anti-muds are all in jail, then allah takes over.
Hey I'm okay with that.
But I'm a random guy and I did not get a vision of Mary in my Garden.
If the 2017 election isn't won by a right-wing candidate I really feel there might be a coup or a revolution, but it will take a while longer to ferment.
Really the Muslims are not and have never been a real threat, this is an internal struggle between two aspects of French society, without their apologists and enablers the Muslims can't do anything to us, but we have elements of our own society working to shield them from consequences under the banner of "égalité". Most of the sheep will swap sides as soon as they see the TV tell them Muslims are bad, but we have a core of hardcore socialists who will need to be removed either through election or by force.
They're pro-EU, pro-open borders, anti-racism, pro-multiculturalism, and they've clearly shown that they are willing to make terrorism, child molestation, rape and murder part of everyone's daily life as the price of being a " multicultural society free of hate".
They really think the cost to all of us is worth it in order to bring unproductive, uneducated people into our country, there is no benefit to French society.
If the jews are behind it:
We'll be forced into race mixing and everything will go to shit.
If the Christians are behind it (to restore the former glory of the church):
The situation will escalate and kebab will be removed.
If the kebabs are behind it:
War will happen and, in the end, kebab will be removed with A_LOT of casualties on our side.
Patiently waiting for next elections. With every happening the far right comes closer and closer to victory.
We need to uncuck the Pope so we can use the wealth of the Church to fight them back.
Are random attacks like getting mugged and threatened common in black/muslim parts of France?
The scariest thing about this is that France is still whiter than you. Every western European country is.
White people including french have lost all forms of solidarity with each other.
In other words, 100s of french being slaughtered by muslims to them is like 100s of Ethiopian christians being slaughtered by ISIS.
It might as well be on another continent.
They don't care.
Nobody actually cares.