I do good speech time daddy?

I do good speech time daddy?
You buy me purse and chocolates?

Do you guys use saws to cut your bread?

Don't you? No wonder you lost the war...

First Mail Order Bride nailed it last night with all that plagiarism and broken English. Glad we've got an actual foreign hooker coming to the White House.

You try to meme to fit in, but you are so blatantly obvious...

she's not even cutting that bread wtf is this shit

Why is everyone shilling against her?

She did a good speech last night.

Definitely helped Trump

Yep. And now everyone is sharing her video all over the Internet just as intended, completely oblivious to the fact that every speech has pieces of it that were borrowed from other speeches. It's like they're too stupid to understand.

>(literally stole that part from someone else)

She buried him. Nobody wants some illegal immigrant trophy wife gold digger whore in the White House. We need to keep the American Presidency AMERICAN

stop shilling so hard jesus, opinion discarded because like you it is trash

>illegal immigrant
i have wasted my time reading and replying to you, congrats

You are completely out of touch with reality.

Melania's the only trash on this board, cuck. Admit it, Trump's Palin just revealed herself, and it's his own fucking dumb shit wife, so he can't distance himself from her without ruining his third fucking marriage. He's got a big, mail-order-bride shape bullseye on his back now, and people are gonna hit him there as hard as they can. The American nationalist has a fucking FOREIGNER for a wife? Get the fuck out of here, he's toast. He's gonna trip all over himself trying to roll back his stance on immigration so he doesn't get divorced by this hooker.

do they pay you by post or by hour?
pic related, ps lmk if you want any happy packets so you can take a break from shilling


mail order hooker actually nailed the speech. I actually fist bumped the air a few times.

>Legal immigrant from a mostly Christian country is the same as immigrants from third world Muslim shit holes and illegal immigrants

Please tell me you arent this cringe.

You think palin is bad?

And you want to convince Sup Forums of all places that you are one of us?

Except Obama did that shit intentionally and openly.

As opposed to OC Donut Steel Melania.

>one of us

Dunce secret clubhouse fanboy lmao