Was there any possible way for Germany to win the war?
Was there any possible way for Germany to win the war?
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Not really, no. They didn't have the needed manpower, industry, logistics, sea power, or much of anything really. No point mentally re-fighting and winning the war for them anyway.
No because they deported every soldiers from WW1 because they were black so they lacked manpower
> swedish education
>Germany, Japan, and Italy
>every other country in the world
1. Settle the bitch fight with Poland
2. Don't fuck up the Anglo-German alliance talks
3. Sit Hitler down in a chair and explain to him how the nation is less than a decade away from wiping Communism from the face of the earth with nuclear fire.
if theyd kept Japan on a fucking leash, maybe Pearl Harbor wouldn't have happened and the US wouldn't have gotten involved.
Yes, if Hitler did not send his best general into the desert and the soilders into zerg russkies in their creep (cold ass winter). He could have defend the normandie push and prepare for a longer war and outtech the US.
While an alliance on paper, the Axis didn't really coordinate or cooperate at all. The Wehrmacht carried the entire load for the entire war, and it just couldn't keep up between, among other things, Rommel having to wipe Italy's bum every six seconds and the US bankrolling every single one of Germany's enemies.
If Italy had cooperated on the western front (instead of getting their shit kicked in by third-world countries) and Japan has cooperated on the eastern front (consolidating their gains in Manchuria and flanking the soviets instead of aggroing the US), they could have tied up the continental war before the US could intervene and forced the UK into concessions.
Also, the German/Italian navies and air forces should have remained in a defensive role- trying to take the channel and invade Britain was a suicidal mistake they never recovered from.
>do not attack Russia
>press for Mid Eastern oil via Northern Africa
>do not declare war on the US
>increase production of V4 rockets
>casually bombard Britain on a daily basis with 0 German casualties
Britain was only going to sit it out for so long. This scenario of course hinges on the Soviets staying neutral. With the Winter War experience and the purges of the officers korps maybe likely?
Maybe if the managed to make peace with Great Britain. Maybe if Italy didn't fuck up the North Africa campaign. Maybe if Hitler had slaughtered everyone at Dunkirk and sapped the Commonwealths will to fight.
Germany won the early years, but in the end the alliance of 50+ nations that we're raised against them was too much. Their only real hope was to win fast and force peace.
Yes. If Italy didn't suck and was able to take on Greece by themselves, then Manstein could have stayed to maintain control of Stalingrad
Additionally, if Germany did not declare war on the USA, the manpower and weapons would not have been available for the invasions of Sicily and Normandy, which sealed Germany's fate by forcing a war on 3 fronts
Even if they managed to conquer the Soviet Union that would mean occupying a country with three times the population of Germany. Add that to all the other countries they were occupying and you have a military that would have been stretched to the limit just to keep order within their territories. Then you have to consider the United States and the United Kingdom would have still been fighting them, bombing their cities, and waiting for the right moment to attack an overstretched German military.
Not trying to genocide Poland would be a good start. Poles were best allies against Communists beside Finns.
Not going full retard mode in USSR would be another good step.
Large parts of population were happy to see Soviet government gone, or at least were neutral to invaders. And yet it was completely wasted because of retarded racial ideology brutally implemented in the East by Germans.
On the other hand, I'm not sure if Germans would get as far as they did in WW2 without their retarded racial ideology.
The US was just finishing the A bomb though
Stalingrad was year after Greece, which was conquered even before Barbarossa. Are you not confusing some things?
Not to mention how all the decisive battles were sabotaged by some of Hitler's closest officers. If the NSDAP and SS had been able to maintain a single focused direction, the Allies would not have been able to pull off Normandy.
I must be. Manstein was killing russkies on the eastern front and was pulled back to deal with some Italian failure
Ah, I found it. He was retaking large swathes of Russia when the Allies landed in Sicily, so Hitler called off the offensive and sent Manstein to deal with that.
They lacked the manpower, industry, etc to take on Europe and Russia, they lacked the naval power to project force to any credible amount.
There's a reason they focused so hard on superweapons. The only thing they were reasonably close to pulling off that could have changed the course of the war was the atomic bomb.
It's unlikely that it would have brought them victory, as America wouldn't have been far behind, but it probably could have saved them from defeat.
Nah, by middle 1943 Germans already could only play for truce with East or West.
Zitadelle would fail or bog down even with Manstein at helm.
Not really when they were up against russia and the US. They could have achieved a stalemate maybe if they had managed the homefront better (same mistake as WWI). Basically, German industry was never geared for total war.
No. It was everyone against them.
They proved that National Socialism could work and lead to a happy, productive populace. The Allies simply couldn't let this happen.
It's easy actually.
Don't attack Russia, and you can have the whole world, (except Russia).
I would love to see that artist do a follow up image with the Muslims coming from the south.
What do we know about germany and an A bomb?
This. Their fate was sealed.
>Don't attack Russia
why do you retards say this? ww2 was about russia and only russia. hitler's goal was to destroy the subhuman jewish russian communists. that's it. he saw communism as the greatest threat to the west, and what do you know, it was
Should have stopped after France was taken and wait for the Brits to settle down and make a deal. Ivan would have started a war with 3rd Reich with different premises.
>were neutral to invaders
>neutral to invaders
Oh, you ignorant polak...
If Hitler wasn't a retard and allied with SSSR instead of attacking them.
So much for muh Aryan superiority, even the dumbest niggers know not to try and invade Russia, just push them back when they try their shit.
why? are you some kind of racist?
If he had attacked earlier Moscow would be taken before winter.
With no ally left in Europe Britain would also surrender (or be attacked).
He wasn't able to attack earlier because Italians struggled in Greece and needed help.
>destroy the subhuman jewish russian communists
And look how well that worked great idea!
oh no ... is Russians does not like it when the invaders bombed their cities even if the purpose of their release from the Jews.
>They proved that National Socialism could work and lead to a happy, productive populace.
Bullshit, their industry and growth had to be fed with constant expansion and looting shit from others.
Economy was focused on re-armament and preparing for war.
By your logic, USSR in the thirties also had "happy, productive populace".
No wonder Nazis and Commies so easily got along in 1939.
>retards think Hitler had a choice in fighting the gommies
Threadly reminder that Stalin had his own plans to invade Germany and Hitler only preempted him by a few weeks with Operation Barbarossa
>muh winter
Operation Barbarossa was launched June 22, 1941
>allying with jewish communist untermensch
Actually they could've won the war by not fighting it. Basically once all the allies jumped it was over. But if they had done some diplomatic actions after conquering Poland they could've shifted the blame to USSR.
Then joined allies in taking out Stalin. With new jet tech and nukes in 1950's would've been poised to take on the world.
pretty good
Hitler would have been considered greater than Bismarck
the USA would've never allied with Nazi Germany unless it was under very specific circumstances. Even if they ever did allied we'd both eventually enter a cold war because of ideologies. But i'm curious how a Nazi / USA alliance would look like.
>If he had attacked earlier Moscow would be taken before winter.
What a learning disability? In Europe, there is no geographical maps to the east of Moscow?
In your mind Russia just end, if one has only to take Moscow? Napoleon thought so too.
There is an alternate reality where this happened and we're stuck in this liberalist, postmodern hell.
maybe you shouldn't have committed genocide in the ukraine. you still deny this happened
>russia in winter meme
how to spot a tard in one easy step
>every other country in the world
Jack,practically one third of the world was allied with Germany,and come now,we all know that it was basically a war between the Soviet Union and Germany.
>dont bother with the UK, especially no
>help Italy from the start against Greece
>get oilfields in russia asap
>focus on fuelsupply from the start
>prepare troops for russian winter
>put more effort into controlling water
>no bombing on cities as they got it back worse later in the war
T. Central banks
>Stalin had his own plans to invade Germany
no pruff whatsoevar.. yee keep talking
Look at these faces.
We lost the best generation. :'(
This is so fucking sad.
There's a chance that Barbarossa goes the other way in Leningrad, the gets more far-fetched the further out it goes. But against the British and Americans it's not very likely.
Germany's great triumph was inventing automated war. Germany's great tragedy was inventing it in a country with no oil deposits.
If they'd have left Russia alone and held up their end of the deal with Stalin.
>But i'm curious how a Nazi / USA alliance would look like.
Patton and Rommel in one team.
Nice idea.
Foremostly, if Hitler didn't invade Russia, Stalin would invade Germany. Hitler's attack preceeded Russian invasion by just a few weeks.
>(cold ass winter)but you've sent them there during Summer,you've even broken the Non-Aggression pact to catch them off guard.
If England suddenly dissapeared from the face of the Earth.
Many parts of population were.
All Balts, Ukrainians, some Byelorussians (most were apathetic and wanted to be left alone, as always), parts of Cossacks, Caucasian nations.
Even some ethnic Russians, fed up with Stalin's great purges.
You might be surprised, but even in May 1945, there were some desertions from the Red Army to Własow's Army in Czechia (Mainly in hope of escaping to the West, I guess, but still).
Again, Nazis wasted great opportunity here, but well, it was precisely because they were Nazis, and they followed they retarded racial ideology.
Not fucking attacking Russia.
90% of German armed forces were wiped out in the Eastern Front.
>But if they had done some diplomatic actions after conquering Poland they could've shifted the blame to USSR.
U fkn w0t m8? Just after the retarded polish government was removed 3 weeks after the invasion, Hitler offered to give poland back to the polish people, germany retreats to the earlier borders and pays for all damages done within poland.
You should seriously read up about WW2 and WW1. It was british intention to crush everything in central europe should there be something which could become economically powerfull which could threaten british wealth. The war against germany was a settled matter the moment germany started to flourish again under Hitler.
Hence germany´s peace offers were not accepted, no matter how generous they were. Churchills goal was the destruction of the german people, everything else was second. After the war, he realized his errors and that he played right into the hands of the jews.... which controled his country.
>>prepare troops for russian winter
but how prepare troops for russians soldiers?
If you lose, aren't you the subhuman?
>most were apathetic
Most were killed, kurwa.
Shouldn't have tried to invade Russia. Shouldn't have attacked the US.
German supply lines, its whole military was already overstretched when reached the outskirts of Moscow in 1941.
Buts lets pretend in a feat of superhuman strength they would have pushed forward and conquered Moscow, scortched city (as they already did with Napoleon)
How many men would have stayed there, in a burnt city, getting weaker and weaker, waiting for the supply lines?
Lets pretend again the Russian counter-offensive wouldn't have happened.
Hitler should have now advanced forward beyond the Ural mountains. How in hell would have the Germans been able to fight there? The Siberian reinforcements could have encircled now only one armee, but the whole front. Lets keep in mind that the German army was far from being motorized, and the amount of donkeys and horses pulling the equipment truly exceeded their vehicles.
Once Hitler's rush failed, it would have become a war of attrition, and with the RAF and USAF bombing the reich, even if military production increased, morale dropped. Manpower lacked, and German tanks and planes were overengeeniered which lead to a blatant inferiority of equipment.
What about fuel? Synthetic fuel was not a long term strategy.
Hitler was out of his mind and probably possed the biggest threat to his army. He though their men's will would replace equipment and weapons. The kessels and strongholds were heroic yet bloody strategies that Hitler loved, even thought in the map where harmless pockets that the enemy encircled and let it starve to submission / death.
Also, he blocked and opposed his best generals, which history prooved were right in their judgements.
It must be hard to issue coherent orders with a madman shouting in your ear.
The only outcome would have been ally with the eternal anglo. Sounds senseless, but Churchill was aware of Stalin's cunning plan, and tryed to warn USA about it. But USA was more interested in preserving his own men's lives, rather than in geopolitics.
You realize that russia became communist because during WWI they sent lenin back to russia and funded his revolution.
Does the German educational system shame students about their fathers pasts?
yes, that too. in no alternate reality was it ever a possibility that hitler would ally with the communists
The beranstyn bear universe is a utopia.
Actually,they were mostly up against the Russians,given the fact that it was them who've defeated 80% of the Russian army on the Eastern front several months before you've even began entertaining the through of opening another front in Europe.
>Hitler's goal was to destroy the subhuman Jewish Russian communists
In that case,he should've stopped Imperial Germany from financing the rise of Bolshevism in the former Russian Empire.
Not really. Maybe if the Operation Citadel would've been better planned and actually happened in time, but even that was a hail Mary.
The war was lost when the General staff decided to allocate necessary troops from the enveloping prongs (which were supposed to meet behind Moscow) to the direct thrust towards the capital city.
If they would've stayed in the original plan, the campaign would be considered a military success on par with Caesar's conquests in Gaul or Alexander.
Knocking Soviets behind the Urals would've made the America industrial aid moot, and given the Axis deep enough buffer zone to outmaneuver any land attack.
And for those who say "shouldn't have invaded Russia lol", that's an impossibility. The attack beat back Stalin's planned invasion of Europe only by few weeks.
The blitzkrieg was the one chance they got, and it just wasn't enough. But those men gave their all, and saved the west from Communism. [spoiler]Too bad the western judeo-capitalist was almost equally bad[/spoiler]
>russian soldiers
>illiterate peasants
This. Do you really need Russian clay that much? Think about it twice, future Napoleons.
>Not fucking attacking Russia.
Great, so the russians then would have attacked few weeks later and taken all of europe, including britain.
It is thanks to the Nazis that only half of europe became communist and not all of it, and it is thanks to the UK and US that they even got half of it in the first place.
Wasn't in power till after May 1940.
>T. Central banks
>no pruff whatsoevar.. yee keep talking
Oh come on, did you come here only to troll with official history of Great Patriotic War?
What were all those Red Army Tank Corps doing along the border?
Both sides wanted to clobber each other, Germans simply did it faster.
what was germany's kd? russia only got lucky and throwing hordes of never ending subhumans tends to overwhelm eventually
germany was on the brink of the A-bomb too, they just had to postbone it due to well...war
You see .. Germans came not simply "remove Stalin to free Russia and leave back" .. not. They came to remove Stalin and stay to rule themselves.
And this neither Cossacks nor the Ukrainians, no one in Russia, can not tolerate. Well you what Poles know it? We were already in the Time of Troubles? (en.wikipedia.org
>Great, so the russians then would have attacked few weeks later and taken all of europe, including britain.
Where the fuck did you get that from?
As I said, Nazis being Nazis.
>They doesn't want to get involved
>Lets burn their villages and kill them for lulz, what bad could happen?
For one attacking Russia during the winter was pretty retarded senpai. Shouldn't have been so greedy.
Duh. Yet he still had influence and was working behind the scenes on removing chamberlain if he doesn´t go to war. And churchill further ignored any peace offers by germany after he was elected.
After a while it really becomes depressing talking with other people on here. So clueless.
Haven't you heard about time machine?
It takes a Poles to invade Russia. We are the only ones in history, who conquered Moscow.
No. Germany didn't have a navy therefore any attack on the UK or US would be impossible. Even assuming they had both jet bombers and jet fighters, they both have limited range. At most Hitler could have knocked out Stalin, but this would have instigated the US landing in Vladivostok marching west, and in Egypt marching north. Once denied the oil fields in North Africa and the Caucuses, the German war machine would begin to break down like it did in real life.
By 1945 Japan is contained to the home islands and the US the bomb. It's over for Germany at that point, as the US would annihilate everything. The only question would be if, following Berlin's total destruction, Germany would surrender or force a US ground invasion.
If Germany turned on Japan a US alliance might have been possible if they didn't fuck with the UK. The goal then would be destroying Stalin (and eventually, Mao).
>>russian soldiers
>>illiterate peasants
>fucked hard powerfull 3th reigh
We Russians aren't the only ones in history who conquered Poland.
There are several books out by now with sources about that. There are literally books from the 60s that have sources about the soviet invasion plans. One of the most recent ones would be the "icebreaker" book from a russian author.
Pic related in one instance of a book from the 60s.
Just a few examples :
- in 1938 Hitler choose the plan Z : focus on capital ships for the navy rather than submarines. Hitler didn't think war with the war with the West would happen so early and therefore the germans had only a handful submarines during the early war, and the battleships were not finished. With an earlier build-up the u-boats could have won the Battle of the Atlantic.
>Great, so the russians then would have attacked few weeks later and taken all of europe, including britain.
Then they should've let them do it, so the rest of Europe would now who was the real enemy.
And btw i've seen so many people say that Germany attacked Rusia just to prevent a future agression but i haven't seen any source of it.
i thought this was common knowledge anyway? i learned about this in the 6th grade. i guess nowadays with all the leftist cancer infesting schools they probably don't want to give gommies a bad look
- In August 1942 Hitler had the opportunity to bomb the oil fields of Baku, wich would have paralyzed the red Army for a long time, given its huge fuel consumption.
I think you feel attacked for some reason, since you respond to something I didn't wrote.
Germans wasted a potential there to win against Communist central government. What would come later? Who knows.
Instead of Divide and Rule (implemented only on low level, for example in case of Poles vs Ukrainians), Germans decided to antagonize everybody.
So they failed.
fucking estoanian weebshit cunt. fucking stop. its time to stop. its 2016 and you are still poting same shit.
Patton wanted to rearm and reform the German army in 1945 and attack the soviets together.
Yes, 6 million Jews and 5 million other people who died in the camps could have bailed Germany out.
The war could have been won, but only with these additional 11 million supporting the effort.
Stop posting your weeb shit, sergeant.
Just imagine Hitler saving Europe from the eastern hordes.
How different would life be nowadays. I don't know if it would be better or worse, but its amazing how the order in which 2 maniacs would have attacked each other could transform the world.
There's literally one person of note who published anything remote to the argument that the Soviets were planning to invade Europe.
That individual, who's only as popular as he is because he was lol ex-KGB, has been refuted numerous times by established historians from all sides of the ideological spectrum.
Now fuck off with this shit, it's literally holohoax levels of idiocy.