>33 C
>40% humidity
Doesn't sound too comfy but yeah for Whites that can get a little warm.
t. lived in Kuwait for 3 years at 40 C average summer temp
Thats not even that hot user
Stfu britcuck fucking pussies
>white bois calling 33 degrees hot
Yall need melonin
Senpai that's like 88 F
I'm in Cleveland, which is usually pretty cool and we've been at like 36-37 for a week. Piss off, that's nothing
>mfw same temp but with 90% humidity
And that's not the hottest this place has to offer
Its hot, but you pussies will live.
Sounds pretty comfy desu senpai.
Over here we get 40 and above prety much regularly every summer so i dont know what OP is complaining about.
Fucking brits. That is nothing. Its hotter than that all summer here.
Lmao calm down
dude, take it from a Nordic white man who has lived in Chicago his whole life-- 33C and humid is DEATH to me.
humans truly were not meant to endure such conditions... I'd rather take -10 and blizzarding than 33 and humid.
Our coast is like 40C, 60%+ humidity all year long.
I hate being there, though.
Wait are your flags actually just fucking inverted
Why the fuck are SE Asians so weird
>below 100
Are britbongs the most disappointing anglos at this point?
Sounds like a nice day to me.
Going there, I meant.
105 here today.
Don't you have a cock to prep someplace?
>Up to +35 / -40 C in summer/winter
Feels okay.
Stfu libtard climate change shill.
Just turn on the a/c
24 C is the best temperature
Dont all of the cars break down and get sun damaged?
Eh, I put my limit at about 85, but I'm a pussy and hate summer and the heat.
>Talking about the weather makes you a shill
Try living in the hottest city in US.
Phoenix = best city
STFP you anglo faggot in your misty island, 33°C is a normal temperature during summer, it is like you are discovering the sun !
I live in the shithole state of Illinois, USA.
Our winters have been about -10F (-23C) and our summers are usually 98F (36C) with 60-90% humidity.
Your body never gets adjusted to the temperature because it changes too often.
I too think Britain needs to shut the fuck up since I also encounter temperatures in excess of 35 degrees fairly regularly in the summer.
33c is nothing
No user.
The asfalt on the streets melts sometimes tho.
It's worse when you live in a brick house with no air conditioning that fucking radiates the heat back at you all night.
You need to pick up a book and remind yourself of the name of that pigment.
fuck sake id kill for that weather
26c here and im fucking dying of hypothermia
How the fuck did the british take over parts of Africa if they fucking can't handle 90F degree weather?
You guys are an embarrassment I swear.
Send help
>Poo in loo can't handle the heat
Bitch, we all know 27C is the godtier midday temperature.
Also, anyone who bitches about anything cooler than 35C is a pussy.
not white people. you are not supposed to exist
We dont have this magic you call A/c here
yea but what about 42 c with 90% humidity cunt
>just went for a jog and did my cardio and body weight training
>mfw basement dwellers at Sup Forums who can't handle heat
It's uncomfortable yes, but sort yourselves out you pathetic faggots.
> only 93 degrees Fahrenheit
It's like 40° here and it's not a big deal
I would invite you to visit north Argentina/ Paraguay, we have to endure 50 C in summer plus over 85% himidity.
Most of the MetOffice models are predicting tonight will be the hottest night ever recorded in the UK, with a 25c minimum in London
we can handle it we just enjoy complaining about it
>Britfags set up debtors colony in Georgia
>Can't stand 90F degree weather
oh i'm laffin.
>tfw florida
fucking this, i have a shitty desk fan that circulates warm air. i walked home from work and i literally have clammy balls right now
>33 Degrees Celsius
This is the only news story supider than the "plagiarism" story.
>40% Humidity
That sounds like a good summer day, why are you complaining about? Call me when it is 38°C or more.
One day in this heat and my car has fucked, the rubber door seals have melted and my indicators have stopped working.
Feels bad need a better car.
>Woke up at 8am
>Already 70F
>Supposed to reach 115F by noon
We complain about the weather. It's what we do. Are you even British?
>yeah but my country is hotter than that all the time you pussies
That's why you can cope with it. Meanwhile It hasn't been anywhere near 33c he for almost a year so naturally we feel like we're dying
200 degrees thats why they call me mr. Fahrenheit.
Oh nooo 33 degrees partially cloudy? You must be suffering so badddd :'(
Fuckin pussies
Chart seems about right.
Meh, it gets over 45°C here every summer. I say we crank up the global warming and sort these pussies from the real men.
Lol the only thing that happend to my car whas that the rubber dial for the radio melded so now i cant change the volume lol.
Britcucks are all pussies.
That's nuffin
not even sweating here
Humans were literally not meant to live in the desert. Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico are token symbols of American arrogance, and are hellscapes for a reason. You deserve everything you get living in Phoenix against human nature.
Goddamn global warming man
Alcohol mostly
>Too hot? Mosquito's giving you malaria? Have a G&T.
It is hot desu wew
UK weather must be mild af. When the weather hits mid-30's, I hardly even feel it.
good chart
Bullshit. Man the fuck up and do what the others did before you. ENDURE THE HEAT AND RULE OVER SLIMES AND SHIT SKINS!
>33 C
>40% humidity
t. Texas
That's fucking ok.
A bit hot yeah, but it's fine. Just think you're at the beach
Yeah that shit is the worst but its even worse when the tem falls like 10 degrees over night in the spring that shit happens and i get a headache almost imeddiatly.
Can't wait 'til winter in a couple of months to be honest
>humidity 10%
Costa rica isn't SE asia, dumbass.
i can tolerate any weather but not high humidity
Bitch please you guys have no humidity at all.
>subject of thread is obviously a joke
>everyone gets mad
Poor banter lads.
Anything below 20 degrees is cold for me. 26 is a really nice day, and 30 is mildly warm. Don't really consider it "hot" until 45+.
I work in a steel works and it's fucking murder
How do you even stay calm in this heat? silly cunt
>Britbongs literally can't stand the same temperature as Upstate NY.
Get the sand out of your vagina.
>33° c
>about mid 80s °F
Phoenix AZ
>86°F currently
>morning with clouds
>this is a god send of cool weather.
>hits 106°F in a couple of hours.
Have you ever deployed brit bong?
Winter is my favorite season too. But I enjoy a lot of winter time activities like ice fishing and hunting.
I used to live in Northern Territory. It regularly goes up to 40 and sometimes more.
Now I live in Tasmania, near the southern coastline. Usually sits at around 10. Not bad. Though when it's winter, it's pretty cold. Lots of snow.
What kind of an manchild complains about the weather?
>33c he for almost a year
Cry more you immense faggot. Its summer. Usually only happens for a few months out of the year.
All you people from countries that are always hotter than us can sod off! It's been overcast and gray for months here, all of a sudden BAM 30+ and a giant fireball in the sky... we've having issues ok leave us alone to complain!
>33 degrees
Literally one degree away from freezing
The midwest gets pretty bad as far as humidity to high temp ratio. Especially up by the great lakes.
>Cool evening here
More like hell. As it should be.
>Usually sits at around 10. Not bad.
Lower than 18 is cold as fuck.
Yous poms always have been a joke.