When did Sup Forums get so fucking boring? it's like fifteen canned responses to any given question and porn threads...

when did Sup Forums get so fucking boring? it's like fifteen canned responses to any given question and porn threads. what is there to even do on here anymore?

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nah man, Sup Forums's still alright.
the general boards tho have always been shit.

man there is nothing that goes on anymore on any board, its like interacted with scripted bots

Gay threads like these don't contribute to something better either, faggot.
Be the change that you want to see.
Make your own thread, retard.

another canned response; get's lost in the porn, fuckhead

Let me rate that dick daddy

Any good threads immediately get buried in shitty threads and tossed to page 10

Because newfags suck
Internet culture is dead, there is nowhere to go at all.

Cause Reddit homos found out where the most Based Ms come from and now all the good thread get ass fucked to Oblivion

Last time, I've seen worthy OC... I don't really remember. I come back from time to time to put flowers on the grave.

Ok, so it's not just me then; flowers on the grave is a good way to put it.

Nice threads get shit post into oblivion.

There was a thread up the day before yesterday with user taping ants to his dick while fapping. It was the best thread I seen in years. Didn't last long before getting buried under all the fbig/cuck/dick/wwyd threads though

Fuck! Missed it completely.

It was pretty great and a small reminder as to why I still stick around here. Occasionally, one may find a nugget of gold in a sea of shit

yeah i remember in 2009 when hackers released christian dating site logins/passwords on Sup Forums that also conveniently worked on the users facebooks too. 2009 and then 2014 also (gamergate) were maybe the last times Sup Forums felt exciting.

ain't worth the time commitment, it seems, ah well

I'm pretty much convinced that there are some really sick redditors who are so triggered by Sup Forums existing that they lurk Sup Forums all day to shitpost. And since asian moot gives a shit about Sup Forums in general, nothing is done against botters. I've seen whole threads which were canned years ago to be copy-pasted with every single reply. And then there are those Sup Forums cunts who keep spilling their shit over here. Plus those 12 yrs old idiots who spew some stupid cusses around and "LOL, I TRULLED YOU!".

Fox News' story on Alex Wouri is what was be beginning of the downfall of Sup Forums, and Sup Forums in general.

But fuck me were the resultant memes of the spicy variety

quit fucking complaining, stop whining and if you dont see something you like FUCKING POST SOMETHING NEW! stop being a part of the problem and actually start making changes you want to see

This is what happens when you stop posting bananas. We had our chance, but we failed. It shames me to say it but log posters might be our last hope. They might be the only ones who still understand what it takes to drive away normies. God help us on this ride that never ends

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probably like 2007 if not sooner.

you should go for edgy stuff

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Too many people here, too many porn threads, too many bots and political propaganda.

Endless summer is here

I don't really want edgy stuff, I just want something more than traps, rate my dick, and 18 year old porn threads. It's boring and uninspired. Before anyone tells me--again with yet another canned response--to go and make my own better thread, it would get immediately hidden in the muck.

And retards like this who think Andy spam isnt bots too. Too much of this too.

Bots or not it’s exactly the type of shit that drives away whiny twats who are shitting up the board without posting anything good. Just like the banana and I presume the hyena posters. Just like spamming gore in threads we don’t like. This all makes Sup Forums seem less appealing to normies. Do you get what I’m saying yet, retard? anybody with more than a couple brain cells and a few years of experience on this site would pick up on what I’m saying in a heartbeat, but not your dumb ass. wewwwww lad

You use that word a lot, but I think you're only speaking for yourself.

First year on 4ch, cunt?
It is flooded with bots, retard.
Just to make it look like it has any visitors whatsoever.

Cusses? Fucking christfag kys

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Like an old persons diaper it Depends on how long you've been here.
Sup Forums has definitely gone to shit.
I don't even fucking respond to anyone anymore unless there's something interesting going on.
The last good thread I saw was we (and yes if you're on Sup Forums you're part of we) managed to decipher some medal from the middle east which was written in sanskrit.
Yesterday there was a possible suicide and as far as I know nobody followed up on it.
Back in the day someone in the are would've drove out to the gps location and uploaded pics.

>tfw most of Sup Forums's population is now filled with normies

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Ok boomer


7's Sup Forums is miles better but slow as hell
At least there are some decent threads if you wanna be your personal content curator

This is what I'm talking about.
Trolling used to be an art, now it's just a weak form of insults to try and "trigger" people.
Happy new year.

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Oh fuck off nigger, if you want some edgy retard who thinks its trendy to post gore speaking for you that's your business

Christ and I thought I had issues.
Happy new year.

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Besides the banana and Log posters there used to be 3 other spam posters from the same variety which were
>Travis the fat tard wearing glasses with his 2 swords planted to the ground
>the scat poster
>the gore poster
Honorable mention going to
>spiderman posters

Honestly we need those spam posters more than ever
And even if i hate to admit it, that includes the log poster too

I kinda was the spark that started the yellow posters’ fire and i really hope someone else will be better than me to start another better and bigger fire that’ll burn that cancer for a new Sup Forums to rise from the ashes

Yeah its wack. The last time trolling wasnt wack was when it was still called flaming. Everything past 06 has been total shit.

Also, that based mod who started pruning and banning porn bread/posters

It never will you role playing faggot. New pop culture is facebook parrot bullshit. If 15 years have told you something it should be that we are in a constant decline. Nothing has ever managed to tip those scales back even a tiny little bit.

Yellow posting didn't really work it was more like herpes. It comes and goes.
I'm down with spiderman since it's a staple here.
I say bring it back and attack all the porn threads.

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Is this your "artful trolling" niggerfaggot?

Happy new years tho.

Sup Forums isn't like it used to be
discord dot gg / VWAAeVR

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This Sup Forumsro might very well be correct.
The last two propaganda threads I saw nothing really went down.
We had ideas and everything but the main issue here is internet rules 1 & 2 were violated.

We either find a new platform or do what other faggots are doing and find a platform to "raid" Sup Forums thinking pissing in an ocean of piss will help.

I hope all of you retard oldfag wannabes get banned permanently for spam

>artful trolling
No, artful trolling would be the other night when a few people convinced someone Madoka was a family friendly show and it gives off good vibes.
He probably already binge watched it all and is restarting it as we speak.
If you've been on Sup Forums long enough you'll know what stunts we used to pull off. It's a hive mind my dear.

>It never will you role playing faggot.
Where did you saw i was role playing you goddamn fucktard? I’m being serious
>New pop culture is facebook parrot bullshit.
It’s been this way for a long ass time, stop acting like it’s “new”, fuckface
>If 15 years have told you something it should be that we are in a constant decline.
I’ll be honest and say that i’ve been there on/off since 2008, make me and call me a newfag idgaf
>Nothing has ever managed to tip those scales back even a tiny little bit.
Yellow posters were a start, but for whatever fucking reasons, those who opposed it reported en mass the yellow posters to the point that mods were actively banning yellow threads and posters
Because we weren’t “following rules” when ironically most siding with the porn posters are constantly breaking “rules”

Then a couple of weeks ago, out of the fucking blue, a mod started banning/trolling/pruning porn posters
It lasted a night or 2 but if all of them would’ve participated and kept at it, maybe the board would be recovering

But whatever faggot, call me names all you want, i’m sick of the faggotry here and i want to have fun again without lurking for nothing
This place is akin to chasing the dragon and it’s been this way for too long

What do ya wanna talk about,OP?

Word but nobody is “old” enough to get it
Old timers who actually remember some of the better parts of Sup Forums seems to either lurk all the time and not saying/posting or they just aren’t there anymore
It’s a shame nobody wants to fight for this place anymore
It’s like everyone pulled out the white flag and called it a day and anyone trying to talk back will be made fun of or called a faggot
>inb4 faggot

Nice epeen you stupid fuck you aint shit none of your faggot discord role players were either. You got on here for the dying fucking exhale of internet culture. Its been long fucking gone for a long fucking time. There is exactly jack shit you can do. I advise going irl and seeing the fucking world.

Sup Forums was never good. I only come here for porn; everyone who regularly posts is too brain-dead for there to be any other point to it.

This thread fuckin blows

Nobody talks like this, awkward ass nostalgia fapping and pretentious cucks

Fuck you niggers

>Nice epeen you stupid fuck you aint shit none of your faggot discord role players were either.
Stop assuming shit that isn’t there and talking outta your ass, i don’t have discord, hell i don’t have facebook and i pretty much am a recluse, i fucking hate people
>You got on here for the dying fucking exhale of internet culture.
Nah fucker, i got on here because i kept being asked irl if i went on Sup Forums by “friends” i used to hang with
I kinda got why they were constantly asking me that for the longest time
>Its been long fucking gone for a long fucking time. There is exactly jack shit you can do. I advise going irl and seeing the fucking world.
Stop being a fucking defeatist, you just don’t care and are comfortable coming on her to lurk all those cuck and blacked threads you fucking troglodyte
I go outside everyday, i have a stable and good paying job and my own place
So keep seething in your mom’s basement but i’m still gonna believe that there is something to be done that requires a mass collaboration of some sort for people to provoke some change on here

I agree with everything you said Sup Forumsro.
The problem here is exactly that. We pulled out a whiteflag because of the sheer overwhelming numbers of people who come here to simply shitpost and ruin everything.
You could go into ANY thread trying to hold a basic conversation and you'll find about half of the responses are new/b/'s trying hard to grasp at our culture.

With that being said I don't think we can return to 05/06 but we can still keep an eye out for quality content.
Another issue here is anybody here from old/b/ most likely moved on or simply checks in once in awhile.
Some of us got a job, a family, bills to pay or just noticed how bad things got during gamergate.
Personally I will always check in just to see the state of things.

I will turn this car the fuck around if you two don't fucking behave.

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As fucking ridiculous as it sounds, we need to fight fire with fire
They spam fucking bullshit, porn, degeneracy day in and day out

Well, how about we just make it a point to make people’s duty to spam the fuck outta gay ass threads into oblivion?
I mean yeah it’s stupid and a ridiculous time consuming task but that would stir things up a bit and escalate to a point where eventually something would come out of it

I member when m00t was still around, that kinda shit just didn’t fly for too long
Except around late 2012, things really started to take a worse turn and it just went exponentially down each years until m00t checked out

Nowadays, mods don’t ever fucking interact or do they job, they’re just non existent
Gookm00t probably has something to do with it cause when m00t was around, mods were doing there jobs and occasionally interacting with us

>mods interacting with us
those were the days.
I remember a lot of shit they used to pull.
moot isn't coming back man. He was smart to pull out.