Why do Euros consider an a.c. unit to be a "luxury" item? How poor are they?
Why do Euros consider an a.c. unit to be a "luxury" item? How poor are they?
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Because they cost maybe a thousand euro and are only needed for maybe two weeks per year.
>mfw dad was super autistic about temperature
>mfw grew up in house with amazing heating/cooling
>mfw coming home to a perfectly cool house after being out all day in 40 degree heat and playing super Nintendo
> Worried about a grand
thanks for confirming how fucking poor you are
I am from the south, today it will be 99 with 77% humidity. Mean while drives of euros will drop dead on what to me is a less that average day. What a bunch of sissies.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
No problem.
Oregon fucking masterrace babydoll
>Why do Euros consider an a.c. unit to be a "luxury" item? How poor are they?
Remember that the EU banned vacuum cleaners, toasters and electric kettles that used too much power.
>tfw live in Houston and don't turn A/C on during summer
I like the heat.
well, at least we don't waste electricity.
never needed AC where I live, since average max temp is 23 and minimum is 12 (we do have heating).
Everyone in big cities does have AC however
Because we don't like in southern USA with 95% humidity and 40+ degrees every fucking summer.
I had an AC installed to put fresh air into my basement for reasons. It's pretty comfy in the summer.
Do they all need a hose that leads outside to this box with the fan in it? Or are there ones that you can just...put on a shelf? I'm shit with tools and too lazy to "install" something.
Call me a numale all you want, I want a solution that's as simple and quick as possible and I don't want to have to call some asshole to install it.
>Acting as though acclimatisation isn't a thing.
I enjoy the cold, hate the heat. Probably due to the whole climate I live in >340 days a year. I wonder if that's why you can deal with 37 degree heat.
It's very common to just get one that fits in a window. But you'd need a really big one and a special electrical outlet if you expected it to cool more than a few rooms.
You make me embarrassed to be an American. There are plenty of parts of the northern states that air conditioning isn't mandatory. Go with your mom to buy school books.
hvacfag here
yes, there are units that can fit in windows, the front end spits out cooled air & the ass end pushes heat out the window. theyre pretty popular in some areas of the country. i dont know how easy or cheap they are to get over there, though.
My place doesn't get overly hot. It's pretty comfy in hot weather really.
Besides we construct houses/flats/appartments pretty damn well against heat/cold and the like. Specially here in the Netherlands, AC is simply not needed apart from offices at times.
Gotta pay for Ahmed's free givemedats. Swedes do not have any money on pay day.
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Apparently there are also cheap ones that you can roll around like a little oven. Probably shitty, but maybe enough for one room and only 2 weeks max/year.
Short answer: cause it's not that hot