If you smoke weed you are a filthy degenerate...

If you smoke weed you are a filthy degenerate, marijuana is one of the worst drugs that you can take and destroys peoples lives.

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Ok boomer

How about you fuck off back to twitter newbie

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If you inject even one marijuana it turns you gay.

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obvious troll is obvious. sage for gay.

Tylenol is safer then the devils lettuce.

Ok pothead

>Partaking of the herbal jew
How about a no...

troll, probably thinks meth is better

all drugs are bad user

I tried marijuana now I’m a gay nigger with aids. You do the math.

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u guys like my weed im growing

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what strain, please dont have one of those gay ass names like double daddy purple spicy kush


Weed is over hyped and gay

whos life?

I blaze every day and keep my shit together, pay my taxes, and keep in good shape. Its kind of like food.... some can eat and stay skinny, some people become giant fatasses.

it saved my life.

How did it save your life. Maybe it can save mine too.

You know what? I would be triggered but I didn't smoked one joint this year.

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Its.def.not purple its under a uv light

Kek fpbp


Weed sucks I quit 3 months ago and I can tell who smokes weed just by how much they complain about gay shit or how much they just suck in general.

You haven't gained any perspective. You're just an irritable cunt now. Enjoy sobriety bitch.

>t. typical angry stoner


Yeah happens to a friend every time he injects the marijuana he tries to suck my dick

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weed is something you do early on in life because it's enjoyable but at a certain point you're supposed to get over it. if you're over 30 and still smoking weed, something is definitely wrong.

Well its legal on a federal level in my country. I trust my politicians so yeah

Weed is the biggest cope. You’re approaching 30, sitting on a gross couch in a shitty apartment, out of shape, playing video games, hanging out with other losers, talking only about memories from the past because you haven’t done anything notable in 7 years. Weed keeps you an eternal man-child and nobody respects that.

Im in my 40’s and i smoke daily. Its how real people unwind after working real man jobs. I bet i’ll out live you, im stress free


Libertas Summum Bonum

nice b8 m8

>tfw your millennial brother(older by 9 years) actually believes this
>tfw you pay to go on a vacation even though I don't have much money.
>w/e think it'll be a fun time so money well spent
>Decide to bring a dab pen to help me sleep and eat since both are an issue for me. We get a three story house for a week in a super redneck area in N Carolina.
>a few others bring up weed, they seem cool about it, so I offer them my pen and they're all impressed
>feels good coming in clutch for those in need
>tfw your ww2 veteran based grandpa dies a few days into the vacation
>already depressed but it kicked me while I was down
>The next night, I went to my room to pee and hit the pen before dinner. I went up stairs and he went into my room just after and smelled it due to it not airing out yet. Dab pens usually don't smell for very long but apparently it doesn't clear out in 2 minutes
>he runs up the stairs and starts flipping shit on me in front of everyone
>actually shaking, can't even think straight, can only choke out ok ok.
>we go back home the next day and I have to ride shotgun with this guy on a 12 hour drive.
>he was so mad at me he brought it up to our mom right after discussing my grandpa's funeral plans with us, not even a week after he passed.
>my mom didn't even care, I'm an adult and weed isn't a serious offense.
>He starts rattling off reasons why I'm a piece a shit
>tries to argue that my baby niece could've gotten into it.
>the pen was in my pocket 90% of the trip, 10% of the time I put it underneath my clothes, inside my bag, zipped up, on top abnormally tall beds, and even closed the door for good measure. As if a 1 year old with almost no motor function is gonna find it.
>instant flash backs of most of the horrible things he did to me from 4-9. Realize he's the one who turned me into a robot by destroying my self confidence and beating me during my early childhood.
>blow up on him at this as the memories continue to flood in

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no way anyone is going to read that

Weed was fine until my friend got hostile at me because I couldn't get him his "fix" he was saying its my fault that he couldn't sleep, fuck off if you need weed that bad maybe its time to quit.

Boomer here. Smoke daily. Feels good.

my therapist will lmao

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Smoke weed every day till I die

I got a pet goat cuz his favourite thing is grass too

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weed smoker here my life was pre destroyed lol

yea and meth,coke,herorin are much better for you

lava cake

You're mean

I have severe depression and literally can't make it am entire day without the medicinal effects of marijuana so go kill yourself.

Then what happened? Did you smash his face?
I did.

Nearly threw up

I gave up booze for new year reso. Getting “can’t finish a sentence stoned” in place of booze at my buddies banger. Just saying

What happens when you quit?
I need to after starting again last July.
I get insomnia and constant chills or temperature flashes.
Can't eat, can't think, always angry..
I don't wanna do this again

I agree, every pot head acts the same way, believes the same shit and is fucking lazy.

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In my country, is legal and is very usual to smoke on high school doors entrance, i could say that the 60% off young people smoke

>Did you smash his face?
You'll probably be disappointed lmao
I'm a skelly with zero muscle, there's no chance so I was gonna hurt him with words. I start thinking of the most hurtful thing I could say to him, came up with a few on the spot. Then all my rage became sadness. Sad that I was born into this family. Sad that after all I did for him (I constantly did him favors) he still treats me poorly, sad that all I wanted was brother that loved me as much as I tried to love him. Sad that whatever caused him to beat me as a child was the reason my life was a constant struggle. Both I couldn't do anything to stop as a kid. Knowing it's not my fault doesn't help. I actually wish it was, then I'd have an actual reason to hate myself. Looking back on my actions as a child, all I ever did was try to get him to like me. I never stood a chance.
In that moment, I let it all go. I didn't hate him for it, but I'm never going to love him as I did. I pussied out of a suicide 3 weeks later and got locked up in the ward for a few days.
He's been trying to talk to me but I don't respond anymore. Christmas/thanksgiving were both awkward as hell. I'm waiting for my therapist to have an opening atm
Next time on DRAGON BALL Z
Will user kill himself?
Will user's brother burn for his sins?
Tune in to find out

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>I trust my politicians so yeah

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Brother hates me, I only realized it after his yelling over smelling weed in my room. Triggered flashbacks that I've forgotten. Maybe weed really is bad.

I take that last part back. Weed is fine, my life just sucks