

Attached: Kangaroo island.jpg (248x204, 6K)

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Attached: 1484039999650.png (334x308, 7K)

the australian niggas be burning

and nothing of value was lost

Ok Satan see you at the pub later. Beers on me

You'll be sorry when theres no boomerangs to take out your kangaroos.

I'm about there. We're fine.

Attached: aus.jpg (248x204, 12K)

Yo he flipped the whole country upsidown

Im in Melbourne and it fkn sucks to go outside because of the smoke

Dont go outside.
Problem solved.

According to the axis of the earth and our relative perception of "up and "down" it should really be on a angle anywhere from 23.5 to -23.5 depending on the current angle of the Earth. And even then "up" and "down" is subjective and we could have perceived it as being completely opposite when we first founded cosmology. Good day to you dumb American shit.

Libertas Summum Bonum

We just had fires in our ranges but it was put out a few days ago. Wishing you some rainy days from the other side of the island :)

Attached: ED6A0122-E2CD-439B-B05D-8A5CFDF40780.jpg (473x720, 46K)

Ironically, I went outside to have a smoke.

Any vetraranar veteraneri fuck spell check.
Any animal doctors here ?
I just found a hedgehog lying like a cat on the grass in 35c heat. Sick?
I went and got it a saucer of cold milk but gone when I came back.
Guess it’s hot so put on garden sprinklers for half hour. Left saucer.
Will it be ok do you think?

Theres a ghost in that photo

If it was capable enough to get up and leave I'd say it's ok. If not it'll be somewhere in the nearby vicinity.



Theres no hedgehogs in Australia, so i dont fkn know. Do you mean echidna? If so, they should be right to find some cover


Further to last
What’s that shit hedgehogs have? Not koala syphallis but maybe tuberculosis?
Still can’t spell Animal Dr properly fuck it all, thanks James Beam.

Dr Harry, that's how you spell Animal Dr.

Nearby is bee heaven.
Only for Alive bees.
I’ll have a look and film or cos I’ll probably get stung the fuck out of, but will be funny for you : )

Best song.

Before you ask, I don’t know who she is, I assume she’s in a burns victims unit right now.

Attached: 598B00A7-6040-4ACD-9D0C-9F6A4F1AA256.jpg (720x712, 78K)

Na nz here.
It’s like a dwarf echidna.

Aussie's ability to take the piss out of themselves is second to none.

Eh Milk? How bout fkn water, Water

Apparently, fires are gonna go on for a few more weeks before they are controlled.

Going by the TV , these probably 15 - 20 yrs ago

You're fucking retarded. We're not exactly burning alive out here. There'd be more degenerate fucks choking to death on a big mac in the last hour than we've lost to bush fires in the last 3 decades you dumb American trash. Gu beck to yaw dawdge pick ep treck aynd skidaddle, ya'll hev a gewd dayh naow ya 'ear!?

I’m not a vet bro, I figure cats n dogs n pigs n cows like milk, hedgehog is mammal so same?
If it’s a bit fucked could probably do with some calcium n shit too.
Sound logic?

Deliver! Haha

Just need nudes now

Fuck it I’m just gonna leave a hose running in saucer.
Darwin can decide.

Water would be the go bro :)

Water the milk down, half half
It's probably heading to water anyways, in the wild, they can only get water lol

Fuckers all over me before I even hit record.
Did a little strip dance across garden, don’t think neighbours saw. I hope.

Water flowing as per pic
Up to Hogwart now.
Seems like name is in order.

Oops pic

Attached: DCF9FD3A-5950-4EE7-93F9-409011F07162.jpg (640x480, 121K)

Pic upside down because you’re in northern hemisphere.

Nice garden dude.
Yea we see everything upside down, the blood is always rushing to our heads. When we shit or vomit it ends up all over us.