Brilliant speaker
Famous Melania Trump Quotes
Man I really feel like Trump is losing steam. He's got all these preventable flubs fucking up his campaign.
Within 24 hours no one will care about this
She predicted 9/11 holy shit
No one cares now. It's just the usual media-forced nonsense.
she could do the four score speech and the trumptards wouldn't care
wtf, I hate Trump! Now I'm a Hillcunt faggot.
>OP is a faggot
t. Melania Trump
i feel so fucking bad for melania im about to cry, why is everyone being so mean to her? she's so sweet and nice.
we need to push this meme. Call all who insult Melania misogynists who hated Ghostbusters
It's just the usual liberal BS. They have to focus on non-issues to distract from how awful Shillary is.
Trump has already done such a good job of destroying the media's credibility that it isn't really effective anymore.
wtf I trust kikes slightly less now
What happened? Are people pissing and moaning like children because she said a world-famous and true quote from a former president?
Why won't people grow the fuck up?
I feel like I'm Sheriff Thompson surrounded by infantile kids.
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.
>sweet and nice
>literally has to let a 86 year old diseased man stick his small limped dick into her for 5 minutes until he squeezes out a pathetic orgasm because she is in love with being rich
nope. she is a stupid whore.
Plagerism is the highest of crimes in academia it's no wonder they are freaking out over it. That's all they drill into college kids until papers are nothing but citations.
She gave a great speech which shared structural similarities with Michael Obama's. So naturally the unbiased media went into overdrive trying to make out the entire thing was plagiraized. What we're seeing on Twitter at the moment is the half-arsed effects of that particular dog whistle.
Of course, if the unbiased mass media were actual journalists they'd be digging into Hillary's litany of crimes and demanding to see every cent of Trump's tax returns for the past decade. But no.
You do realize people have been arrested and jailed before because of plagiarism, right?
Ofcourse you don't understand that because you are an underage faggot, that is brainwashed by the alt right cuckold republican movement. You think actions do not have repercussions and that you can get away with anything you want. Sorry kid ,but this isn't how life works.
Agreed. Her voice was so qt during the speech and she seems so nice.
How much money did she make off that speech?
>spends 20 minutes talking about coming to America as a Legal immigrant.
>at the end says something along the lines of, "I support my husband! He is a good, honest man!"
>Michelle once said something like, "I support my husband! He is a good, honest man!"
>libtards think this is a big deal
Seriously, I live in Austin, and even my libshit friends think this sperging out over a common anecdotal is fucking retarded.
Also, I think it's pretty fucking hilarious how libshits immediately turn on an immigrant the moment she doesn't follow their narrative.
Tanaka is a qt
who is this trump stumper