Why do we cheat?

Why do we cheat?

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Because it feels good

because people want to be entertained and they make secret lives and even if they are found out it causes huge drama and they get off on it

Makes you feel so alpha, I have fucked 10 girls behind my gf's back.

if she cheated on you would you leave her or would you guilt her into doing shit for you?

I would guilt her and then probably dump her. What would you do? I'm thinking I would make her watch me fuck her friend or something in a situation like that.

if my girl ever cheated on me i would prob guilt her into letting me fuck a relative of hers, then dump her after

Romantic love only lasts 3 years, 5 tops. People cheat because they think that feeling is suppose to last the rest of their lives, and that's just wrong. Spend 5 years with a significant other and if by some miracle that romantic love has evolved into a platonic love marry them.

Cause I am trying to find a new job, and I need to make an impression somehow.


is that why most people get married at 2 years? they notice a decline and think marriage will save everything?

you a girl?

not actually true though. Romantic infatuation lasts only 2 to 3 years. Love lasts forever.

My man. Do you cheat too?

Most people are inherently polygamous/polyandrous and we're just trying to live up to the contrived social expectation of monogamy. We're all animals just doing what we're programmed to do. If you feel like banging, bang on.

Honeymoon phase is just chemicals getting us to pair. I'd never get any work done if that phase lasted. Then you grow old and bond together like family. It's great. Married 10 years here and love it.

All the times I have it just happened and I didn't want to miss out so I did. Not only that but I feel like the intensity and energy is way different when you're not supposed to fuck that person.

I think it has to do with a guy not wanting to raise another mans kid, while a woman knows her kid is hers, a man doesn't know unless he gets DNA test

are you monogamous? do you think friendship keeps your relationship healthy? how often do you have sex?

Because we aren't wired nor hardly encouraged in our cultures to stick with one person for any extended period of time

not in a relationship right now but i get off fucking married women and girls in long term relationships, just the thrill she is willing to risk her livelihood and her family for me just makes me diamonds

Same and the fact she chose me over all of the other guys she could've fucked.

have a vasectomy if you don't want kids or save up to afford a dna test if you do want them and have the kid tested as soon as possible. Make it clear from the start of the relationship and they'll either not date you or know you can't be tricked

That's my favorite. I especially love using taken girls hard, maybe leaving a mark they have to worry about. Based.

i like to leave little pinch marks on her ass, sometimes they get mad but they are usually in too much ecstasy and it leaves a mark for a long ass time depending on how long and hard i pinched it for,

because if she cheats on my at least I'll feel we are even