The Buddha said 'We suffer because we desire. If you can give up desire, you won't suffer...

The Buddha said 'We suffer because we desire. If you can give up desire, you won't suffer.' But he didn't say that as the last word; he said that as the opening step of a dialogue. Because if you say that to someone, they're going to come back after a while and say 'Yes, but now I'm desiring not to desire.' And so the Buddha will answer, 'Well at last you're beginning to understand the point.' Because you can't give up desire. Why would you try to do that? It's already desire. So in the same way you say 'You ought to be unselfish' or to give up your ego. Let go, relax. Why do you want to do that? Just because it's another way of beating the game, isn't it? The moment you hypothesize that you are different from the universe, you want to get one up on it. But if you try to get one up on the universe, and you're in competition with it, that means you don't understand you ARE it. You think there's a real difference between 'self' and 'other.' But 'self,' what you call yourself, and what you call 'other' are mutually necessary to each other like back and front. They're really one. But just as a magnet polarizes itself at north and south, but it's all one magnet, so experience polarizes itself as self and other, but it's all one. If you try to make the South Pole defeat the North Pole, or get the mastery of it, you show you don't know what's going on.

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My parents are getting a divorce user.

it's easy for the Buddha to talk shit about desire. his parents were rich.

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bruh my dick doesn't work most days, come back when YOU have a problem. Your parents problems are not yours, you are you and when your dick stops working then you can complain

We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.

I think in a language that was not given to my by society.

Thanks for posting it

>it's another way of beating the game, isn't it? The moment you hypothesize that you are different from t
ok, i accept all that. now tell me how can I use your wisdom to crush my enemies most efficiently and make many children?

He gave up his weath and title but deisire and wealth are differnt. By not haveing desires itonly really makes less suffering with some things. Desireing what others have or skills etc. Isnt the best thing.
Wants a desires wint always kead to suffuring but unobtainable ones will.

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TLDR: We suffer.

Know rhis is Taoist but it sort of fits.
To Taoist competing at mediation

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start with the jews. and the niggers. it's life on easy street after you eradicate these two groups of cocksuckers.

lol, how long did it take you to meditate to come to that conclusion?

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17 years of meditation. jews and niggers are continuously trying to get one over on the universe. they exist only to attempt to subvert their surrounding instead of existing in harmony with it, which is toxic and destructive.


Agreed. But where does society get their ideas? Straight from religion.

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here we see the jewnigger attempting to subvert the conversation. never mind that we are all one part of the same universe experiencing itself, still he insists on attempting to gain the upper hand over... what? his own self manifested through the same universe we are all created from? the jewnigger defies all attempts to integrate with his surroundings and embrace true tolerance and acceptance instead attempting to control and defeat his own reflection.

No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is. This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.


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wtf is this thread? all we need is sexism and we hit the offensive bingo

shitposting is Taoism manifest. sexism has not and will never play into it, silly unenlightened plebeian fool.

Your body does not eliminate poisons by knowing their names. To try to control fear or depression or boredom by calling them names is to resort to superstition of trust in curses and invocations. It is so easy to see why this does not work. Obviously, we try to know, name, and define fear in order to make it “objective,” that is, separate from “I.”

oi, say that to my face you cunt!

>He gave up his weath and title

but he always had the option of apologizing and going back.

> but deisire and wealth are differnt.

wealthy people experience less desire, because they have all they need. they aren't going to be executed for stealing a loaf of bread.

My issue with this has always been that suffering is portrayed to be a bad thing. I think suffering is necessary for forward movement. Like your feet hurting when you walk. What's the point of feeling no desires? Might as well keel over and die. I have plenty of time not to suffer when I'm dead. Right now I want to experience this beautiful bizarre thing called life, and suffering is a part of the experience.

so we're just mocking religions now? i vote for more atheists defining atheist threads

A further irony is that meditation doesn't empty the mind (only sleep does that) but rather shifts its activity toward less verbal modes of thinking. It substitutes daydreaming for those lacking the aptitude, or circumstances in which solitude is within easy reach, at the slightest movement of the desire for quiet. Social as the human animal is, the incessant clamor of villages and strife of intrigue--court or political--have always been a curse from which civilized men feel the need for episodes of relief from. The mind looks elsewhere, mostly to nature, but it continues looking.

Did you not read Alan Watt's quote though? He's saying it doesn't matter either way.

Desire, don't desire. It doesn't take or add anything. They're simply two ways of living. One isn't right as much as one isn't wrong.

Might as well become a tranny then

This will be my last bit of wisdom my friends of Sup Forums. Thank you for joining my thread.

If you cannot trust yourself, you cannot even trust your mistrust of yourself – so that without this underlying trust in the whole system of nature you are simply paralyzed.

>TLDR: We suffer.
No, more like "we suffer, and that's okay"

This is not my last piece of wisdom Sup Forums I have time to answer all of your questions, this poor fellow is an impostor and I pity him

My grinding is slow

But the tranny is patient

And rethoric. My thesis is that original thoughts don't exist, it's all based on previous experience. If you belive you are having an original idea, then it's probably fragmented ideas gathering around a belief catalyst

Also, checked


On what days does your dick works?