At least you were tolerant I guess lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
>says the one with a Nigerian Muslim as president
These things are only happening because we aren't tolerant enough
hush now pedro
only walls now pedro
At least he didn't have a gun.
>Mexico throwing shit at USA
>Colombia throwing shit at Mejico
t. United States of Africa
>his president is a nigger muslim
>has the biggest black population outside of Africa
>white children already a minority
>rampant crime
>pinnacle of all degenerate movements (gays, BLM, SJWs, trannies in the army, etc.)
>talks shit about other countries.
Oh and let's not forget that your census counts the whole of North Africa and the middle East as "white".
60% my ass. You are probably less than 50% already
If you call that throwing shit.
Pretty much this.
America by now is not different that any other country in the Americas.
This is a doom continent
Isn't Argentina one of the whitest countries in the continent though? You have very few nigs and just some natives, right?
None at all. At least none borned here
The whole North and half of the south of the country is native.
Nah m8, we are white hispanic. We have the 3rd biggest % of white after America and Canada though.
What are the whitest areas there? I have relatives living there but never visited them
i'm just happy my shithole of a country isn't appealing enough to the towelheads.
Same here. Considering moving to avoid witnessing happening from too close, I got invited too.
h-how big is your dick, Columbia senpai?
Italians will make Argentina great again
No one will reach your death toll record t bh haha
At least we went to war, what the fuck have you done turbocuck?
Don't make comparaison. Muslim literally destroyed 4 of your building and killed 3 000 of your citizens
You just need to live with islamic terrorism. It's (current year) for allah's sake.
>trannies in the army
that's a joke, right?
FPÖ will be elected. Austrian patriots will get rid of the migrant problem. Don't worry.
kill yourself pathetic stutter poster
>Less white
>Still the best country in the world
How's it feel?
>Italians aren't white
>white hispanic
>Implying the US wasn't doomed because Booth shot Lincoln before he could complete deporting the former slaves back to Africa.
We've been doomed for over 100 years because of that dumbfuck JWB.
What happened?
This sucks.
>At least we went to war
For what result except dead american soldiers ?
>Still the best country in the world
Because you are still leeching off of the hard work of the previous generations. You will be Brazil 2.0 in 20 years
>Italians aren't white
Well, we are according to your government :^)
Piles of dead kebab
I believe the results will be fucking hilarious though.
>Transsexual individual gets captured by ISIS
>Gets Raped
>Finds out it's really a man posing as a woman
>Tranny or ISIS soldier gets executed for homosexual behavior
Dear God, what now?
It's seems to be totally insignificant today though.
Hopefully but wouldn't count on it, the FPÖ was already in the government and proved to be fucking retarded back then.
We should amp it up like we did in WWII with firebombing entire cities and towns. Roast Kebab en masse...
Leave that region a scorched wasteland.
>Well, we are according to your government :^)
When Shillary becomes president she will tell you the same thing,John.
fresh oc right here
Seriously, what happened?
time isn't on your side desu
>the celebrations of the Bastille Day in France
>people surrender
kek, seriously though, France, do something about this.
It's too much to handle if you don't know yet.
Leave Sup Forums for today and check back in one week.
>tfw 2nd generation beaner
>grandparents immigrated here, made something of themselves
>tfw reaping the benefits of their hardwork and watching fellow beans slowly become majority across country
Thank the Walloons for the current onslaught of Muslim BS.
They took them in during times when labor was needed for factory work.
They then outsourced the factories but kept the Muslims in the country.
Nice fucking job Walloons, you single -handedly fucked over France and put it on the path to a new Caliphate in a generation
don't forget to clean my toilet
I'm very proud we are able to make those islamic youths feel at home and let them establish their valued culture here, it's enriching our otherwise rather boring days with new experiences.
Shouldn't you be in line for bread?
Ti brucia il culo, Mario?
It resulted in the biggest chaos arab countries have ever been through. They will never get back from the disaster caused by American in their countries and they will eternally stay butthurt.
What? Anoither stabbed mother and daughter? ...sigh.. ok, boss...
>Any good
pick one.
and you have niggers going apeshit allover the US of A, killing cop killing whites stealing and rioting destroying your cities? are you saying your country is better then eurabia just now? becouse if so you are delusional, you are as fucked as the eurabia is m8, and at least in eurabia there still are countries where shitskins and niggers are pretty much non-existent and you what do you have in your US of a? Crime, terrorism violence in a daily basis. Is that anyhow better
You are at the edge of RAEC WAR NAO
>fun times everywhere
Nope. I just find it ridiculous that the USA shits on any other country for their demographics. You are the first white country to turn brown, yet you are too busy shitting on others to care
it was great when?