You all had your chance to have a respectable first lady and you blew it. Apologize. Now.
You all had your chance to have a respectable first lady and you blew it. Apologize. Now
I always believed in you Jeb
Shut your fucking mouth Jeb, your wife looks like a fucking Uruk Hai you fucking loser
t. George Bush
Thanks. Remember: slow and steady wins the race.
Would have helped human-goblin relations probably
I was a jebhead once until i stopped slaming guac and realized what i was doing
I miss him
How much therapy do you think he had to go through over Trump's annihilation of him? He just wanted to follow in his brother's steps and impress his dad one last time.
Jeb will be a great president for the next 100 years.
Man i want to see a sex tape of these two for science reasons
A 69 must be 34.5
Holy shit. Thank you.
Trump's not the nominee yet. Jeb can still win this thing.
I'm sorry Jeb.
I bet thats a reason he lost. Jebs people should of told her to get some work done.
She's like a little goblin...
A cock goblin...
He should have married a retired escort like our former federal president.
nobody wants jeb and his goblin housemaid wife
No I won't apologize because I've done nothing wrong *+420 Stumped*
I miss him for the sake of memes and ¡Yeb!core songs.
What the Fuck were we going to do with Half a First Lady?
>Uruk Hai
kek'd out loud
I swear, once Trump wins and doesn't change anything, Sup Forums will get contrarian once again and there will Jeb memes saying things like "You chose this" and "You only had to listen".
Screencap this, I dare you.
you're retarded
Fucking Consuelo, fuck that.
What's up with new do? Got the beehive going on.
Si, Way Low!
>be Jeb
>fall for the latina meme
Learn from his mistake, friends
They've already been around.
Oh man, I'm a Bushboner now.
you're walking around with a bunch of turtles in your pocket?
Even though he didn't believe in himself.
Please clap.
Can you guys imagine this 4 foot goblinoid trying to give rousing speeches to the nation?
She looks like she should be wrapping burritos at a tourist food Stanton in Tijuana
She doesn't speak English. Jeb isn't even allowed to speak English at home.
In Jeb's America people wouldn't speak English either.