wow this explains everything.
Wow this explains everything
The sheriff's a nigger
most black men that have a brain want to fuck and marry white women too, can you blame them? Who would want to fuck and marry a black woman? Literally who?
The nigger got himself some prime Aryan ass, good for him.
>suck the sheriffs dick bitch
Hold it, or the nigger gets it!
Up yours nigger
this tea party meme again. no one wants less government. we want government on OUR side not the others.
He his not very black.
Not the niggest, from far.
lol fuck off.
And his offspring will only be half-dirty as apposed if he married another negress.
We the people are the government you un american cuck
>black man who has a white wife argues with a black gay man who has a white boyfriend.
What a time to be alive.
The antisemitism in that photo I just can't even.
what is it?
I love how the left fought for interracial relationships only to ridicule them when it doesn't fit their narrative.
Who's Don's boyfriend?
Get fucked kid
Last time I checked it was a choreographer named John Byrne. He might be with someone else now though.