I've been smoking about 1 or 2 grams of weed every day for the past 15 years. I'm 32

I've been smoking about 1 or 2 grams of weed every day for the past 15 years. I'm 32.

How fucked am I? Is my brain basically mush at this point and I'm completely fucked?? Am I going to be a drooling braindead zombie by age 40 and have to spend the rest of my days in a psych ward or what?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-04 Can marijuana kill you .png (937x625, 850K)

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Stop smoking? You’ll be fine retard

I'm amazed you're even alive

I know, I am fine.

What I am trying to ask is if I am fucked in the long term.

What's the worst that could happen if I keep smoking weed every day? Srsly, worst case scenario

most likely nothing

Yeah. I've seen plenty of old people who have been stoners for decades. You don't see old alcoholics or crack addicts, that's for sure.
Still, my doctor talks all gloom and doom about continued weed use. As long as I don't abuse shatter, hash and pure kief too much I think I'll probably be fine... right?


Out of curiosity, take a free IQ test online and post results. Only way to see.

Yeah, I don't think those free online IQ tests are accurate in any way. Plus, they're usually not free. If you want to find one for me the actually is free, post up a link here fam.

And yes, take the test when you're not stoned.

Do I look like Google to you, bitch?

Um... you told me to take an online IQ test. I never wanted to take one. I'm not going to search for one, because that was your suggestion. Your idea, not mine.

That's why you should supply the link... see what I'm saying? Sheesh....

It’s a medicine and the sacrament in multiple religions.

You asked the fucking question about your mental state. How are we supposed to know unless you provide some actual data.

My best friend was like you. Smoked weed everyday for 15 years. Once he couldn't afford it anymore he eventually killed himself. Be careful with that shit if you're dependent on it.

if u smoke joints, cancer is a possybility...and long time effects on ur brain, its hard to say, There are few studies in this regard, but it is an accepted fact that can affect short-term memory ... from there on, u should not have problems, unless there is a history of mental illness in your family, u would have genetic predisposition and consumption of a psychoactive could trigger a pathology ...

Just stop smoking. It really is that easy. Quit being a degenerate pussy and harness your willpower.

What kind of date would be accceptable to you?

Why don't you post a link for an IQ test me me to take? Since you wanted your curiosity satisfied. How can I satisfy that curiosity? You tell me because I don't know.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-01-04 b - I've been smoking about 1 or 2 grams of weed every - Random - 4chan.p (1983x309, 251K)

as long as you dont mind being stupid as hell, you should be fine, there is also chance of getting schizophrenia

*what kind of data

You should post next thread in 15 years cuz im interested too

You're already a retard wastoid. Sorry not sorry

>chance of getting schizophrenia
Evidence? You made the assertion so it's now your job back up your claim with some evidence.

It's not my job to research and support your argument for you, especially when I disagree with your opinion.

Try this.

15 years of smoking and you don't know how the chemicals in weed work? Humans are meant to smoke weed, look up a thing called the Endobacannabanoid system.

From 2 grams a day of kush? No. The way it damages developing brains appears to be that it interferes with the process of the brain reducing in the number of cells. Basically you don’t get streamlined. Smoke after it’s developed and there isn’t much change.

That is some already disproven and boomer level myth right there

Probably nothing. You'll do better at shit if you stop though. Only thing you really lost is being slightly better at shit this whole time.

humans are meant to process opioids.

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Buddy first of all it's 1am and I have to work tomorrow. Second, you would have no baseline comparison because I'm not sober. What would you compare the data to? Nothing, because it would take some time to sober up. We're not gonna determine anything tonight because you have know way of knowing if I am retarded, drugs or no drugs.

How did you not think about this?

lol what? you must be from an illegal state. where I live in cali its very common knowledge that long term heavy weed use causes no real significantly impactful problems

Ummm that’s like saying we were meant to take Xanax because of the benzodiazepine receptors are there.

Only a matter of time before you are diagnosed with COPD. I really can't say I've ever heard of anyone that smokes weed getting lung cancer, but I do know someone that got copd

Nope. I quit cigarettes and I only vape weed now.

Next retarded statement? Fucking idiots.

Heart damage. It raises your risk of heart disease some. Not as much as obesity


See above post

Come on, the Jew York Times are not a legit source of news.

Where are the hospitals and state homes full of the people who destroyed their minds with weed? If it weed really that dangerous why would it be legal in Canada Paraguay and many US states?

idk nigga just fucking search it up you lazy piece of shit, you posted thread with question, i gave you awnser what the fuck do you want me to do? oh sure evidence, just search it up

Yeah okay.
I'm gonna spend the next hour researching shit to support your lazy half-argument. Okay kid. Okay.

Well I did it. Only got 64%...

you cant argue with trips

Yeah, your brain isn't mush because of the weed, it's what you chose to do after smoking. Which I assume was play video games and jerk off.

not really

No, I usually make supper, do housework and go to bed on time

Are you calling weed an opioid...?

You faggot. Why should he have to research your bullshit point?

Too lazy to read the whole thread, but I've legitimately encountered a negative side effect with cannabis. It's cross potency makes me more resilient to sedatives.
I went in to surgery for a cardiac mapping, (catheter electrodes in your jugular and femoral arteries), and I gotta say that shit fucking sucked being awake for.
The anesthesiologist just shook his head and apologized for not asking prior, but I know he didn't mind too much. He got paid for 2 doses either way.

nothing much will happen
you might have memory problems and if you ever stop smoking youll have withdrawals

>You don't see old alcoholics
seen plenty of 70-80 year old alcoholics
they usually die of liver failure or some type of cancer though

>it has OID dude that means opioid dude

I've only seen elderly alcoholics

Ever been inside a casino?

I knew a guy who died at age 29 of meningitis.

Probably had a weakened immune system due to his alcoholism. Guy would sometimes drink a 15 pack of beer in one night.

>15 pack a night
That's it? Jesus, I need to slow down.
Also, where do you live that has 15 packs?

I have up after many many years of heavy usage. I'm fairly sure it slightly fucked my short term memory. I've not had any for half a year and thinking about it I think it's got better.

If you're that worried about your brain melting deffo read up on microdosing and lionsmane.

Not him, but the only place I've seen 15 packs is as special offers to boost sales of a specific brand.

Province of Ontario; Canada

>Endobacannabanoid system.
no, it only has that name because the enzyme pathway was discovered through researched focused on cannabinoids and the indigenous substrate of the pathway wasn't discovered yet.

The natural human ligand of cannabinoid receptors is anandamide and its related molecules. Cannabinoids just mimic these ligands close enough in molecular structure that they activate the pathway artificially.

TL;DR: Naming conventions in biology are confusing and not helpful to understanding what's going on in the body sometimes.

yea really not that much beer compared to what many Sup Forumstards consider a workday dinner

Been smoking for a solid 20 years. Slight short term memory issues but not enough to be a problem.

that would be a very indirect death from alcohol though.
many alcoholics can drink huge amounts of alcohol and live until their liver gets cirrhosis at an old age.

You’re already there, if you’re fine then you’re fine.

This only happens to retards who were worthless without weed anyway.

I smoke way more than that daily and function. Own my own company and make bank doing something I love.

No. No. No. No. /thread

15 packs are for pussies gotta go 18 or higher

Not meaning to brag, but I seem to have an eidetic memory with above average memory for detail. Could work on accuracy and recall speed, what I'm saying is my mental functions seem normal/possible above normal.
Imagine if I quit using weed altogether, I might be a Rembrandt or Van Gogh lololol

...you are in a psych ward now, you just do not realize it...

Well where's my special dietary requests? Nurse!! I asked for almond milk and gluten free bread! NURSE!!!

No. That’s not how weed works. You smoked 2 grams a day of dry herb. Not concentrate.

same here actually. faggot.

I've been on that ward 3-5 times. I'd realize it.

Ever read fight club? The end where he’s in the ward and thinks he’s in heaven.

Only seen the movie...

smoked weed daily since 13 years old.
done grad degrees at ivy leagues.
just balance weed with lifting/running and the mind stays strong

Different than the book. He doesn’t even murder anyone in the movie

I've been smoking for over a decade and also did well academically. I'll be graduating this year. Already got hired doing what I went to school for.

From my long term use weed was more of a physical health problem than a mental ones

Yeah, I watched the Cinefix video about the differences. Are any of Chuck's other books any good?
I almost bought Choke (is that what it's called) once but I ended up buying Tom Robbins instead (and man am I glad I did)

Haunted is fun. Lullaby is okay and Rant would make a great movie. One of the stories out of Haunted was published in Playboy and is still free online. chuckpalahniuk.net/features/shorts/guts Enjoy. It’s a funny one.

Oh, I think I read Rant. Christmas trees on top of cars and shit, right? Rabies or something. That was good. Maybe I'll check out more.

Start with chuckpalahniuk.net/features/shorts/guts


Give your body a full year to repair the neural pathways and decide if you want to keep smoking and why. Weed is not bad, you are just a filthy addict.

Honestly, I've written about this before. I smoked for 11 years, daily. No problems. Until halfway through year 11.
I started seeing shit and hearing shit, went into a psychotic state and had to get booked into a psych ward for a few months.
I was told it was a temporary psychosis actually caused by cannabis. When I was in the hospital, the symptoms slowly went away. They're still there- though never as bad as when I blaze again (which I rarely ever do anymore).
I have no mental illnesses that run in my family. Wasn't on any meds or did heavy drugs.
I dunno man, you'll probably be good. But it's not always safe for everyone. It might never affect you in this way. It might be the first time. It could take you longer than a decade like it did for me. Just know pot isn't some entirely harmless thing.

Same, took them three doses to put me under for my wisdom teeth. I wasn't sure if it was the daily weed use

Shut the fuck up and settle down idiot you’re fine. I’ve been smoking hella weed for the same amount of time and I make 120k/yr and learn new shit all the time. Smoking pot doesn’t make you a mushy brained cunt but in your case you may have already been one.

how ze fuck you still get stoned OP.

smokin an ounce a month for 4 years non stop. weed has no effect now just mild buzz.

took 2 month tolerance break, got half baked first time back then nothin.

switchin over too booze once a week instread, tryin longer tolerance break.

reason why weed is sold legally in the most litigious country on earth with no warning labels...it does fucking nothin, its like drinkin herbal tea.

Weed officially sucks dogs dick. but ill still sell it too teenagers.

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Dude, you'll be fine. I've been doing coke 1-3 grams a week for 2 years, I'm fine

He provided link and then you >no bró that evidence doesn't count brooo

Whatever he provided you with wouldn't be good enough

If you were to quit you'd most likely feel sluggish, derealization, depersonalization, and a bit out of it for a while. But over time you'd slowly become more and more "normal".

As for any kind of "permanent damage", you'd most likely be fine. Maybe you'd feel a bit slow or weird for a bit. That's because being high became the norm. It's not a problem with the weed itself, but more with your perspective betting switched to a high state of mind, if that makes sense.

If you are concerned, you really should quit using marijuana. Just because there isn't any known "permanent" damage, doesn't mean it's perfectly okay to abuse. You are just wasting your life and worsening the quality of your life.

It's time to move on OP. Enjoy life.

You're definitely not fine if you think that's a fair comparison

What are humans

Sounds like a pretty solid lifechoice. I see no reason to shake things up if that's what you were wondering. Worst case scenario is you'll need to find anything else. Congratz on being

40yo here. Smoking since 11. You'll be fine fucktard.