Daily reminder this what your future descendants will look like
Daily reminder this what your future descendants will look like
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>Implying I will ever have sex
Thanks for the support!
>light eyes
nah nigga, this be more accurate
White dad.
Black dad.
>tfw when Italian and our hair and skin color already look like that.
My grandchildren will be of pure African heritage.
I refuse to have mixed offspring with White infidels!!
Also she is 25% black only
full nig
With straight hair she could pass as white right?
You know I read a lot. Especially things that have to do with history. I find that shit fascinating. In fact, I don’t know if you know this or not, Sicilians were spawned by niggers. It’s a fact. Sicilians have black blood pumping through their hearts. If you don’t believe me, you can look it up. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago the Moors conquered Sicily. And Moors are niggers. Way back then, Sicilians were like the wops in northern Italy. They all had blonde hair and blue eyes. But, once the Moors moved in there, they changed the whole country. They did so much fucking with the Sicilian women, huh, that they changed the whole blood-line forever, that’s why blonde hair and blue eyes to black hair and dark skin. I find it absolutely amazing to think that to this day, hundreds of years later, Sicilians still carry that nigger gene. I’m quoting history. It’s written. It’s a fact. It’s written. Your ancestors were niggers. Your great, great, great, great, great-grandmother fucked a nigger, and she had a half-nigger kid. That is a fact. Now tell me, am I lyin’? Cuz you, you’re part eggplant.
new bread
Nope, I'm not in huertugal buddy
>implying anyone with my shit-tier genetics could look that good
She is suffering under that ton of makeup. You can even see the tiny drops of sweat trying to find a way out.
I respect that. Preach it in the streets.
>this is what future americans will look like and it's BEAUTIFUL
Good job on not saying "future ancestor" this time.
>tfw when you get laid often because tall, dark, and handsome our Mediterranean characteristics.
>Come home white man
I doubt that, most mulattos are ugly since the chances of them inheriting all the dominant nigger traits (curly dark hair, dark eyes) are much higher
>blacks are 12% of the U.S. population
>blacks are less than half of one percent of the EU population
>Anno Domini 2016
>not realizing that blacks are being lured into being bred out of existence
I will ! There's no way my KANG heritage will be spoiled by inferior cumskin. Your genes aren't even dominant though, so I'm not TOO worried.
>Daily reminder
Except we've already had this thread like four times today.
>gene tailoring becomes available
>everybody has Aryan God kids
That's only the case if we stop importing them and if the trend of high immigrant birthrates and low white birthrates continue, otherwise the indigenous white population will be largely bastardized eventually
>yfw self-hating white progressive couples start having biological 100% sub-saharan dark as coal children
The buck stops here faggot I'm not touching any women ever so the jokes on you. My lineage will die white.
doesn't continue*
Nope, i don't live in burgerland
What a fucking abomination
>Quentin Cuckatino
>Legit source of information
Nah by the time I have grandchildren all the mudslimes and dindus will be dead
>yfw black africans start having 100% biological European blue eyed children
Black % in the United States is projected to slightly decrease over the next century. Never understood these images. It's the Mexicans you need to worry about
Nah, the cartel is killing the Mexicans
m8 they're just temporary workers
Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.
Also the mixed race population will be only 4-5% of US population by 2050
We already had this "reminder" today
the arabs breed like rabbits so pretty sure there should be some arab admixture there
And if you want to suggest that blacks/spics will keep immigrating to the States, your descendants will just be full black/spic, not mixed. Nothing about this makes sense.
I guess you haven't met many interracial coupless and obviously you don't know shit about genetics, if that's what you believe. White genes are recessive, mixed kids rarely look white. Even when mixed with asian, they still just look asian.
All "attractive" mixed people just have tons of make up on. And the girl on OP's pic still doesn't look white. And she probably dyed her hair and bleached her skin too.
You're a canteloupe.
Breddy :)
Doubt it.
When genetic tailoring becomes a reality couples will try to keep their children looking like a mixture of both parents.
We would still have interracial couples that will have mixed babies w/ 10/10 features.
Everyone looks like a Greek demigod or Arabian Prince.
Does Blake Griffin have a white son despite being half black.
Only hair color and eye color are recessive.
>ancestors thread isn't even cold yet
Come on man, you're embarrassing
Which is to say that if you have children with a shitskin that your grandchildren might have your eye color.
Hair is a bit different. Hair colour is simple but hair texture is influenced by multiple alleles.
No way. I'm a religious Jew. My children will be too.