Milo Thread

Can we talk about how BASED Milo Yiannopoulos is Sup Forums? There is no one more right-wing than this guy.

>Hates Islam
>Hates Feminism

What more do you need? I can only imagine what it would be like to meet him at his talks. I imagine he parties afterwards with the young conservatives he meets and gets into some real right wing stuff. Yeah, that's right, he probably takes them to participate in one of our civilisation's new proudest traditions - to service a gang of black men at a viral poz party. Raw and raunchy stuff, I envy the young men who spend their days going to a Milo talk and end their nights filled with the med-resistant AIDS babies of 50 nigger's toxic loads. (Though when I say niggers I still acknowledge that blacks are the only group still owed something in America - obviously a holdout from slavery)

ITT we talk about how Milo Yiannopoulos and gays are the new voice of the right wing, and how they spread healthy conservative messages that will only ever benefit our civilisation.

Gays/Milo = BASED. Thank god for them.

>supports ISREAL
>buzzwords only

A degenerate jew cuck faggot who is profiting off of brony tards and stealing all of his content from here.

It is real


Wow fpbp from another BASED gay

so what do you want to talk about. what about him?

What do you mean? Surely it's none of your business what people do in the bedroom?

How Milo Yiannopolous and gays are the new voice of the right wing

>Milo is so attention hungry that he pays NEETs to make threads about him on fucking Sup Forums of all places
Really makes you sage

Well Austrailian shitposter he interlaces his fictitious political views with diatribes on black cock and how much of a man whore he is. Thus it's not merely relegated to the bedroom.

Fuck this kike faggot. The day his toxic nigger super AIDS kills him can't come soon enough.

And that gets to the actual point of the thread. How do we deal with gays trying to shift what right wing is to the point that it accepts gays? Particularly this Jew faggot, preying on the feelings of anger rightly felt by many young guys towards feminism but making them feel sympathetic to homosexuality? It's cancerous stuff.

fuck off clickbait merchant

Do people really think this kike is any different from the rest?

He is just controlled opposition, he even admitted on Joe Rogan show "Hollywood parties with very young boys".

Just like any other pedophilic kike.

It's an insult to Catholics that he calls himself one, when he is such a hedonist.

Milo only says the retarded shit he does because he thinks it'll get the hetero guys to like him. He's trying to makeup for all the times they bullied him and made him feel like an outcast when he was a flaming twink teenager.

You fucking cancerous namefag.

He's a degenerate fairy who pretends to be right-wing to get attention. He doesn't believe in anything. On the Day of the Rope, he and the rest of the chutney ferrets will be dangling from lamp posts alongside the camel jockeys, the cotton pickers and the moneylenders.

Do you think he's tricking a new generation of hetero guys to be homo sympathisers though? Hid audience is young and impressionable. Probably as young as 18 at his talks, younger on youtube

you think she uploaded that photo on to her facebook?

Exactly. That's his target audience, the dumb guys that'll go "Milo's so based hur dur hur" when he throws out his buzzwords. Those were the guys that made him an outcast in his young faggot days

>There is no one more right-wing than this guy.

implying a gay jew can be far right

But he's a fucking faggot

>not having a shop from during the NIG-GER match

Fuck off fag lovers

He's coming dangerously close to believing we are his personal army and seems to be positioning himself as our king and spokesman.

He's useful, but I think many here are not wary enough about being used themselves.

>milo supports a party that hates faggots
>attacks islam for being for the things his party wants

implying religious republicans don't want to throw faggots off roofs

i would like to see muslims throw milo's ass off a roof.i would laugh at that shit

i am for sharia law because i want to see muslims throw milo off a roof

>implying religious republicans don't want to throw faggots off roofs

> doesn't know shit about the political parties in his home country
> posts chinks

Ignore this poster at all cost

anti-gay bigotry is in the republican platform, moron. If given the opportunity some of them would pass legislation that would make it legal to execute faggots.

>implying asians aren't the master race

whites are literally a retarded race not much better than niggers

>A race of NEETs and worker drones
>Master race

>race of neets

smart people find a way to not have to do manual labour. only morons do manual labour(eg mexicans).

Are some of you people really so retarded that you can't see that OP is obviously being facetious? Christ almighty.

He has no respect for the social order that builds civilisation and does his best to impart this degeneracy onto as many people as he can.

He deserves death. There is no order with people like him, one day he will forcibly steal from you so he can wipe his ass because he has contributed nothing towards the species. All he does is take.

When he (and hopefully pizza party Ben) inevitably gets beaten to death or shot b dindus, will it be a hate crime?

freedom = degeneracy

you can't be against degeneracy and at the same time be for freedom, because in a free society, degeneracy is allowed. if you don't allow degeneracy, then it's not really a free society.

everyone here hates the guy, but I can't quite understand why. I mean, sure, he doesn't have to be the face of the right wing, but he doesn't even want gay marriage (he says he wishes gays 'wouldn't do it'). Here's something Sup Forums isn't thinking about: gay people are going to exist whether they like it or not. Sure, they can be some of the most promiscuous and degenerate people on earth. but, why not accept the one fucking faggot that is against all of the other bullshit from the gay community?

here's a suggestion: pay attention and promote him when he does important stuff that furthers the destruction of the left, and ignore him when he does his little "lmao I fuck black guys" stunts.

Let us be free to not suffer the existence of this scum

Faggot BASED degenerate

t. mehmet

if Milo gave a speech at the RNC he would get booed. Gay conservatives are fringe conservatives. They are looked upon as liberals by mainstream conservatives who hate faggots.

He's 100% based

Another autistic Milo cocksucker. You fucking kneckbeard Milo worshippers are so insufferable

>freedom = democracy

you just gave me cancer with that one line

I don't see how a thread like this isn't just counted as a spam and OP gets banned.

It's clear that he or people who work for him are tasked to promote him here. At least post a recent article to distract from the wanton shilling

i never said such a thing, faggot.

where did i mention democracy?

>you just gave me cancer with that one line

i hope you get cancer and die

His event today is going to flop so hard

Isn't he begging Mike Pence to come?

Dumb fag


I hate Milo as a person, but have mixed feelings about his political persona. What, do you want me to say I wish the freak gets killed?

I have a feeling we are going to be reading about him being murdered in Sweden (yes) when he marches into the muzzie part of town.

It is really sad when a flaming homosexual is one of the few men brave enough to stand up to the PC Mafia.

Hillary / (((Soros))) shill. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE

Alt-right BTFO ITT

Calling next attack is in Italy

oof madon

>Whites not much better than niggers
>Whites have made buildings and inventions which lurched humanity forward while niggers still live in mud huts to this day
If its going to be a lissing contest at least give me some good piss

Pretty much what this guy said but some white people are practically forced to so manual labor based on the life they are born into.


This guy is complaining about the lack of free speech in America when he's from the UK. what a joke!
In the UK you can get in trouble legally (due to hatespeech laws) if you say something. in America, the worst that will happen to you is that a private business or a college won't invite you to speak. I don't think that's all that bad desu. At least America doesn't arrest you like the uk does.

Milo argues about trivial shit just like sjws do. not being invited to a college is trivial shit in comparison to being arrested for speaking. Why the fuck are you talking about the lack of free speech in colleges in america when the lack of speech is worse in the UK. why the fuck aren't you in the UK?

Conservatives always bitch about liberals talking about sexism in america and ignoring it in the muslim world(which is a legitimate grievance), and yet they do something similar to that when it comes to the issue of free speech. they complain about the lack of freespeech in america when there are other places where the lack of free speech is even worse.

No wonder he goes for black cock no white gay would want his fugly ass! I've heard of a fivehead but never a ten head.


my fucking sides

kek based straya does it again

you means white used to do those things. currently, they do not.
whites haven't built anything in a while. they have become a nigger race. I am talking about 2016, not 100 years ago.

you mean whites*

Milo is a joke well played on everyone here.
It's like accepting that you are manchildren with NO organized system of beliefs and views and will praise anyone if he happen to say something you like.

china and all these asian countries make every thing. currently the asian man is the master race.

>higher iq
>cuter women
>makes everything that americans use
>less degenerate than americans
>lower crime rates than in america

japan has bullet trains. no white nation has that shit.

Trump should've picked Milo as his VP

>wanting donald trump to lose

Even though milo agrees with the conservative agenda, most conservatives would not approve of him simply because he's a faggot

>promote him

The left wing can eat itself all it wants. But go fuck yourself if you complain about people cucking for Islam and then turn around and cuck for gays

>Implying I'm wrong

Hates people that are overweight and working out. Milo can lick a pussy for all i care. Stupid fucking faggot

You have to be born in America to be VP

>Ted Cruz

It's not shilling, it's shitposting about a genuine thing people think. I don't agree with it and the fact that most ITT hate this faggot is a good thing.

He's a nigger-loving faggot. The only good thing about him is that he gives us the bantz when he BTFO's feminists irl.

Milofags are not the alt-right

stop shilling for this faggot

ben shapiro said something that i think is true regard milo. he said milo just says something to be a trendy edgy faggot. he's not really a conservative. i find that with regard to milo and gavin mccines this is the case. they are just hipsters that are right-wing because it's the edgy thing to be in 2016

Milo Yiannopolous is my senpai, but he's gay so he's a degenerate. The reason people don't consider homosexuality a disorder is because people think that love doesn't have to do with reproduction.

>sucks nigger cocks.
that is not euphemism. he sucks black dick
>he takes nigger weiners out of their pants and puts them into his own mouth voluntarily.
he drinks the sperm of african american men.
is that what 'based' means?
are you 'based' OP? do you suck nigger cock?

It should be considered a fetish desu


>takes cocks up the arse

Holy fuck Sup Forums what happened ?


wtf are they doing to that poor construction worker?

>How can one man be so based

Daily reminder that this gay man gets more pussy than you.

This faggot gets more "egalitarians for anal sex against muslim baddies" """""""""pussy""""""""

Whatever. Tell me when he's going the gay pride march through stockholm.

in general gay men or men that look all girlie get more pussy than straight men. in fact girls only want to fuck girlie men. they find girlie men to be more attractive than manly men. they all want that feminine justin bieber boy pussy

>that comparison

if you put a faggot and a chad side by side, you can't really tell the difference

>spotted the weeaboo cuck.

>This guy is complaining about the lack of free speech in America when he's from the UK. what a joke!
It's not a joke, because Western popular culture is largely downstream from American culture.

>forever alone neckbeard burger detected

top kek

Milo is a gay degenerate kike who is only good for attacking tumblr tier retards. belongs in a oven.

I genuinely hope this disgusting degenerate gets thrown off a rooftop by the Muslims in Sweden


>Less degenerate than Americans.
Don't be disingenuous, I have seen enough cartoons in my time to know that Japan takes degeneracy to levels hitherto beyond the ken of Man

You sound like a cuck


>universities being used for liberal indoctrination is not that bad


As a homosexual deviant I wish I could wear blackface and fuck milo's boypussy.