I’m an alcoholic and I’ve ruined a Miami Beach vacation by relapsing. Currently sick and stuck in my room. AMA

I’m an alcoholic and I’ve ruined a Miami Beach vacation by relapsing. Currently sick and stuck in my room. AMA.

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Ruined how? Sounds like you’ve had a big night and are now hungover. That’s a pretty normal holiday. Just don’t do it when you get back.


How did you go to Miami for vacation and not plan on relapsing?

Good job retard you pathetic weak willed loser youre a failure to everybody around you

AA or no AA?

Well you've also ruined this thread by not responding to your own AMA. Keep up the good work.

Maybe he’s jumped. Or maybe it was a cocaine binge and he’s had a heart attack

Or maybe he ate 500 pounds of imitation crab meat?

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Perhaps he is feining for more alcy

Op probably had seizure from alcohol withdrawal

I’ve drank 2.5 days straight. Currently recovering but the anxiety is killing me.

I planned to go to meetings here. I’ve travelled many times in the last year including Vegas and had no problem staying sober.

Do you need a hug? At least I know what my issue is and am working on it.

I’m in AA

The fear is the worst part. Remember, the fear will go. Get up shower, go to a 711 get one of those wing/pizza boxes things (if they still do them, not been to the Miami or the us for about 2 years, salty dog cruise) sorry I digress. Scran the food, get a load of water down you and sit on the beach. You’ll feel better.


Miami Beach, not Miami

How about you remember that no matter what you do, you are eventually going to die and anything you have ever done will be forgotten over time and use that time to do literally whatever the fuck you want.

Unless you have kids and a family, in which case I would recommend not being a cunt by saying 'EHHH I RUINED MY BLEEH BY RELAPSING'. You are human, you are going to fuck up, pick up your shit and keep marching you cunt.

What, your stupid ass thought you get extra points when you die by never making any mistakes? Go find the nearest nigger and suck his fucking aids ridden cock, see which of the two makes you feel worse about yourself. Relapsing or that.

Accept you fucked up, accept you'll probably do it again eventually, then accept it doesn't make you a shit person, it just makes you A person. Saying stupid fucking nonsense like 'ive ruined a miami beach vacation by relapsing' is what makes you a shit person.


Make sure to cast those rocks all day,erday, or no one will ever know how badass you are

T.12 year old son of a dissatisfied and disappointed father

Why is your father disappointed in you?

feel you. ruined my familys christmas dinner, got withdravals that wouldn let go and ditched them they tought i was dying or something. then another 4day binge and now im drying up again.

Good thing you clarified, you pompous prick. It's the same fucking thing.

Have you ever stolen from your family to feed your habit?

I stole my fathers man gravy with my asshole a couple times

Who hasn't?

Have a drink and relax you pussy.

There's your problem, AA is nothing but replacing one addiction with another. Find a better program focused on personal responsibility instead of one that encourages your own powerlessness.

No never

Separate municipalities

I am powerless tho. I’ve tried doing it on my own. I’ve tried literally everything imaginable. Therapy, smart recovery, the freedom model, meditation etc. the only thing that’s ever worked has been admission of powerlessness and turning it over time my creator.

if it worked why are you here posting about your relapse?

Then the only thing you are guilty of is being a self pitying asshole. Having an addiction doesn't make you a shitty person, not caring if it affects the people around you is what makes you a shitty person. I am willing to bet no one in your family actually said 'you have ruined our christmas dinner', I'll bet you just assumed you did and left out of shame which made them worry even more, which made you feel worse which drove you right back to the bottle to try and feel better.

How close am I.

You do realize that you can literally just stop? You can choose whether to be a faggot or not. Just don't do it if you think it is a bad idea., or you could drink yourself into oblivion because that's cool as well.

Well then you’re fucked because he doesn’t exist. But of course you like it because it allows you to absolve yourself of all the shit choices you’ve made and any effort you need to put in

Imagine being this closed minded that you don’t think there are powers greater than yourself. And before you play the science card, science has only come so far. And we only know what we know so far. Read the Kybalion.

Let me ask you something... I am assuming you understand that you are human and therefor fallible. Meaning you very well could be wrong about there being a 'creator'. However by your own admission the only thing that has ever worked has been admitting powerlessness and turning it over to said creator.

If your creator existed, or cared enough to allow you to turn over power to him about your addiction, if he was a creator worth a damn he would either not have allowed you to suffer through the process to begin with, or would lift it from you entirely. Face facts, your creator does not exist. Which means you are helping yourself, which means you are capable of helping yourself. Maybe try believing in yourself instead of magical sky daddy.

You do realize that as far as any of us know, we could actually be living thousands of years in the future, and what we think of as our life is just the best vacation package we could afford. No one knows for sure what the fuck is going on, believe what you want, but don't ever assume you're right.

to you feel the need for a drink all the time, like right now? or in a weeks time if you go sober? and you cant control it if you take just one drink?

The amount of self pity in this thread is incredible.

Oh please. You’re following some stupid book by a bunch of morons thousands of years ago who didn’t even know if the sun would rise the next morning. Imagine if we took the same approach to everything else, it’s retarded. It’s not even science. Nothing has happened on the last 100 years that could be attributed to a god but lo and behold that shit happened pretty much daily when you just had to take someone’s word for it that it happened in some city that’s too far for you to travel to.

It was lifted but then I started to take my own will back. Have you ever thought about the fact that perhaps this is a blessing in disguise and there’s something else I’m here to do? Perhaps this is all part of my journey. I would encourage you to open your mind a bit.

I smoked shitloads of meth for almost a year and then quit cold turkey with no problems, if you think you're powerless to stop drinking you must be the weakest creature to ever exist. You deserve whatever shitstorm you receive if your vacation is ruined by some booze.

Oh please, you’re not going to achieve shit. You’d already be on the way to it by now. You’re not going to be the next great composer or artist or politician because look at your life. You’d already be working towards that, when the only thing you work towards is the next drink

Find any good blow down there?

But what did you do?...cant be that bad

No, I absolutely believe that we don't know everything. There may be a creator, there may not be, saying you know either way just makes you an arrogant cunt. My point was you can't say you are right about a belief, that's why its a belief and not a fact. Beliefs can be false, blindly rejecting that truth renders any faith you have meaningless. You said your creator helped you, it was the only thing that did. I am saying if there is no creator, you helped yourself. How does that make me closed minded or wrong. Look, believe whatever you want if it gets you through the day, just remember that we used to believe the fucking earth was flat, and that ur mom wasn't gay.

No ones saying they know either way you moron. It’s a choice. You choose to believe in the magic sky man and they don’t. You can’t prove it because it was designed to be unprovable. Oh he lives in the sky and you can’t see him
>people go to space and no magic man
>no not the literal sky lol

Lol Miami Beach is literally the worst place a drunk can go to.

t. miami beach resident

I earned just shy of $300K last year working as an IT consultant. I’m doing just fine.

gotta just get 3 days op you will be fine, cravings will go away, fellow alcoholic here

Learn to function like the rest of us alcohol isn’t that addictive unless you’re reaching for something
also we all die at the end of the day so what does it matter if it doesn’t make you homeless

Bingo. Take control of your own brain, faggot.

Let's face it only thing going to make you feel better is more alcohol stay drunk till you get home then you can detox

Alkies ruin everything. Why would this be any different?