Buzz your girlfriend

>Buzz your girlfriend...

Is it happening?

Theyre fucking

Good for them.



Beat that, you little trout sniffer.

Hope Hicks?


Maybe he pleasures her in unbelievable ways??


Please dont tell me our girl is dating that slob

Settle down buddy I'm pretty sure that he doesn't even browse 4chin

Poor Alex still has the mental image of herself when she was a 13 year old reject

why is her self esteem so low

was she bullied as a kid

If she is boning him and he's not insanely rich. Then she is truly the rare kind of woman who fell in love with a man she felt was her soul mate and was able to see beyond his plain exterior. Bravo!!

Or she sees that he's ugly and thinks that's all she deserves

>was she bullied as a kid
I wonder what autistic obsession she had

they're just friends

she's dating justin verlander's brother

No just having Sex with him

she just fucks his undoubtedly giant fat cock

>they're just friends
sure thing justin's brother

Anyone know what she looked like? Was she fat or had goofy teeth or smelled?

she was an awkward dork