Risk threads are not against the rules
reddit fags shitpost on Sup Forums all the time, and nothing is done yet mods are banning risk threads even though its not against the rules?
Risk threads are not against the rules
reddit fags shitpost on Sup Forums all the time, and nothing is done yet mods are banning risk threads even though its not against the rules?
inb4 ban for ban evading
banned for no fucking reason
Honestly, you guys have a board now. /qst/ was basically made for this shit.
Enjoy your vacation.
Good. It's about damn time
I agree. Even though I do not participate, I see them as part of Sup Forums and newfag mods banning them as cancer. They have more quality and validity than 75% of new/pol/ threads
risk threads are not politics tho gtfo to /qst/
dude they have been deleting politically incorrect threads.
>mother fuckers should not have moderator.
Stop shitting up this board with your trash games.
Maybe mods are starting to Crack down. Hopefully kekfags are next.
Hi mate, read
>announcing reports
Enjoy your ban faggets
>mods enforcing rules
reported for newfaggotry
i spent hours making top quality risk maps for Sup Forums threads
Risk threads have more effort put into them than any other thread.
guess what :)
About time.
Holy fuck, what a loser!
>thread archived
this wasnt deleted, it expired
I think the reason they're cracking down is because there are typically 4 or 5 risk threads in the catalog, i.e. too many. The risk threads are the only ones that I hide.
Why the fuck is it your business if some of us play risk threads? All you need to fucking do is scroll down and ignore them.
There are other places to play games.
Sup Forums is not intended for games.
risk in loo patel
actually idgaf as long as there like one risk thread max; mods are inconsistent as all fuckity fuck in what they chose to delete
Ban risk threads
Ban civ threads
Ban hunger game threads
Ban kekfags
saged and reported
PS I've been reporting faggot risk spam shit for weeks
Praise kek
Fuck off, risk threads are gay as fuck, nobody cares.
Idk why they're banning for this, we're literally just playing a game having a little political role play fun, without all the shitposts from Sup Forums users.
Please mods just let it be, I'm a lonely person and this stops me from slitting my wrists.
I have noticed when people make these type of threads they get deleted. Its like the mods are really stepping up on multiple levels of being a cuck.
Risk threads are quintessentially Sup Forums and I would be sad if I didn't see them in the catalog.
>occupy democrats image
>Sup Forums BTFO
>274 replies
Newfag mods need the drink bleach.
>implying he isn't real
>implying meme magic isn't real either
Why is everyone shitting on the mods? They're just doing their job, earning their mod salaries.
Old risk player here and founder of TC
Good. You faggots are out of control.
mods are such fucking SJW niggerlovers.