>be american
>get shot
>be French
>get run over by a truck, get knifed, shot and have testicles ripped off and shoven in the mouth
>be German
>get axed
>be sweedish
>get raped
>be Hungarian
>beat up refugees and kick them out
Be american
Other urls found in this thread:
>be Spanish
>be American
>get no holidays
>be Spanish
>used to rule the world
>now sleep all day while Europe collapses
>be Romanian
>don't be Romanian
>be portucuck
>have sweaty hairy ass
Comfy here yet
>Be spanish
> not white
>google image search
>get results for footwear
>be Spanish
>don't have a job
>be Sup Forumslack
>judge everyone of european descent while the thing we need most is unity
>be hungarian
>actually a turk leftover
Sounds comfy
>be Canadian
>watch all this on TV
Look who's taking
We have MLK day. Yes, while St Patties day is seen as homophobic, Thanksgiving as racist, Fourth of July as white supremacist, Memorial day as imperialistic and Christmas day as all of the above, at least we have MLK day that is free of criticism. Does anyone else feel there isnt enough streets named after him? I vote for a $1 bill with his face on it.
>be british
>things aren't that bad
>be british
And exactly how many shitskins have been murdered since in retaliation since, say, the bataclan attack?
0! Im sorry to say but white people have become soft.
>literally 3 years ago
>be Croatian
>do nothing as the government destroys the country, vote for the same people over and over again
Are you fucking retarded?
>Be Canadian get shot.
>Be Canadian get run over.
>Be Canadian recruiting officer, get stabbed.
>Be Canadian mosque, produce 5 ISIS fighters including a suicide bomber
>Be Canadian intelligence, bust 18 people with a bomb plot in Toronto
You really think we are successful at preventing terrorism on our own soil? Get your fucking head out of the sand you retard.
>During the sentencing, Mr Justice Sweeney said that the extremist views of the attackers were a "betrayal of Islam", prompting Adebowale to shout "That’s a lie", while Adebolajo shouted "Allahu Akbar".[14][87] Following a scuffle with security guards in the dock, both men were removed from the court and the sentencing continued in their absence.
Muslim niggers are the worst of both worlds.
I got you pham
desu i dont know how we havent had a mass casualty attack since 2005
i suppose gun control does work after all?
I'd rather see MLK on a bill than Tubman. And the commercials around MLK day are 'its not just a day off work you assholes'. Buy it is to many
You left out the genocidal maniac holiday Christopher Columbus in October.
>be english
I'd like MLK on the bill too by they only had one shot at changing the bill and they were arguing over a black person or female. Por que no los dos?
Can I come live in your country, Spain-san?
>be romanian
>have a town rapist
Ban trucks. They cannot be trusted. They are attacking people on their own.
>be British