CHS - Constant Happening Syndrome

No shit, I have serious sleep deprivation due to the past 6 days of constant happenings.

Spent the past days continously on the web following every bit of the global mayhem. From France to Turkey to USA to France to Armenia to Germany to France to X, it seems to me like shit intensifies every fucking night atm.

Had some breaks for sparse sleep, worked shitty shifts in my job, then back to happening watch while chain smoking & drinking truckloads of coffee, shitposting and being impressed by meme magic enfolding.

Was a vigilant Sup Forumstard before this but I dunno, this scale & these rapid surges... wtf

How do you deal with all this? Anyone else having such a crazy shift in his daily routines? Will this ride really never end?

CDHS - Constant Dependency on Happenings Syndrome

You missed a happening in Kazakhstan, they also had some salafist shoot some people up.

Why is our name misspelled and our flag looking so funny?


Go to bed OP, even if you knew everything about every happening what would you do? There's literally no reason for anyone to keep following this kind of crap, it's not like anyone will do anything about it.

Put your faith into kek, he will reward us all and we shall sleep in comfort next to the flames he provides

What's that blue rag with cumstains and a british stamp on it? Surely that's not somebody's flag, that would be hilarious.

quiet sideways Peru

If we don't shitpost, who will?

Glad I'm not the only one

But I 'work' from home so there's no breaks. I watched 90% of the convention stream yesterday