If someone like me did this, I would be in jail

If someone like me did this, I would be in jail

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I'd rather tie her up...

4D chess.

No you wouldn't. It's two generic, throw away sentences from a 15 minute speech. Try to maintain some perspective here.


Lock her up.


Melanoma Drunpfkin BTFO

Plagiarism isn't a crime, retard.


I don't know why Michelle is so upset. After all, If you’ve got a speech - you didn’t write that. Somebody else made that happen.

Is that really all that was the same? Just those two sentences?

I thought she'd lifted whole passages with all the noise that this is generating, but it's seriously just two cliche sentences? The fuck.

Holy fuck

>Plagerize a couple sentences in a speech
>News stations start playing your speech in a report that it was plagiarized
4D chess

>still believing in the American dream

Link to this tweet? I've heard that it's fake and I can't find it.

There is some Miller-tier shennenigans goin' on.

>If someone like me did this, I would be in jail
No you wouldn't, dipshit. Plagiarism isn't a crime.

>empty phrases sometimes coincide

We have to find the kike firm that wrote this speech.

Check your timestamp Sven, it's 2016.

That's fucking fake you faggot, the 2012 DNC wasn't in July, and Obama has no blue verification checkmark. Nice bait though.

Wew Lad

Violation of copyright (political speeches are generally copyrighted) is actually a violation of federal law.

Posting for dem 7's in the name of almighty KEK.

>Plagiarism is a crime

>meanwhile sites like buzzfeed steal content from creators all day and no one bats an eye

The entire internet is FILLED with stolen, copied, ripped materal from memers who are long since retired.

Ever notice how when you look up an image of something there is often 10-20 repeat images in various size? How often is the source listed? The true, original source of the image?

Ever go on facebook? The amount of copywrite infringement and plagiarism is staggering.

This is a non issue.

I don't really care, desu senpai

shilling hard today

That's the internet, not the keynote address of the Republican National Convention.

If you're holding a major party to the standard's of the fucking internet, you are everything wrong with humanity.



>Not understanding the "you didn't build that reference"

Shill detected :^)


What's the difference besides how you feel?

>What's the difference besides how you feel?
At this point, for the Republican Party?

The internet has better trolls.

You realize there is no source on political speeches right?

Not that I don't believe it's a thing, it's just that copyright infringement requires a number of factors. Two lines from a 15 minute speech most likely would not qualify.

All this mental gymnastics trying to defend Melania LOL. She's so dumb and annoying, if I have to listen to her peanut butter filled mouth try and spit out human words in my language for the next four years I'll kms

>Implying it's your language


Melania gave this same speech in 2004 and Michelle Obama copied it.

screencap this

also check muh dubs

You know, when you shill, at least check your shilling images.
The speech is from 2008., not 2012.
Hillary campaign should fire you, you're doing an awful job.

to be honest. I thought she was pretty cringe tier too. I wanted a more american high energy speech. Luckily, you don't HAVE to watch tv, amigo. You can literally turn it off and go lift, or run, or read.


>You realize there is no source on political speeches right?

>Two lines from a 15 minute speech most likely would not qualify.
Actually as long as work A recognizably draws from work B, you violated copyright. It could be 2 lines or 200k.

Speech writer.

True that my man

Nobody gives a shit about your facts user!! The demoralization of America is complete. It is too late now.



except that guy is wrong. the link he cited has 8 non-sequential words in common - nowhere near enough to conclude an actual copying

melania's speech last night had multiple paragraphs in common, in order, with minor changes that maintained linguistic functionality. it is blatant plagiarism to anyone who can read.


Seriously how does something like that happen? There are probably half a dozen people writing and looking over a speech like that. Is Trumps crew so sloppy that they didn't do any checks and it slipped through? Or did they copy that shit on purpose?

What an embarrassment.

it happens more often than you think

Wouldn't you say the same is true about your dearest hilldawg?

Don't be so naive user. Take the entire speech (not just the part that tickles your fancy) from yesterday and compare it to Michelle's and it is a 1% match.

Take Michelle's and match it with an similar length excerpt from a Saul Alinsky book bout being a douchebag, you'll find the same percentage.

Hillary did it to Sanders, Obama did it to Hillary, Biden did it to some faggot, Bush definitely did it and probably a lot of other people are going to do it in the future.

Your bias and emotional instability are going to be the very same thing that let ideology drag you by the dick into hell.

Also you aren't smart, and neither am I. So quit acting like you know shit.

> is blatant plagiarism to anyone who can read.
I think you're expecting too much from Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums and/or the internet and/or humanity

It's not about the plagiarism. The true focus should be why is everyone in a fucking uproar over Trump when this shit happens constantly in politics, yet the media only swarms over when the (so called) conservatives does it. It's because the left isn't a threat to the demoralization and destruction of america, they are the ones peddling it unknowingly. The right are the only ones who stand in the way.


Scenario 1
>Person 1 jams in the Michelle speech snippet into a Melania draft as a note to include something similar in her words
>Person 2 comes along and cleans up some of the language
>Melania comes along and says that sounds exactly like the morals her and okays the speech before Person 1 sees what happened
Scenario 2
>Melania is lazy and retarded and thought she could get away with it
Scenario 3
>This and and the Rick Roll are the work of some sort of professional troll speech writer out to sabotage Trump

How autistic does someone have to be to seriously think this is plagiarism?

>Take the entire speech (not just the part that tickles your fancy) from yesterday and compare it to Michelle's and it is a 1% match.

I don't need to go through my entire DVD collection to know I have a bootleg copy of a transformers film my uncle left at my house several years ago and it certainly doesn't stop that from being a bootleg transformers film.

And it not being the entire transformers film series also doesn't stop that.

This would have been the boringest of nonstories if the campaign hadn't tripled down on Melania writing the speech herself and the whole story being a fabrication by the Hillary campaign

>put "treason" on the backburner so we can talk "plagiarism"
Liberals are pure evil

>Scenario 1
Sounds about right and I do understand that something like this can happen in the process. But simply running that speech through any search engine would solve problems like this.

>Scenario 2
That would imply that she wrote the speech by herself. That does not happen at this level.

>Scenario 3
I doubt it.

"lock her up" stupidity aside, the drastic difference that trumptards seem to disregard is that melania copied a speech of the obamas, while trump's ENTIRE CAMPAIGN seems to revolve around the obamas being total "failures".

why would you copy someone you consider a failure?

I for sure thought you were talking about killary's emails.

Literally nobody gives a fuck about that speech, I'm the only real person in this thread, everyone else is a shill


OMG they used the same word!!! WTF I HATE TRUMP NOW.

These are standard phrases and sentiments. This is not plagiarism. There are only so many ways you can say something.

>That you treat people with respect

Wow, yeah, that's a novel and unique concept. Certainly not some widespread idea that has already been expressed in those exact terms a hundred million times before.

>1 post by this ID

>That does not happen at this level.
Yes, for a normal campaign.

A normal campaign would have taken the 40 seconds to run the speech through a plagiarism checker.

>criminal offense


You don't go to jail for plagiarism.

>meaningless phrases
>motto of london stock exchange

what is phraseology?

>>Plagiarism is a crime
It's a civil matter.

Depends on the state.

Nevada still has debtor's prisons so assuming a copyright fine absolutely ruined you financially, you could end up in jail for plagiarism more or less.

if Melania was a writer, then yes I understand the outrage, if Melania's first language was English, its somewhat understandable these things might have happened.

It appears to be highly unlikely she actually wrote her speech though. And its still unclear if the actual intent was to rip 2 sentences from Moocheles speech.

I'm guessing that since no one in the Trump camp has even made a comment about this, its probably because they wanted this to happen.

Then lock up Michelle for stealing from

Didn't MLK jr plagiarize a shit ton?

So when is Obama going to jail for this?


or Biden for this


>on purpose

It's not illegal to do this

It's not _that_ big of an issue in the grand scheme of things (and likely not her last act of stupidity), but it just reinforces preexisting notions about her stupidity. Also, plagiarism performed in the national spotlight by a potential first lady...not exactly an encouraging sign.

haha classic