Any advice for starting up my own conservative media outlet? What do you want from media that the mainstream isn't giving you?
Any advice for starting up my own conservative media outlet...
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Name the Jew.
a gf
go and contribute
Name the Celt
MSM is beholden to advertisers, owners, etc. If you try to make a for-profit media company it will fall prey to the same problems. It's not a question of political beliefs, corruption, or anything of the sort; it's a question of erosion of principles as money flows along the path of least resistance.
The best thing to do would likely be a way to have a place for people to contribute that doesn't run the risk of offending censors at Google, reddit mods, etc.
Topless anchors
Start a local paper talking about local issues. Most local papers suck, if anything the era of Trump is teaching us that if you start saying the politically incorrect or inconvenient facts about community events people get engaged.
Shill even harder for Israel
Giving up now would be a great start