Do we like the Simpsons now?

Do we like the Simpsons now?

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Take Swords off Statues was pretty funny.

The rest of that clip is just the same joke over and over again.

We used to like it, but then it went to shit, and still is

good for them

Simpsons Movie also accurately portrayed IC spying

Simpsons is and was always reddit

>you're worse than hitler
>too late for flattery

Nothing new.

He means again

>Robots explode
>"Those teachers made them too human"

Holy kek

was that a jab at muslims

>fellow? that word is cisgender normative, ok! you're worse than hitler!
>too late for flattery


>fembot malfunction scene out of nowhere

This is just bizarre. The Simpsons hasn't been culturally relevant or remotely controversial in 15 - 20 years so I don't know why they're trying now.

but the jokes are shit and uncreative

Wow. Pretty cool actually. Didn't think The Simpsons still had it in them.

I laughed at the "we got 12 productions of the crucible" joke at least

The simpsons has been a show that usually pokes fun of today's society and culture, so I guess this scene isn't too bad.

I just like the older simpsons more

They've been forever trying though, and just like this they're always a good 2/3 years behind
They had an episode about ipods in like 2012

Probably not. That might be a step too far. I thought it was just a satirical jab at the autonomous nature of these types of liberal university students.

>Sup Forums finds relatable political content in zombie simpsons


The Simpsons cost millions to make every episode and this is the result? How the animation industry has fallen.

I doubt anyone outside the US will understand that gender joking

how could you not find that clip political?

>The Simpsons cost millions to make every episode and this is the result?

Only because the voice actors are money grabbing cunts now. They know they have all of the power.

Poorly executed, robotic and not very funny, like all zombie simpsons. But nice to see that they can still kick someone other than CRUMPFZT and the EVIL CONSERVATIVES

I have a sneaky feeling though that you are leaving out a scene where Lisa, voice of reason, has a speech about how safe spaces, LGBTQQIXIR++ pandering and defamation of historically important people in the name of SJWfaggotry is the way to go if you want to be on the right side of history.

Boring and not funny.

Eh. Some of the jokes have some horrendous pacing

The joke is overdone and painfully unfunny

Homer Badman did it correctly

And Homerpalooza

Yeah, nice try narc.

>>I have a sneaky feeling though that you are leaving out a scene where Lisa, voice of reason, has a speech about how safe spaces,

lisa starts drinking in the episode after seeing homer teaching at burns university

she just shows homer how to teach studens with movies

what did reddit mean by this?

I can dig it

it wasn't funny so no


Wow. I actually laughed out loud, I would watch the show again if I could expect that level of funny.

>Mr Burns admires Hitler

does that means it's popular on reddit or something?

These Hitler/Burns jokes are the funniest jokes in zombie simpsons I've seen in years. Too bad the rest is drawn out and/or just shit.

at least burns is still a good character

mainstream media is only mad because they cant control the message clearly anymore.

muh safespace just means not them.

>can't even make fun of social justice fanatics properly

Jesus Christ this was unfunny, please for the love of God pull the plug on this molested corpse of a show already

south park did it

>the simpsons were created before reddit
>lol it's reddit

fucking retardittors trying to fit in

this felt uncomfortable to watch

i wonder if the simpsons will ever stop

>show that has been bad for 20 years is suddenly good now because it's pandering to your political views

>show that's been incredibly biased towards one side of the spectrum now decides to embrace actual diversity

Sounds good to me

Imagine what they could have done with this topic 20 years ago.

What's going on????

The Simpsons go rogue??????

Mindlessly throwing around labels and rhetoric instead of coming up with original criticism is the exact bullshit this clip is making fun of