>Rock other than Classic Rock
>Gangster Rap
>Rock other than Classic Rock
>Gangster Rap
Other urls found in this thread:
the only non degenerate music is psytrance
>not listening to tru kvlt progressive atmospheric nu blackened trisexual death metal, ugh I'm surrounded by poseurs
>listen to what i listen to
A lot of metal is neo-neo classical. Music written for musicians.
Pop and rap are absolute trash.
Any music with degenerate lyrics is degenerate regardless of genre.
Rap is definitely degenerate.
I think there is an inbetween state, not degenerate yet not edifying. not degenerate but not ideal.
>A lot of metal is neo-neo classical. Music written for musicians.
>music i don't like is degenerate
Not this meme again...
>ecstasy music
theres like 987432659872345087346598764269837469871465987243659874315 different types of metal
The name literally comes from a drug experience too:
>psychedelic trance
>psychedelic (experience)
i like rock but i know its degenerate, it is however the least degenerate music in ops list.
As a music producer, what the fuck is this?
I'm the most degenerate.
>Industrial Metal
>Hard Rock
>Christian Rock
I've never heard of it either, and I've seen numerous niche sub-genres that don't need to be considered their own categories.
don't rock my boat faggots
Rap like Aesop Rocks or Jedi Mind tricks is god-tier.
Other rap like bitch, nigga, chainz and gold is shit.
>he doesn't listen to mongolian folk
is this supposed to be a genre
>Classic Rock
How is this not "degenerate" as well?
>A lot of metal is neo-neo classical. Music written for musicians.
Lmao no.
Progressive rock/metal is somehow resembling classical music, with intention.
Most of metal is just manchildrens' dickwaving contest of who can play the best guitar solo and sound heavy.
Basically Slavic house music.
Kill yourself my man
these faggots always exclude classic/hard rock
>mfw I don't know the euphoria of listening to the same Led Zeppelin albums for 30 years
If you don't listen exclusively to European Classical music, you're not white.
Get in here goyim. Stop shitposting on Sup Forums about music.
We don't need more sliding threads.
>you wouldn't understand modern composition. Did you even take Music Theory?
it means "im completely uninteresting in my own right but if i coin a new genre i can claim to have invented it"
Demons Behind The Music Industry
>A Swede talking about rap
I see that Aesop Rock faggot around Brooklyn, he's just an old white nerd like any of that Supreme shit
>just because you want to get fucked by black men doesn't mean you have good taste, faggot
All music is a distraction from reality and therefore degenerate.
Music out of Hollywood however is not only a distraction but a rhetoric machine, worse then degenerate
>I use echo effects and ambient/noise
>it's brand new, dark-something or goth-something or industrial-something
Hitler or atleast Goebbels thought jazz and swing was degenerate, I disagree with him big league
wtf i hate nazis now
>Gangster Rap
lüderally the most uncucked genre
Hitler was obsessed with Wagner
I'm with you user, jazz is great
> X is degenerate
For fuck sake when will this meme end? The music you like to listen to is no business to others and there's no problem as long as you don't get sucked into the subculture (punks, goths, wiggers etc).
No wonder everybody thinks right wingers are autistic as fuck.
If you rate music based on its social implications and not the music itself then you are a pleb and also a total fag
>not listening to vegetarian progessive grindcore
>music I don't like is degenerate the thread
>Rock other than Classic Rock
Yeah nah I'm not gonna listen to Back in Black for the rest of my life sorry
>Every modern music genre is degenerate except for classical music
Nice try. Pop and rap are cancer tho
>How is this not "degenerate" as well?
Because degenerates don't listen to classic rock.
Note the flag.
>Listening to music on instruments derived from other cultures
>Not listening to proto-Germanic music
Music is a form of expression.
There have been studies on the subject. Metal is the closest in technique and composition to classical music.
>most metal
Confirmed for never having listened to metal. Any time you say "most metal" and don't follow it with something obvious like "contains guitar/drums/bass/vocals", everyone who listens to metal laughs at you. It's easily the most varied genre today.
What's the matter, too poor to afford an Adibas tracksuit?
Here's some actual good rap that I guarantee not a single person in this thread has ever heard
They banned any music written by jewish composers as well.
>no Mendelssohn
Fuck that shit.
>music you don't like
Kill yourself immediately
>Not liking power metal
beats that fuck donald trump song...
>metal is the closest in compositional technique to classical music
this is just wrong, though, and even if it meant what you thought it did, that doesn't exactly ascribe any merit to the genre.
Metal has a lot more to do with rock and jazz than classical music. Often skirts the rigid diatonic theory conventions you're trying to suggest it ubiquitously adheres do.
this desu
open your minds plebs
Anything produced by committee for commercial purposes.
That describes a lot of Pop but isn't by any means limited to it.