So I just learned arab people wash heir assholes with their BARE HANDS after taking a shit. Wtf is wrong with you !
So I just learned arab people wash heir assholes with their BARE HANDS after taking a shit. Wtf is wrong with you !
Hygiene tips from France?
Yeah but they have really clean feet.
How disgusting! Why don't they just cut down some trees and make toilet paper already?
Hygiene tips from France?
But do they eat da poo poo?
Apparently they think TP doesn't work, and use the bidet afterwards.
>Wtf is wrong with you !
They worship a pedophile for starters.
This is why they hand you bagels with left hand.
Its true, it's a a sign of disrespect if you they to shake hands with your left hand.... these fuckers just raise thier hands to greet each other.
Plus they miss and shit all over the toilets.
I worked in dubai for 5 years
Sacre Bleu!
>commercial trucks
so funny m8 !
Apparently their plumbing is so horrible they can't flush tp. Most muzzies that come over have a hard time with public restrooms.
They actually do designate a shit hand. It's the left. Had to learn that as part of our mudslime culture training when I was in the Army.
What's wrong with washing our assholes with our hands?
You wipe your arse with toilet paper first and then wash, this is so that the poo doesn't crust and smell leaving the bacteria incubating all day.
Do you not wash your arse? I'm curious how the infidels keep clean.
A whole society that can't even adjust to using a toilet
3000 years of living in a giant litterbox with no water or leaves. Where do you think the whole "Don't shake with your left hand" came from?
t. european crusty ass who only wipes and never washes
I can imagine your shit-dandruff puckerhole
disgusting christians
I stop doing this when I move to America not everyone have running water.
You know toilet paper doesn't get everything out (especially if you have ass hair) and you risk abrasions on your asshole from constantly scrubbing with said paper. When you could just truncate the process and check for left behind dingleberries with your bare hand and or some type of flush able wet nap.
I occasionally wash my asshole with my hand and water. Usually when the shit don't really go with tp.
the Arab carries on a proud tradition, passed down through countless generations of bare hand ship wiping. It is a noble practice observed by dignified, modern members of their advanced society and should be respected and emulated by any up and coming countries like the US looking for better ways to live.
>You wipe your arse with toilet paper first and then wash, this is so that the poo doesn't crust and smell leaving the bacteria incubating all day.
Christ are you serious? I thought this was a meme.
Since toilet paper seems to confuse you, YOU KEEP WIPING AND USING NEW WADS OF PAPER UNTIL THE PAPER ISN'T BROWN ANYMORE you fucking disgusting filthy sub-human.
A bidet is different than shitting on your hands and toilet paper really doesn't work as well as soap and water.
Op you wash your ass in the shower correct?
A bidet is a shower for your butt.
There's no trees in the Middle East.
Do you wan't some Kebab
>clear has a shitty asshole with huge cuts in it .
We wash your women's assholes with our dicks
De quoi tu parles kho? ça fait longtemps que je me suis converti au bidet.
Those are the kind of people who use bidget
Really? Not even a little water? This is disgusting.
Why don't you just wipe your whole body with toilet paper instead of having showers since it's so effective. Literally the filthiest part and you don't wash it.
Don't you even wash it in the shower?
toilet paper then bidet
if you eat enough fiber, you get a nice clean wipe
one of the best feelings in the world
how did you think they get their complexion ?
We wash your cities and villages with fire
those goats aren't actually anyone's wives...
>not using toilet paper and then baby wipes to finish the job
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I have a bidet too, but it's my cat's territory.
Just had a no-wiper today. It's like winning the fucking Superbowl.
I want to start using wipes but I hear they don't disintegrate, and that would be a hell of a mess years from now.
>implying if another body part of you comes in touch with shit you would just rub a piece of paper on it until the shit seems to be diasappeared
Lol you let your cat sit in the shit bidet then you touch the cat! XD just as bad as wiping your ads with your hand lol.
That's the way how it's done...only using a piece of paper is for barbarians.
I use my left hand so its okay. Btw, I'm not arab too.
But I clean the bidet? It's not like I use the bidet every day or anything, in fact I haven't used it in six months.
I shower every day and use baby wipes, I've no use for the bidet.
When Muslims shit, they say "Oh allah please forgive me!"
Muslims here can confirm, it's actually true.
Yes, that is part of what showers are for, to completely wash your asshole and ass crack. But you don't fucking wipe it during the day with your goddam bare hand after shitting. Holy fuck.
Mohammed is right for once.
I always wash my ass with my hands after wiping.
You guys are just too autistic to be self aware of your stinky ass. No wonder you're all virgins.
those innocent people aren't target practice dummies...
Why not make use of the tools Allah gave us.
What fucking terrorist camp you staying at Ahmed?
Why are cat owners always disgusting.
>not knowing about the hotel lota
When your stomach hurts real bad you grab ankles and try to bargain with God
I use my right hand to wipe. Ask me anything.
splashing your feet and hands in water does not make them "clean"
arabs are dirty, messy and smell bad - especially the women.
Their cultural solution is to take an entire bottle of CK1 and dump it over their heads
Nice meme arrow fail
Think it's time you head back to r e d d i t
it's not arab people but mudslims.. En effet They must do it this Way so their prayers are accepted..
it's called "istinjae" you stupid fuck..
take the poo to british women
Indians also do this apparently. It's good for keeping debris clear of the anus which might otherwise cause sores
top wew
So you wait until it crusts and dries and spend 15mins in the shower scraping it with your fingernails?
Literally just wipe with toilet paper until clean, get the hose spray and rub a little. Done. I also wash when I pee every time.
I'm a germaphobe and cannot imagine having bits of poo and piss I missed incubating in my knickers all day. Yuck!
can confirm but toilet paper and then you wash your ass or use bidet if available and you only wash your hole with your left hand that's why arabs find it disrespectful if you try to shake their hands with your left hand
toilet paper + water > just toilet paper
soap washes everything you retard burgers
Nothing some good ol' fashioned perfume won't solve. A kilo of it.
Amirite, Louis?
I wash mine in the shower, since it's the best way to clear out immigrant semen and I wouldn't want to be inadequately cleansed for the next equality and diversity seminar.
But there is nothing in your ass left to crust and dry and scrape. You got it all out with the toilet paper. Hell, wet the TP with water if it isn't enough for you
>not wiping your ass with tp AND washing it on the bidet afterwards
lel, with the sort of shit some people dump, they should ask forgiveness to god desu
If you properly wash your hands afterwards what difference does it make?
As if water alone destroys bacteria, which make up your entire digestive flora.
You must be named mohamed, there's no way a real britbong would be as stupid as you.
Take a shower you fucking ape. No wonder you people stink.
>"LADS! LADS! Did one of you move my shit bottle?"
>A takeaway chef wiped his bottom using his hands before preparing food because he does not use toilet paper for 'cultural reasons', a court heard.
>Mahbub Chowdhury, 46, from Swindon, was found to have a filthy bottle in the kitchen of Yeahya Flavour of Asia, which inspectors concluded was covered in faecal matter.
>When questioned, he said he filled the empty milk bottle with water from the kitchen taps before using it to clean his backside after going to the toilet.
It's funny because they think dogs are too filthy to have in the house and then they go and literally pick shit out of their ass with their bare hands.
>wasting paper
>clogging poorly made 3rd world plumbing
Are we that poor that we need to wash toilet paper?
Thanks a lot for welcoming this into the West, bleeding hearts
none. I had an anal fissue (xDDD but seriously It was my shits) and the doc mentioned this. Sikhs, I think? Their rectal health is much better as a consequence, even if it's gross
they already have sand in their vaginas they dont want it in their assholes too
>user will never engage in watersports
It's perfectly sanitary as long as you wash afterwards, me old mucker. Drink it, blast her with it. You don't know what you're missing.
>Not knowing the feel of pissing in a girl's hair in the present era
Only with the left hand. Using the right hand is haram.
Youre either a girl or a complete faggot. Which is it?
baby wipe masterrace reporting in.
fuck no I don't squirt water up my ass
fuck no I don't use dry toilet paper
fuck no I don't have time to take a shower each time I shit
use baby wipes or wipes you fucking disgusting humans
I remember my friend said I was sort of silly or poor for using paper lol
Ever heard of a trash bin ?
Retarded superstitions.
You can buy intimate wipes that disintegrate from health food shops or whole foods. It can be expensive if you use it all the time though. I only use this when I'm outside, I have a bidet/hose at home.
So if everything is out with the TP why are you freaking out over using hands? It just makes sure it's clean. Also you wash your hands with soap after.
Water and rubbing, and then use soap during daily shower. I use Dr Bronner's.
Trash bin with shitty tp, repulsive and a health hazard
You people are utterly retarded.
Step 1. Do your business
Step 2. Get toilet paper, wipe your ass throughly
Step 3. Get on biddet (You're french, right OP?)
Step 4. Wash your fucking ass so that shit doesn't remain and get on your underwear and clothes afterwards. Wiping isn't enough you fucking retard.
Step 5. Wash your hands thoroughly, with soap and water, get a good lather going.
You fucking retards have to do this when you shower right? Well the "dirty" meme means that both the ass and hands are cleaner all the time.
This is why non-Arabs smell like shit, they don't follow this basic procedure. You're fucking welcome.
>scratch my arse
>scratch my face
aaaaand im black.
just sand nigger things
worrying about impressing butthole is what gay people do.
i fucked a austrian chick in the ass once. she had poop in it :'( i don't want to talk about it any further
filthy westerners toilet paper is not enough