Pokemon Match Between Canidates

What pokemon would either canidate use in a match? One pokemon each, no legendaries, winner takes the presidency

Trump would use some rare Dragon type that he bought.
Clinton would probably use a Psychic or Normal type that the CIA provides for her.


Hillary's pokemon:
Trump's pokemon:

I have a feeling that Trump is the kind of guy to evolve Pikachu to Raichu.


what in the heck are you kids even talkin about?

No see because he wants to preserve the art of pokemon by keeping Pikachu a Pikachu.

Makes sense that Hillary would be a Pokemon that usually starts off by using Fake-Out

Based on the actual stats of Pokemon, along with their typing, if you're a competitive player, then Hillary's team is so much better.

Gengar and Slowbro can sweep and stall Trump's entire team.

>See Trumps pokemon
>No mention of Arcanine or Dragonite


Oh shit I forgot to put that in.

>gen one only
you have to realize that all the other generations have pokemon that outclass them entirely.

Shillary is this thing.

>Dark/Psychic type
>slippery piece of shit because it's a squid
>covers things up (with ink)

Our God-Emperor would only use the most American pokemon ever: Braviary. Anything else is heresay.

As for HRC? OP got it right it would 100% be Liepard. Yes that is its name

Arcanine is shit, Dragonite is only good if you include Ubers.

>ITT: Children showing their underage by naming post-Gen II Pokemon.

The CIA?

>Most American pokemon ever
>Not Snorlax



New/bait. As much as I love Dragonite, he is shit in Ubers
Oh yeah? What exactly does Canada have? There isn't a syrup pokemon to my knowlege, so you'll have to settle for pic related (bellsprout): a leaf with a big gaping hole

Hillary would def not have an arcanine. She would have a hypnosis or golduck instead.

>Canadian pokemon

HiLiary's Pokemon would be 6 ditto, because she can only copy what other successful people do


Trump is his own Pokemon.....


Sorry I'm going by pokemmo rules so might not be considered an uber under other rulesets.
Yeah, probably this.

Snorlax is pretty good either way so I wouldn't be offended by it.


Hillary would be just a team of Hypnos and Primeapes

Aight you good pham.

Let them come.
Also, someone with holohoax/jew infographics go to GYM and dump them into gallery about Sup Forums

*KYM I mean

>tfw I would use Shillary's team
God damn it Venusaur
Why you gotta be my favorite

Came here to post this
