Why are girls so fucking heartless?

Why are girls so fucking heartless?

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grow up tard

classic "niceguy"

I dont see a problem here

well, i believe the one to be heartless here is the guy. seriously dude...

You are a fucking loser man.

If this is OC then OP is retarded

Cuck attitude

fake and gay

She tried letting you down easy, and you had to go full retard


Is this sneaky cringe thread? I bet it is.

lol honestly what happens to a dude to make him act this way?

Wrecked by a pathetic roastie.
Burn in hell, faggeroni. The final spaghetti spill was one of the worst shitshows ever and she was soft as fuck, too.

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this seems pretty fake but on the off chance it isn't if you're over the age of 20 and act like that around girls you're 100% on the spectrum

poor bait, good cringe

>unrealistic expectations based on porn and internet threads made by delusional teenagers who talk about how every girl is a slut
>poor parenting
>by your powers combined I am captain nice guy

You did a stellar job of hiding her name user

lol what a faggot

nice cencorring, retard
also why even cencor the name? wtf does it matter we know she's called Emma?

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Lol Autist lvl. Over 9000 what are fucking wierdo."let me beg and plead, many she will give in". In what universe did this shit seem not creepy as fuck.

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Nice bate now gtfo. Obviously fake.


are you this retarded that you genuinely think that this is oc

appearently I am

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Op you are a total bitch. That girl is smart for avoiding you.

Why you posting fake pics.

i applaude your self awareness, I'll think about you during my next fapping session

such an honor! thank you, user

Rule 2.

This pasta is centuries old. Lurk moar faggots

Nice try OP. "Hurr durr I'm a retard but it's just this pasta i made seconds ago"

>in an attempt to get into your LOCKED panties LMAO
>my sides

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Why are you so retarded op lmao, no wonder you don't have friends. She'd probably rather fuck her disabled brother than your crusty ass.

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hahah fucking nerd. its like you are trying to sabotage yourself from getting laid.

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That's the cringiest post I've read in days.

Jesus fuck, it’s like an incel version of On the Waterfront. Emma, Emma, EMMMAAAAA! REEEEEE!

They’re both retarded. She’s a cunt because she’s young and I assume pretty and all the guys want her. That will change and she’ll be a roastie just like all the rest, lol.

But they guy is equally retarded. Dudes who act like him NEVER get pussy...

I don't understand how someone can come off as so pathetic and cringy at the same time, and then follow up with making fun of a fucking spastic... Jeez, OP. Calm down.

Poor parenting and unrealistic expectations.

Fake and gay

Smelly old track pants was a good laugh though

yikes dawg, i can only hope this is fake, for your sake

shes a cunt because shes young and pretty? how pathetic you are lmao

You're a retarded incel. To any other guys who have trouble getting with a girl, take a look at yourself first. Saying "I got nothing better to do than wait for your reply" makes you look pathetic.

Girls want a comapnion or master, not a chore.

Oh, it’s fake. But entertaining none the less. In act two, hero puts on his fedora and heads out to McDonalds. Orders tendies and says “ keep em coming, straight up, no sauce bitch.”

Found the cuck.

Most girls in the younger generations get by entirely on their looks and sex appeal. Due to this many never learn life skills or develop proper social habits. Trust me, faggot, in high school these girls will shit on everyone they deem as unworthy, but in their late 20s and early 30s they will kiss the feet of those very same men, settling for literally anyone who will take them in and support them.

It’s like pottery...

how on earth does she act liek a cunt?

you are more cringe than OP, fake or not

Incel is a word most often associated with young men who feel betrayed, or abandoned by women, likely stemming from mommy issues. As such, they use misogyny to mask their pain and sexual frustration. Through this lens, you can justify treating any woman like shit. Sup Forums basics, my boy

She seems nice and smart. Got you pegged from the start.

>how can women be so heartless?
They don't put down their guards unleas you're an arch Chad

>Why are girls so fucking heartless?
Because there are zero consequences for any action they take. And if anyone calls them on their shit, white knights step in to defend their honor because they think being thirsty gets them anything.

ur *thicc* i'm gonna fuck ur ass until my dick has 6" of shit stuck to it

then ur gonna suck it all off and make u look like thicc choco face booty

“Arch Chad.” WTF? Awesome

you look desperate, she's probably a six or below

This is bait.

Yeah, but so what? Fuckers bitch about trap, dick rate, loli, porn in general on Sup Forums. Then when OP generates great cringe content, they bitch about that.

Holy shit the sperg is real with this one
>I'm okay with being just friends