I will commit suicide within few weeks.
Will use pills so there won't be any mess.
Just got one question, should i leave a message with my thoughts or nothing at all?
I will commit suicide within few weeks
Use a helium mask to of yourself it's painless
nah probably not worth the time honestly you killing yourself kind of invalidates anything you write down and anyone who would ask "why" wouldn't understand it anyway
Didn't know about it, thank you.
Bullshit method. They've diluted the gas with air so this no longer works. It's now 'safe.'
Gas tank with helium purity of 95% would work?
NO leave à note with your ATM pin number
Nobody cares about the thoughts of suicidals. Those are disregarded by nature because the person who is suicidal didn't make it in the world. He's weak and so are his ideas. That's my experience at least.
I took care of it, everything i own will be passed down to my brother. I'm asking about leaving a note with my thoughts.
no message needed, everyone will know what a pussy coward you were
Which pills are you gonna use and how many? Keep in mind that overdosing most likely won't kill you and even if it does - you'll die a slow and painful death. If that's what you want, then go for it.
I'm gonna use beta-blockers and sleeping pills
a little on the nose? no?
I'm planning on just writing,
give me your loot
give me coordinates to the spot where you'll kill yourself so i can collect the 10K missing person reward
At least write down all your passwords, access to your phone etc so your family can access them and shut them down / do whatever.
Honestly, I'd just sell your shit off, collect all the money, go on a fat fucking holiday to thailand, fuck shitloads of whores, drink shitloads of cheep booze and enjoy your life before killing yourself
different user here
How the fuck can ppl not know about these less worse methods amaze me, I saw one guy who did not have a gun so he chopped into his arm to bleed out like a mother fucker. It did not work and he was off to the hospital 100x worse, if he hated life then he hates life much more now.
user, what if you left your note right now? Please tell me why you want to commit dude. I want to help.
I’ve coaxed many infirm clocks back to mellifluous life, studied projected geometry and built astrolabes, sundials, taught myself 19 century electroplating, bronzing, patination. Micromachinery, horology, learned piano. Read Poe, De Maupassant, Boccaccio, O’Connor, Welty, Hugo, Balzac, Kafka, Bataille, Gibran, as well as modern works like Mortimer, Hawking, Kunstler, Klein, Jacobi, Heinberg, Hedges, Hitchens and Rhodes.
But the best times of my life, I realize, were the times I spent in the forest and field. I’ve walked in solitude besides my own babbling creek, and wondered at the undulations, meanderings, and tiny atolls that were occasionally swept into its midst. I’ve spent time in idle palaver with Violets, Lileas, Sage, Heliopsis and Monkshood, and marveled at the mystery of Monotropa uniflora. I’ve audited the discourse of the Hickories, Oaks and Pines, even when no wind was present. I have peregrinated the woods in Winter under the watchful guard of vigilant dogs, and spent hours entranced by the exquisiteness and delicacy of tiny mosses and molds, entire forests within a few square inches. I’ve also ran thrashing and flailing from yellow jackets.
Before I could commence this discourse, I spent a few hours out under the night’s sky reacquainting myself with the constellations like old friends. Sometimes I just spend hours playing my records, sometimes I took my record players and CD players apart, just to peek inside and admire the engineering of their incongruous entrails. Sometimes I watched Laverne & Shirley or old movies or Star Trek. Sometimes I sat in the dark and listened to the creaking of the old house.
I’ve lived on this blue orb now for about 17,600 days, and when I look around me and see the leaden dispiritedness that envelops so many persons, both young and old, I know that if I died tonight my life has been inestimably better than that of most of my compatriots. Additionally, my absence makes room and leaves some resources for others that deserve no less than I enjoyed. I’d hope that all persons reading this can enjoy some of the aspects of life that I have enjoyed, as well as those aspects that I never will and will take cognizance of the number of waiting days he has remaining and use them prudently.
To all that is given so much, much love and respect,
John B McLemore
Pick a random person and blame everything on them. Someone you're not really close with. Just make the whole letter about it being their fault
Sorry, your message will not matter. What you'll do will overshadow it completely.
God is waiting for you, user.