If a guy friend said he’d pay you $100 to sit on his face and fart for 10 mins would you do it?

If a guy friend said he’d pay you $100 to sit on his face and fart for 10 mins would you do it?

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> literally get money for dominating a man

Are you fucking retarded?

10 whole minutes for only $100? you'd have to be a huge faggot to take that deal

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You could've just asked me directly buddy, no need to create this thread.
As for the question, hell yeah! Hop in dude.

So yes

Also cool shirt.

I am not that proficient of a farter so I couldn't take that deal.


Thank you ha, hows my ass?

It's okay I guess.I'm not really attracted to regular guys.

I'd do it for 20k

Would your farts smell bad when I smell them? I would fart on your face too if you wanted

Fuck no. $100 isn't nearly enough to think about that.

I think that all farts smell bad. I'll pass but thanks.

Would you really be all right with sitting on a guys face and farting? Most men wouldn’t like that, are you embarrassed by your farts?

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Nothing to be embarrassed about. You like to smell farts, I can fart.

Nice! How would you get me to smell them?

I'd sit on your face?

Yes, just making sure that wasn’t too weird. Would you mind having your ass pressed against someones elses face?

As long as my fartbox doesn't get tongued.

Haha, nice. All the air Id be able to breathe would be your farts if you sit on me. Would you tell me to keep sniffing?

If that turns you on, I guess.

I definitely couldn't continuously fart for 10 minutes... if you have friends that can I would seriously recommend a gastroenterologist before any sort of weird gay sex

I would do it for 500