"Dehghan, a former defense minister who is now the main military adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei...

"Dehghan, a former defense minister who is now the main military adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told US reporters that reprisals would come from Iran itself, not its allied militia in the region.
'It might be argued that there could be proxy operations. We can say America, Mr. Trump, has taken action directly against us -- so we take direct action against America. The only thing that can end this period of war is for the Americans to receive a blow that is equal to the blow they have inflicted."

Holy shit.Trump has doomed America We're all going to die. It's over.

Attached: trump-gun.jpg (360x225, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Calm down jackass nobody's gonna do anything. Iran is nothing compared to the might of the USA

There's gonna be a draft and WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! just so daddy can stay in power

Alright this has to be bait. Iran can't do shit. And if Iraq tries to kick us out of their country we'll bomb them to oblivion

I'm out lol

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what is all that draft shit about?
Not enough poor people anymore to fill the army?
Maybe you should let some immigrants in to fill the gap.

whatever, you're a sheep and will be the first to die

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Republicans may be retarded but they're not dumb enough to go fight a useless war against Iran that'll result in countless deaths..

Trump has been planning this for years, start a war with iran then demand a draft (maybe he'll try to do it via executive order) so that he will guarantee his reelection.

>remember when everyone said Obama was gonna drop martial law so that he could overstay his second term...
guess what that didn’t happen. Stop being a fucking retard. There ain’t gonna be a ww3. Some terrorist attacks (business as usual) probably but the world powers ain’t about to start throwing down. Bet

God you're fucking stupid

Obama didn't do it because he wasnt an idiot and had no reason to destroy our country.
Trump will start a war with iran just because it energizes his base.

Nice retort. Next

Has there ever been a time when the Middle East wasn't in turmoil? The fuck is their problem?

I remember that kek. My mom called me one day and was freaking out that Obama was gonna declare martial law so he could stay in office and get rid of the elections process.

Shit was funny but nothing ever happened and this post is just concern trolling

For thousands of years. But maybe if we just leave them alone they can kill themselves off right?

>Antiquated Soviet / Warsaw Pact-era Air Force & Armour
>Navy comprised of 30 souped up fishing boats armed with RPG's
>Missile arsenal comprised of outdated short range, budget surplus Russian & Chinese missiles that can't reach beyond their immediate vicinity
>Internal political situation is near a tipping point with Iranian regime having to continually squash uprisings across the country.

Yeah, I'm sure they pose a threat to the most advanced military in the world, let alone Israel - who's military has decimated Iran's military everytime they've been engaged.

Yeesh, you far left fat fuck incel basement dwellers are really scared you'll have to leave momma's basement, huh?

THIS. OP either has to b some pretty shit tier bait, or he / she's yet another typical libtard uneducated dumbfuck pissing their pampers in fear.

>There's gonna be a draft and WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
Unhinged liberal cuck.

3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?

Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost?
That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped?
That feeling of despair?
That the world had just flipped, turned upside down?
That evil had triumphed over good?


Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.


It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.

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No I am sure op is a dnc employee paid to spread the fear of a draft to scare the kiddies and their parents so they vote against orange man. It seems to be the talking point they are focusing on .

God, you're fucking stupid v2

Fuck off with your fearmongering bullshit, CNN. We're not at war with anyone.

just proved user's point....too dumb to realize

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Wouldn't be surprised. There dipshits have at least 6 active threads on Sup Forums's catalog right now crying cause Trump killed this terrorist scumbag. It's like the left just lost a national hero or some shit. Like WTF?

Obama didn't do it because he was a pussy like you

>hurr durr obama used drone strikes
>orange man used drone strike
Ahhh bootlicking at its finest

>It's like the left just lost a national hero or some shit. Like WTF?
The fact that liberals are literally mourning over a terrorist is in itself more concerning than the bombing of a terrorist. Fucking traitors.

Perfect example of why everyone hates you far left and far right faggots. A terrorist got blown away, you're cancering up Sup Forums crying like lil bitches about it.


Trump's retard posse is way too far gone to care about his idiotic nature. They could care less about facts or history.

It's where to whiny cunts belong. Or killing yourself. A terrorist died. Deal with it.

the fact is, you're a second place finishing faggot

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>I love nigger cock

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THANK YOU! I literally give no fucks about politics because of how retarded these fuckers act. But just the sheer amount of crying and bitching the alt-right and fringe left are doing over this motherfucker getting whacked, I'm prob going to vote for trump just to annoy these sniveling twats.

Same, tbh. Haven't voted in years, but if Trump taking out a mass murdering douchebag makes extremists on both sides of the political divide this asshurt, he's probably worth voting for in November.

Show us the physical evidence that liberals are mourning that guys death

Legal immigrants are actually required to register for the draft, fun fact.


>Trump's retard posse
Trump is retard posse...

Self-ownage at its finest.

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Yeah....pretty apolitical myself. All politicians are scummy corrupt shit. But after all the threads from the extreme left, extreme right on Sup Forums today crying over the Iranian dude getting blown apart - will be voting for Trump. If he angers extremists of every political stripe to this degree, he's doing it right imo.

You seriously think that Iran can fight wit US ??? In one day we will get their oil production destroyed and they will be dead in the water ... All WWIII bullshit is just a media joke. Russia profit big time if Iran is done they will not do a thing

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You retarded Republicans will be the first to die when trump forces you to go fight for him in a useless war

It'll be unnecessary waste of us citizen, but then again you are trump supporters so not much will have been lost

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Nobody knew that was useless until a long time later after the facts came out. People were in shock and didn't know the truth. Maybe they wouldn't have gone if they had

definitely. getting sick of these whiny assed faggots bringing their pol shit onto Sup Forums. If voting Trump drives these pol faggots bonkers, count me in voting for the orange tard.

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Just look at them on Twitter, like this one; twitter.com/rosemcgowan/status/1212976832544460801?s=20

Poor naive samefag

lol like all of you libtards will just run in Canada or Mexico to avoid draft ???
Will not be war or draft ...Iran is dumb but not that dumb ( hint they are not liberals )

Fuck off OP - useless fucking Obama voter

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>were huge pussies who can't do shit
>when something bad happens please give us credit!

just wait for November ...... another 4 years of tears

>some nobody on Twitter has an opinion that nobody else actually agrees with

Nobody who is important or matters is saying these things. So it doesn't matter.

Heigh Ho
Heigh Ho
It's off to war we go

4 years of jail time until he's sent away to Guantanamo for 40

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If anything, Iran will nuke Israel and rich Arabian coast countries... which would send the oil prices thru the roof, forcing us to use alternative fuels. This could be a blessing in disguise. Then we send 3 or 4 B-2 bombers and blow Iran to smithereens.

yeah, that's right, you tell em faggot

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...how did you come to the conclusion that pol is anti trump that doesn't make sense

>Everybody getting tired of my political boring shit is uh samfag
Nah, mate. We're just tired of you boring political shit.

Your containment board awaits

sorry to disappoint your stupid ass, but you are incorrect with this post.....lib assholes like you are the reason orange man will win in 2020 handily

Moving that bar back are we, what a good little republicunt you're learning from your masters

That's their excuse when people post facts and evidence
>go back to pol
Might as well say
>I really am a retard

So ive heard this before all wars we won all them in my lifetime. Vietnam we would of won if fags like you would of shur up and politics got out if the way. Fuck sick of bitches.

If anything it would be the hypocrisy of the right side that gets him reelected

Not the user you're replying to, but current pol threads are all calling Trump an Israel puppet, Israeli asset, blaming Jews for Trump whacking this Iranian terrorist. And this very thread, several other pol-tier threads on Sup Forums have the same whiny bitches blaming Israel. So it's definitely Sup Forums-tards leaking outside of Sup Forums.

Not difficult to figure out, user.

Not moving the bar at all, you said "DNC employee" not "random citizen who nobody has heard of"

It's kind of astounding, pol is one of the most conservative boards on the site

They actually let immigrants into the military and offer them citizenship foe their service

They gonna kill Pance?

Every Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums has alt-right faggots crying about "duh joos", saying Israel is controlling trump. Usual alt-right antisemitic bullshit you see in literally every Sup Forums thread.

You asked, I can't help it if you're dismissive. Anyways, you should know liberals enough by now to know that they don't tolerate independent thought. They're like NPCs that are programmed what to say and think. In the latest update, it went from "orange man bad" to "terror man good"

> that can't reach beyond their immediate vicinity
Not accurate, but why would they need to?
Saudi Oil refineries, ports, and saltwater processing facilities are all on Iran's doorstep.
A few SCUD missiles, which Iran has among the best in the world and plenty of, can destroy the entire arab peninsula and an essential lynchpin to the global oil economy.

Unlike hyper advanced missiles and their tracking systems, which is what US doctrine is designed to counter, a SCUD is big, very difficult to shoot out of the air, and impossible to alter its projected path via cyber attack since it uses no guidance systems.

This also relates to our navy vs theirs, since again, we design our defenses to counter attacks against equally high tech forces, but not a bum rush of things like suicide boats which circumvent all of that.

the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships.
>The losses were as follows: one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.

The Iranian military and its allies/proxies will not implode the second we apply pressure as what happened in Iraq, since Saddam was loathed by many and feared by his forces.
You're not getting rid of these people, they don't care how much you make them bleed, and the damage they will inflict in kind isn't necessarily going to be directly against US armed forces, but definitely in places where you least expect.

Of course you dont think the Jews are directly involved in this, seeing as you are one.

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Yup. The alt-right think Trump's a traitor for killing the Iranian general, claiming he did it on Israel's orders. The left are crying about Trump killing the General, acting like they just lost a national hero. Trump makes whiny extremist cunts on both sides cry this much, he has my vote.

hahahahaha yeah op, that camel jockey has power. Try again, bot.

Some random person said it, the majority of the people are not saying it

So your argument is literally useless and does nothing

Bingo. In example
The alt-right an far-left both despise Israel for varying reasons, they both cry and snivel over Trump exterminating a terrorist that Obama tried to end 3 times, but failed. So Trump's all good in my book.

>everyone says Orange man bad so I say orange man good
>this news makes Orange man look bad, so I'll call it fake and believe everything orange man says
>Orange man is 4D chessmaster with both his allies and opponents confused about what the fuck he's doing half the time (but no payoff)

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Not me, but thats not what that post was saying, whoever asked for physical evidence was given physical evidence, then one triggered boy responded that it wasn't enough. Bar moved

Iran said it would happen to us military and they "dont have to attack the us mainland to attack Americans"

Honestly they can do more damage than people think

OP is a faggot

Lol when's that last time that ever worked Dagmar? I'm all for striking against or corrupt disgusting federal government, but this is kinda dumb. I hope the manage to kill Trump. Then we can have Pence which is a not a bad move upwars at all.

just like the rice farmers were nothing eh ?

>being in this much denial

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Thanks for proving my point as though on cue,, pol-tard.

Not that it wasnt enough, it was enough but it doesn't matter

the so called terrorist was defending his country against colonist scum that is meddling with Iran ever since the coup of 53. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

Wasn't making an argument, just a statement that liberals are shameless traitors. Are you suggesting that you agree with them that killing terror man was bad?

If America goes to war the Iranians will just turn to guerrilla warfare, their territory is different than other countries that were used to and it won't be a walk in the park

>terror man good

And now the far left rationalize their defense of this terrorist....you were right user, Trump has the knuckle dragging fringers at both political extremes crying. Guess i'll vote for him, too.

>Wasn't making an argument because any argument I had would be wrong, just a statement that the specific liberal I mentioned is a shameless traitor, but not the majority of any group of people

>anything not orange bad

This. Gonna pull the lever for Trump out of sheer fact he has these idiots shrieking in rage.

Oh ok, so they're just salty.


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>imagine if it were hillary in his shoes

>compared to the might of the USA
stuck in two endless wars they can't win
fuck you trumpshit

>Gonna pull the lever for Trump out of sheer fact I'm stupid and retarded
>kick me
>kick me kick me kick me kick me