And guys wonder why they're still virgins

And guys wonder why they're still virgins

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You probably a slut anyways

Why bc they say “hey”?

it's Sup Forums, he is just a catfish

also nothing wrong with 'hey', if any girl thinks it's too boring, weak, lame etc. and rejects you, then you just dodged a bullet, be thankful

>also nothing wrong with 'hey'
You don't understand. Yes there's nothing wrong with 'hey', but every girl has about 20 guys saying 'hey' to her every day of her life. imagine 20 girls trying to bone you every day. Would you respond to 'hey'?


20 times a day.

know whats funny about this shit? i made a Bumble account once, the one where the women have to message you first. guess what 90% of them said? some variation of hey / hi

oh, I thought it was tinder. I was assuming that if you two got matched, then obviously she likes you too, so 'hey' should be totally sufficient

still though, there is nothing wrong with 'hey'. There is nothing wrong to not responding to it, especially if you have 20 other 'heys' in your inbox. Still though, people have some weird delusions that you need to be a mastermind of creativity when writing first to the other person. If you ignore 'hey', then ok, but if you feel somehow offended, because someone only said 'hey', then go fuck yourself

What even is this thread?

this is probably bait
but if not, post face tits and stamp

So if I wrote "Do you think Socrates was a real person or just a character invented by Plato to drive his relativistic point home?" you think she'd respond?



throw a couple of them a bone you'd most likely be saving lives

I'm on bumble, and the rare time I get a fucking message from a girl it's usually the fucking same.

I decided to use "what's shakin' bacon" and got unmatched immediately. Guess she wasn't the one.


Man here makes sense

You got any of the pics/vids they send you saved?

Expose me can do live vid

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I usually throw a:
>if the superglue unglues does it superunglue or unsuperglue
>is the military group of otters riding seahorses to battle a seacavalry or a marine?
followed by
>do not haste with your answer, think this through, the future of my fingers may rely on it
it's a hit or miss when sliding in DMs but on tinder where I usually have some sort of JD like profile it's mostly an instant hit since they know what they're into when they swipped right
hey is gay because you can just throw whatever you want to talk about at the start no need to wait for a response

Meanwhile on Tinder

>I swiped because of your dog
>I like the office
>I like adventures

It's not that guys are boring, online dating in general is full of boring people. there's a reason they meet online

>>I like adventures
I fucking hate this one.

my friend got a gf by asking her if she wanted to cut off his dick, she said no.
they're still together. i think he still has his dick too.