eugenia cooney needs help
if you aren’t up to date...
eugenia cooney has been making youtube videos since 2013 and has been known for being alarmingly skinny.
it got worse and worse overtime
finally, after years of the internet freaking out, on february 10 2019 she tweeted (vaguely) that she was “working on this with her doctor privately” and taking a break from the internet
in july 2019, shane dawson makes a “””documentary””” video on his youtube channel talking about her recovery
eugenia was extremely vague here, she barely opened up at all. most people were happy she seemed to be recovering, but some were worried that she was still in denial as she was still very underweight. she essentially said she just “kinda forgot to eat” lmao
just hours later, 3 of her old friends upload a video together talking about what REALLY transpired to get her help. turns out, they had an intervention for her that involved mental health professionals and law enforcement talking to her that resulted in her crying and calling her mom. (keep in mind eugenia was 24 at this time)
her mom freaks out, calls one of her friends that are doing this a “fucking bitch” a “cunt” and a “lesbian” lmao
her mom tells eugenia to get out of that situation immediately, essentially telling her to run from the police and mental health professionals
the mental health professionals escort her out and to put her in a psych ward for a couple days
eugenia never fully responded to these allegations
now, in 2020, this is what she looks like. clearly not taking recovery seriously. what the fuck is going on??
Eugenia cooney needs help
Lol, I would’ve bet she’d be dead years ago
I want to break that skinny goth pussy.
Why do you even care about her? It's so stupid to give any fucks about some random bitch online. Get a life.
She's hot af
why does her mom want her to be anorexic
Aw, thank you, user! But you could’ve just told me directly! ^-^
idk, that’s what’s terrifying. her mom seems to be a huge enabler
She’s a lost cause. If by that age she has not come to realize she is sick she probably never will.
seems to be the case :/
More like Eugenia COOMey
She seems a lot healthier in her newer vids and has definitely gained a little weight. No idea what you’re going on about
So in Africa she is a an average girl but here everybody criticism her. Double standards
you're breakin' my heart.
You're shakin' my confidence daily.
She has a fat pussy
oh my - want want to rub bones with her. I would drink from her daily. lick her till she had no more cum and breed her every chance I could get. we could share a seat at most places. mmmmmmm hmmmm
This guy speaks the truth.
If she really wanted attention, she should go fuck Belle Delphine and post the vid on Instagram. They would make millions on sweaty gamer girl socks.
All the meat is on her pussy
she certainly gained like... 10lbs MAX, mostly in water weight as her face is clearly more bloated now, but the rest of her body is still very underweight
she tries hard to hide her legs and arms now in vids but sometimes fails and man... her legs look like how they looked in 2014 when she was still very underweight
Yeah, she's getting better. She was looking pretty good lately.
>Just look at her Instagram,she's not Ms Anorexia anymore
Lololol if this was on a YLYL post I would lost.
her pussy must be like 5% of her bodyweight
Yea something fishy is up with her family
I mean she’s 25 and still lives at home, despite making much more than your average person
A lot of controversy around her mom
When either of her parents show up in her videos it’s always weird. She seems like scared of her dad, and her mom is always saying disturbing stuff
Def a weird situation
sure, she has gained SOME weight but is still alarmingly underweight. if we weren’t all numb to how sick she has gotten and used to seeing her as a skeleton, the internet would be concerned. Also, she still gets super uncomfortable around topics surrounding food and even water, she does 8 hour long live streams with no food, water, or bathroom breaks. this is not normal, ESPECIALLY for someone in recovery.
yeah i agree and my nosey ass hates not knowing what tf is going on
>put her in a psych ward
Controlling pieces of shit. Forcing someone to be admitted is fucked up.
She is bulimic and on top of that brainwashed.I was researching some threads and some older videos how she talked how she was constantly bullied (and i'm talking like real mental and physical abuse) and she never tried to antagonize those who were fucking her over, but more like accepting that she deserved it. She is too happy to the point she doesn't realize how some people treat her, so she maybe got the stigma that she should make her self as small as possible so she doesn't bother anyone. Maybe that shit effected her personality to always cry and call mom when something makes her angry/uncomfortable. She doesn't behave like an adult.
Her ED is obviously fueled by her family and living situation. There may also be drugs involved but that is just a guess. My point being that there is really nothing other that show our support and urge her to get help that we can do. She obviously isn't open to seeking help on her own. She also seems perfectly able to play the system to get out when placed on a 5150 hold.
It's not that I don't care user. It's that I just don't see what can be done. If you are a close friend a you can do is call in a health check and hopefully the authorities will intervene. Good luck!
:// now i’m sad
but that makes a lot of sense