what does Sup Forums think about Filipinas?
is it worth dating one?
I am talking to one now and she seems amazing. Plus I am rich as fuck in her standards, so that's a bonus.
What does Sup Forums think about Filipinas?
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The length of your relationship depends on how long you can support her.
But by all means, fils are waifu materials
Fils are like water, you can mix em with a lot of things
Be careful of the family.
Potentially lots of admin with the family.
They like white guys
if it's long term your food will change drastically.
their cuisine dominates
I've heard the family would want their kids to mix with whites because in their culture, the whiter your skin the better. is this not true?
that's okay, I love Asian food, and i'm also a britbong so my food sucks anyway.
They're fucking nuts, good lays, but insane. Don't marry her. If you're white just settle down with a white chick.Have fun and wrap it with them.
It's true with most non-white cultures.
but white girls are boring, and i have yellow fever
Dated a fil for three years and this was a shock to my system. Her family was super great in general, but it can be a bit much. Spending frequent time with family is basically mandatory. That’s not “bad” necessarily, but I’m used to my white, quiet, midwestern American liberal family that just asks for phone calls on Christmas and Mother’s Day.
Not overtly true, once they move to the UK/USA, that prejudice doesn't really exist as strongly, so they don't mind who they mix with.
I date a filipina and hey extended family are considerable admin, expect pressure to learn Tagalog, the language. Expect traditional Catholic family values. Expect huge family parties where you're the only white guy and everybody speaks English only to you.
That's from my experience anyway, every family is different.
Their food is quite good, but there's a reason it's not as popular as many other Asian cuisines here in the UK. Some of it is amazing, some of it taste's like ass and smells like old ass.
better than your typical north american land whale. there is a risk that she will americanize if you bring here here. there is also the problem of her family, which she will want you to support. the best bet, if you have the money, is to base yourself there in PI and get a girlfriend there. you will call all the shots. you will be treated like a prince. this is because if she is not on her best behavior, then you drop her like a bad habit and get a new one in a heartbeat. she will know this. if you get a single mother, then you can really do whatever you want. she will become dependent on the small amount that she will ask to support her kid. you can drink. you can cheat on her. she will hate you. but she won't dare leave.
Man, Filipinas are smoking hot! As a recently divorced man that is 42, if they want to be a part of my family and I there's, that's okay by me.
They can all Kik me
trips of truth
They're boring because you've probably been abused in the past by your mom, I assume emotionally. Get over your issues,Filipinos are insane and they'll hurt your worse, but deep down that's what you want because it's what you know.
I'm mixed and I dated a Filipino girl for almost a year in the UK. I think that what they usually DON'T like is ghetto/gansta/dat life types, no matter the skin colour. I think this is also true for most Asian women. It's not like they don't like hip hop or whatever, it's just that they prefer men who are on the right side of the law.
the fuck are you talking about? sounds like you're the one that got hurt emotionally by a filipino
They're insane. Japs are better.
They're my favorite Asians tbh. Deff take her to church with you tho to keep her wholesome.
They're big into family (usually) so she'll make a great mom.
Problems: BE WARY OF HER FAMILY AS WELL. They have some bugmen in them and will expect the white savior to fork bills. Always hide your finances.
But generally? Fili women are way more feminine then you'll be used too. Love to cook, clean. Make great nurses. Will come to see you when you're sick and make you soup.
In return she expects you to be a man though. Gotta act good to her but be tough.
If she's from the islands it may benefit to have a private eye follow her around for a few days to see if she's just using you and already has a boyfriend etc. Not likely but hey, shit happens and a Fili PI will be like 100$
nah bro every single asian woman is insane
OH and OP.
Filipina lifehack.
Pale skinned pines are treated a lot better then the brown ones. If she's light skinned she may have a bit of a tude. If you don't mine the browner Pinos, they're usually much more humble and sweet. Plus they'll value you much more in return.
I like japs too and i'm always told that they love white guys, but from what i've seen every jap girl only wants to date other japs.
I've had great experiences with Japs
hiring the snoop is definitely something you would want to do.
They're usually pretty curvy too
I'm mixed, not originally from the UK but I now live here and I can tell you this; most of UK women, independently from race and especially Londoners are vapid and boring. I personally think that black chicks are even worse; they are basically the same person; there's no variation whatsoever and those "scalp rats" that they call wig are absolutely disgusting.
I come from a small town in Southern Europe by the sea (basically everyone was white) and the honest truth is that most girls were also boring apart from the few exceptions that surfed/skate, did extreme sports, martial arts or something along those lines.
For me that's the constant that I've observed with the exception being Dutch women. They're usually outright chilled out, cool gals.
Oh shit, I already married one :(
They really do, you've probably just gotten unlucky. I've dated two (one of which is now my wife) and she admitted she had white fever lol
How's the marriage doing?
Dated one for a bit, got on well with her but she had a super traditional religious family, like she wasn't allowed to stay overnight anywhere.
She was also unbelievably frigid, she eventually broke it off because she was "uncomfortable" with the fact that I wanted to have sex 4/5 months into a relationship
Yeah I was surprised. Lived there for around 4 years and you expect Asian girls to have small tits but man. Some of them are brickhouse.
Personally I'm a disgusting Sup Forumstard so I love the ones that are 21yo but look like they're 10. Dated a 4 foot 10, 90lb Pine girl and while I received horrible looks, the feeling of her squeeking out a moan as she orgasms on my dick was the most erotic feel of my life. 10/10 would do again.
Yeah every fil I know has a bubble butt that would make a Latina jealous. Meh if she's legal she's legal. You're gonna get dirty looks anyway, me and my wife get them all the time from roasties
Never, ever cheat on a Fili girl. I never did but some ex-pat friends thought they would be Lord Cock of the Block and tried stringing along a few girls.
One finds out and then finds that one of the other women was a distant relative.
When he went out the next night this chicks whollllleeeee fucking clan came out of the wood work. She stood there with the other girl and they called this guy a million insults and when he got up to leave the guys threw about 10 sucker punches, kicked him, hit him with sticks and threw rocks at him.
He did not die but he got fucked up and they stole his phone and money.
In a way, well deserved justice. So be honorable with your intentions OP!
Meh if more men did this the West wouldn't be so degenerate. Good on them.
Yup agreed. If you're a soulless human and think you can leverage yourself from normie to cock-master at the expense of some truly wholesome, good tier girls...then you deserve some fist.
The Philippines was a Spanish colony for around 350 years. They have quite a bit of Latin Heritage, far more than just the bubble buts. That's why you have light skinned Pines that usually tend to be more on the mid/high class.
Hopefully he learned his lesson
deserved. I would never want to cheat anyway. I want to date and marry one, not fuck around with randoms.
best ones are half europe whites
Ahh the Spaniards, colonizing in more ways than one.
>Yup agreed. If you're a soulless human and think you can leverage yourself from normie to cock-master at the expense of some truly wholesome, good tier girls...then you deserve some fist.
And those are the same guys that turn around and grab their underage siblings and produce copious amounts of Cheese Pizza.
That hypocrisy also runs very deep in Latin America.
I'm Portuguese myself... You can thank me for Brazilian butts later... xD
That is a jap you idiot
Thank you! Portuguese women aren't too bad in the booty department either!
no it isn't you fucking baboon
99% of them hit the wall at 30.
Even more so than white women.
Shit food, shit alcohol intake, shit exercise regimens.
Phils is where euro ex-pats who are too poor to live in Thailand go to drink themselves to death.
Wow that's nice.
From an actual flip: probably likes you for the money. Personality, looks, etc, all of that is just a bonus. If she's not an actual literal whore, then family approval will be a big thing. And if you're as rich as you say you are, then you'll probably be fine with that. Try to learn the language. They'll appreciate the gesture even if you suck, which is good for approval ratings. Expect to shoulder a lot of costs for her family. Know when to say no to them or else you'll be subsidizing everything for them.
Also I'm warning you right now that most of them blow up and get ugly and fat in the worst way possible when they get older. Just something to know.
>99% of them hit the wall at 30.
I gotta disagree, asian women age by far the best. One of my friend's mom is near;y 60 and she could easily pass for late 30s early 40s.
Yeah, supposedly a beauty pageant from Portugal.
If they're not complete prima donnas Latin women are great girlfriend and wife material.
you have two choices: 1.) pay to keep her healthy.
2.) If you can't afford it, or she would listen, trade her in for a younger model.
Live here with her, and you call the shots.
Yes, can confirm. It's from a beauty pageant that's held in Figueira da Foz (I think) every year.
Pro Tip:
Portuguese women love (distinguished) British men, that act like gentlemen.
They tend to age poorly though
white women tend to age horribly, which you will see if you look around the world.
The best pussy on earth.
What about a distinguished American man?
Yeah, that's why I think an Asian is your best bet for a halfway decent looking wife.
True that, but we've imported the beach body culture from Brazil so you have a lot of MILf's today...
You too burger... I have a NYC burger friend that came to visit as soon as he said he's from New York, you'd visibly see the chicks getting wet. xD
I can only do that if I go to Sweden or Holland with a summer tan on me... xD
Holy fuck are you retarded we’re talking about Filipinas
I'm actually going to be visiting the Azores this year (my grandma is getting older and want's to see the old country before she dies) and my and my cousins want to visit the mainland while we're over. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a Portuguese qt gf. Is the language barrier tough?
Low iqs, terrible food, covered in moles, age like milk, will gamble away all your money, etc. Get a real asian
Not really... Most people under 40 will speak at least some English and younger people with be fluent. It's more like The Netherlands than Spain or Italy, if you ever visited those countries.
Azores is a beautiful place man... It's one of my choices for retirement, of if I ever start doing work online/consultancy work. If you're into water sports like surfing, spear fishing, open water fishing etc.. you'll love it.
>Get a real asian
Such as...
Great to fuck!!! Tight pussy and crazy in bed.
Do not date or marry one though!!!!!
Italy is definitely on my list (My mom was born their and my dad is Portuguese.) I love the sea but not too big on fishing. Tbh just like to listen to the waves. My dad's joking about me finding a 'nice Portuguese girl' and for the first time in my life I'm not super opposed to the idea so just trying to do some scouting haha. Thanks btw.
Beware of ladyboy
Your dad's not wrong. Most Portuguese women are of the conservative type (even the pink haired ones, if you even find one) and family oriented.
You forgot karaoke every 5 minutes but other than that completely true
yo 100% true
Pussy is pussy, bro. What are you afraid of? Afraid she might want to do this to you?
>Most Portuguese women are of the conservative type
Yeah that's what I'm looking for. Just can't deal with American trash women anymore. I want a family too. Is Catholicism still big there? I'm not uber religious but do like attending mass.
Filipinas are great wife material. Take her to the US, never fork over to support her family.
Tight af but you date the whole fucking family, there's no secrets or privacy it's obnoxious after a while, also other Asians look down on them like trash
All girls slut it out when they find the guy who says it's okay. I've fucked the most conservative commited girlfriends and wives in porno fashion and they love it. Good luck finding "the one".
Do you know what tampo is yet? If not You will other than that and the possibility that she’s a money whore great girlfriend/wife material
When you say youre ruch as fuck in her standards that means you're making minimum wage?
Love sluts
You can say that; 9/10 times people will be Catholic and want to marry in a Church. Some people still go to mass occasionally and there's also processions to Fatima and Santiago de Compostela (North of Spain) every year.
Yep ladyboys are for real and very convincing
Flips are OK. Got one I call a brother. And like all other races, some of them are fucking hot!
Don't have kids with them. They'll be short and have tiny dicks
i'm not rich by any means in western culture, i just meant that i make a decent living
They basically like anything but asian
Fuck me more? Kik?
No kik
Let's see the front then. How about starting a vola?
100% right. Too bad none of the mouth-breathing retards who need to see it will
Filipinas are good cumdumps
Any in lingerie?
where do you talk to these types of girls?