does any of you Sup Forumsastards find my sister attractive?
Does any of you Sup Forumsastards find my sister attractive?
I'd smash her backdoor in
Yes. Fugly bitches turn me on. Post more of this slut
maybe without the nose ring
Nose rings make my penis softer faster than gay porn
Dont be mean to my sister
I like her, please post more
>same tread
>every day
>it is shit
>yu are ghey
>hope you liked
>my little ditty
>i'm going now
>'cos your thread is shitty
Very. Would sexually destroy.
She's cute but that's cuz she's young. Most women that will look horrible at 45 are cute when they are young.
Lets see her chubby ass
would gladly breed your nieces and nephews
fuck yes
Just keeping posting more of this fugly slut. Post more her tits at least to see if she's a proper butterface
OP here, interesting...
she'd be cute as fuck if she toned up a little
I bet she is very fertile.
I would let her touch my peepee.
She’s hot for the trailer park but don’t forget OP an trailer park 9 is like a real world 3. Good luck with your flipper baby.
Toned up a little? What are you? Some kind of faggot? Women are supposed to be soft.
the glasses and hair style are doing her any favors.
Timestamp or GTFO you retard.
she's perfect
pls more
Let's see those boobs
doubt she will ever go to a gym lol
shes a liberal, thats how liberals look
its not me you dumbass
dough is gross user
I'm not saying she has to be a /fit/ freak but just a little bit of tone would go a long way on her.
love this kind of girl i could swear theyre all called alexandra and katerina
Lets see her naked
or just bikini pics will do too if u dont have nudes
In the US that is an Ashley or a Jennifer.
OP only has those three pics from her fb page
she's gorgeous , how old is she ?
Take the nose piercing out
not even close lol
yeah more pics like that
she got the face of a real cutie and the body of a goddess
your big sister or little
I would hose those tits with gallons of my hot cum. More.
she looks like a perfect copy of my ex katerina im not even joking. but shesmentally unstable af
She's hot, just don't get any fatter or it'll be over.