Ask an Operator anything.
Ask an Operator anything
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Is that what people call cashiers now?
Can you connect me to the faggot police? I have an OP to report.
Let me join you, bruh
OP always has been and always will be a fucking faggot
Are you going airsofting?
Its called paintballing, bitch
Which do you operate?
The mop? Or the bucket?
Neo I can get you into the Matrix but we have to go NOW!!
Can we see ur nudes?
What do you operate? Your boyfriend's knob?
Imagine being this fucking cringe, though. Take that uniform back to the goodwill you bought it from
you ever kill anything more than a mouthful of cum?
Can you take another pic in the uniform but with your dick out? Ladies love a man in uniform.
Are you a smooth operator? Asking for a friend.
You ever get high and jack off?
ex Air Force PJ here (crosstrained as door gunner and US Army 11B)
dont bother asking me anything because i cant tell you anything due to the OPSEC
How do you like to drink your water? Is the glass filled to the brim with ice, half-ice, a quarter-ice, or no ice? Or maybe you like warm water?
should I go to school tomorrow?
I went to visit the PJs in Alaska one time
why do all airsofters think that are some sort of top secret agents or contract killers they are the most cringe shit ever.i have a guy from school on ig and he legit post fucking army stuff and all he does is play fucking airsoft i forgot to mention that army is obligatory where i live so he constantly posts shit about getting to the army yall are just a bunch of faggots neck yourselves
>army is obligatory where i live
where the fuck do you live?
shithole county x, y, or z. who cares? it's not America
i was curious about which first world country still has a draft system
This sums it all up.
>uneducated americucks trying to look superior
Don't you belong on /k/?
lions dont concern themselves with the opinions of sheeps user. dont waste another though on these foreign fleas.
I'm no patriot (or american), i was just genuinely curious
Do people dial 0 or 411 to reach you?
That's airsoft gear.
Go kill yourself.
Tell us more about OPSEC
dat uniform is unsat bruh....