Hey Sup Forums, what Cigs you guys smoke?
Hey Sup Forums, what Cigs you guys smoke?
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Pall Mall Menthols, used to love Mboro Golds but I prefer Pall Mall becuase of the price.
understandable, I'm a britfag so for the most part we have shitty cigs with no actual branding
I'm a britfag aswell, used to import Reds from the internet
no filter for me
We don't call them cigs where I'm from. We call them fags.
you from the netherlands?
yeah same but I'd assume there aren't many britfags on Sup Forums
I didn't even know that was possible
Damn those look expensive
Yeah, American websites, total purchase and shipping costs about the same cost as UK fags. Not too bad if you want the flavoured menthols
You assume wrong lad
a little bit but not more than like....American Spirits. They're also not very good, complete waste of money.
yeah and the cool looking packaging i'd assume
Hate to admit it but yes.
How much were they?
I sure did boyo
godnonde! wat een verrassing
i buy marlboro red in soft pack from local store for 15zloty
I like this guy
echt hé? wat brengt jou in deze uithoek?
DuMorier Mellow Blend
Best smoke
ik wou dat ik daar een degelijk antwoord had... mijn tijd verspillen aan urenlang tussen porno scrollen en zoekende naar een degelijke thread?
en jij?
I've stopped since a week
But god, Camel light and Davidoff gold were some good shit
now i use this
best in a Hasj joint. i also like the marketing.
Never smoked them, the best ive ever had is probably Marlboro red but those are uncommon in my area
You're an imbecile. Don't listen to this guy folks.
ik werd een beetje ziek van de kanker op /pol, daarom probeer ik hier een beetje mijn catalogus te spammen. verder beetje drinken beetje blowen.
anyone in here ever try rolling/growing their own? if so how was it? quality taste etc etc
club rolling tobacco cause i'm a poorboy
ik voel je, daar kom ik niet vaak meer. heb morgen examen maar ben dat aan het verkloten door hier de hele dag draden te lezen
My man
i dont smoke much only with weed once a month or at a party, marlbaro red
American Spirit Black
Very strong, but all the others taste like crap
Taught me to put a cigarette out when I just don't want another drag
Packs last a lot longer - 2 packs a week
>You must be 21 or older to purchase tobacco products
/b can't buy cigarettes.
winston, because poorfag
Part of what I’m grateful for in the US is non cucked cigarette packs
They’re artistic in their own way
lol those ones good joints
you just spit the tabacco out with an air blow and fill it in with weed
mijn volk
There are a few brands like American Spirit that also have cans of rolling tobacco, so taste doesn't have to be any different than what you buy off the shelf.
Imagine still smoking cigarettes in 2020. Peak turboloser.
I used to smoke those but they changed the recipe and they no longer taste like imported cigarettes - sad really
Super popular with potheads.
But the tobacco itself is rather unique and pretty good.
manitou by von eicken
wtf is in thisbag.?
Motha fuckin Newpors niqqqqqqA
I smoke Nat Shermans. Before being bought out by Altair, they had Fantasias
>pic related
ah joh, je kan ook solliciteren op een baantje bij de gemeente, receptionist ofzo. maar succes met je examen.
Stopped smoking, started vaping
One month in, i feel better than ever, breath freely
In the morning i don't wake up feeling clogged
I dont get tired so easily
Winston's actually not a bad cigarette compared to what's out there
Roommate smokes cheap ass Korean imports egad
Keeps me from mooching from him though
even doctors recommend Camel's
Champion ruby or Dr pat
thanks user
Winston. I think I'm the only one who does.
The guy in that machine is a fag
Look at all these foolish lads sucking their fags. The patrician and masculine choice is the pipe.
>implying your music taste is any better
just a harder dick substitute
Only fags smoke fags. You like putting rods in your mouth eh?
Preferable that which is hard, long, and fits well in the hand than one which is small, flaccid, and easily broken.
If I may
pipes are
cigarettes are
the only difference how gay do you want to stay
What a slut
>He's the one and done type
or the light blue
Mainly gauloise blue, cauz irregular smoking and ease of smoking, also like them for building joints
i really love american spirit for a hash joint. how much do you pay for that tobacco?
> Anno MMXX
> still smoking cigarettes
€11,60 per 50 grams. american spirit is OK but sometimes a bit too dry.
is that a corona major? how much are they?
Marlboro light menthol. But I don't smoke much anymore just when drinking
Regalias, $18 CAD
much more than i thought. we pay 4,80€ in germany for 30 grams - so its 16,00 € / 100 Gramm.
its true that it can be a bit dry, but i use Humidifying Stones (1-2€) to moisten it up
Used to smoke blue camels, but there is a reason cigs ar called fags. Smoke pipes ya edgy fucks.
Sterling Duel forever
I only smoke cigarettes I find in old MREs.
Lucky Strike mostly
what is that rig user?
Amber leaf
I used potato peelings to give moisture to my dry tobak
schwarzer krauser and roth händle
absolutly based my nibba
or this one
Can afford fags