It’s 2020 what’s the most fucked up thing you have done this year

It’s 2020 what’s the most fucked up thing you have done this year

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>It’s 2020 what’s the most fucked up thing

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uhhhhhhh broke a few legs cause cops fucking suck

Masturbated while sniffing my grand ma's bloomers.

I posted in this this

Go to your containment board, alt-right Nazi cunt.

This. It's wild watching the alt-right retards & far-left retards both weeping over Trump nuking some dipshit terrorist.

ikr. They need to fuk off back to Sup Forums. Keep bumping actual entertaining threads off the catalog.

stopped smoking

good for you user, doing the same what sucks the most is the energy levels after u quit big ree

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Cheated on my gf with some this Russian girl


Well its been a couple days now and gotta admit, the cough is gone and im feeling pretty gud
stay healthy anons

I’ve already wacked off next to my gf twice

My ex came over while I was sleeping and jumped in my bed. Almost fucked her but then phone rang and it was my new gf who has been treating me like absolute shit. Made ex leave and picked up the phone. Ex screams put "i just fucked you man" i quickly mute phone and shivers ex, she falls to the ground. I have to help her up yelling at her telling her to leave. Get on phone with new gf who lied to my all friday night and I caught her lying. Had to pick her up extremely intoxicated from night club once at my place she got naked and then tried to fight me. Next day neighbor and landlord talking saying she was scared listening to that. Last night ex randomly shows up pounding on door highly intoxicated. I was sleeping alone in my bed and shes pounding calling me a nigger so the entire building can hear it.

My ducking crazy 2020 so far

Nothing major yet. I did just start talking to this 46 year old who I didn't know was the mother of a 21 year old I met online a few months ago. Didn't have sex because she she was...ehh. still trying to figure out how to reveal to her I met her daughter online

Why not just fuck her

I've jacked it to my step daughter more than that this year already


She’d rather sleep... when you’ve been together for so long you eventually become old news, she gets real pissed if I tryn get it while she’s sleeping

She’d rather sleep and gets pissed if I tryn get it while she’s sleeping, once you’ve been together for a long time you become old news

>Sup Forums
>entertaining threads

Pick precisely a third of three

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What else u planning to do?

Use her body when she sleeps

Idk yet. In regards to her, just keep stroking..or at least try to stop

why did you post the same thing twice just worded slightly different

Why don’t you steal her panties and cum in her food

I feel bad enough blowing a load to her ass lol


It can be fun sniffing her pants and putting cum in her lotions and watching her use it

>it’s 2020
>using a meme format without using the meme
>reference without references
What absolutely savagery.
This post is the most fucked up thing I’ve seen this decade.


It actually kind of does sound hot

Do that shit and report back. Why don’t u take a picture of her dirty knickers right now

She’s a super light sleeper
My shit froze when I hit post and I didn’t think it posted so I re typed it and it came up twice so now I just look like an asshole