Mine is 135. No trolling.
Mine is 135. No trolling
no idea, don‘t wanna know tbh
I'm an IQ?
If your IQ was 180 you would still be a dumbass faggot.
If you're so smart, why are you geh?
sure thing buddy
you are lying, I know because I know how actual test results are given and if you really wanted to know this answer truthfully you would have presented your results the proper way.
I also know that you can't look up what I am talking about you can only know by having the results in front of you.
took a test when I was 16, scored 165
fairly successful in life due to luck, don't feel smarter than most people
IQs are for faggots that think they're smart
Over 9000;
I may not be adept in academics but at least i'm not retarded
mine is decreasing since I started to read that thread
Who says I am geh?
lmao, they give your parents a number and let them decide if they tell you. There is no "special way" to present the fact that you likely scored a 75 chief.
Great, how does it feel obsessing over a measure of intelligent that is flawed in its entire design? You realize that iq tests are not a real measure of overall intelligence right?
How dumb do you have to be in order to believe that score? IQ tests are normal distributed with an adjusted population mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15. This means that your individual IQ score is calculated relatively to others. If you scored 165 , that's fucking over 4 standard deviations above the mean, which would put you on par with Stephen Hawkins. Above 1 standard deviation (aka IQ above 115) is considered a genius.
When the administrator told you he was giving you the results the "proper" way, that was sexual assault, user.
I never took a real test.
Pretty sure im below average anyways.
Most of your post is correct, but...
> Above 1 standard deviation (aka IQ above 115) is considered a genius.
I don't believe that is the case. According to your statement 15.9% of the population would be considered a "genius", so can you please give me a source to back up this claim?
Sure thing buddy. Just show us a certificate or official result of a respectable test and we might believe you. Of course a timestamp would be necessary as well. You know the drill.
138, st.d. 15.
I rock those things.
Though I wouldnt have posted if it was like 65.
Not all IQ tests use standard deviation 15 though
I think you are referring to the different iq scales, yes?
Sounds like another great mind that just did an online test and found out he's a "genius"...
He just said his score without the scale.
It's like saying a temperature without saying the scale.
I guess it boils down to how you define what a genius is, but regardless 115 would make you very intelligent and anything above 130 would make you gifted.
I think 15 is pretty common to the point that it is the standard.
I mean, I expect people to assume that. That's fine.
I'm not sure it matters much wether it's true or not anyway.
You are a fucking moron
What is S.D. faggot
I consistently score around 125 on in depth IQ tests but that’s about it. Luck and networking wins by a large margin though.
End yourself.
English's not even my first language.
My IQ is... 225. Take that everybody
I think st.d 15 is standard too, but if 1% of people do an IQ test with standard deviation 24, and 99% use standard deviation 15, the extremeness of the score means a fair share of the would have used the rarer standard deviation.
Of course the vast majority of those claiming such a score will be either lying or misinformed :D
>which would put you on par with Stephen Hawkins.
Hawking. Stephen Hawking.
>Pretty sure im below average anyways.
Oh for sure.
But it's weird, everyone knows intelligence, athleticism, education, etc all are limited abilities that are useful in some situations but dont matter much in other situations, and certainly neither ability makes or breaks a person's life. (Unless it's a really extreme ability.)
Yet people only feel the need to point out the limitations with intelligence.
Furthermore, unless the test is very long, like four hours or more, then there's quantization noise rendering scores above three sigma unreliable.
One random mistake (due to a factor other than skill) can skew a score by 10 points or more, especially if that mistake ruins a perfect score.
I scored 160 on Mensa's four-hour test. I routinely score above 145 on shorter online tests, but I suck on patterns so my score varies depending on the test's reliance on patterns
Yeah most regular tests are increasingly unreliable past 130. I was disappointed they didnt give me a test foucused on the higher range when they already knew I was 130+.
I was taken out of class one day in 2nd grade, and was taken to the counselors office where I was given a series of tests. They gave me several pieces of paper cut into shapes, and then they had one large shape, drawn on a piece of paper. I had to take the smaller shapes and match them together to form the larger outline shape and I was being timed.
I was then shown a series of flashcards and asked to identify the object on the picture. I remember one question I got wrong, it was a picture of an electrical wall outlet, and I "incorrectly " called it a wall socket, instead of an outlet. Funny since this is a good example of cultural bias.
After the test, the teacher wouldn't tell me what my IQ was, she told me specifically "I'm not going to tell you what your results were because i don't want you to make the other kids feel bad "
They told my mother, who told me that she doesn't remember what it was exactly, but that it was in the 130's. After the test I was placed in Honors and Advanced Placement classes. I was in Duke Tip, and took a PSAT in 7th grade, I didn't study for it, I wa sdailing half my classes, but I scored like a 986, a 12th grade average score, without taking the 3 week after school prep course that duke tip offered before the test. I would have scored higher, but they weren't teaching trigonometry or calculus in 7th grade so I flubbed most of the math portion.
So yeah, all Tl;dr my Iq is somewhere in the 130's
Last time I was tested it was grade school, I was 9. It was a 140 then, likely less now. I’d put it in the 110-120 range.
Your experience shows the inherent challenges high IQ causes.
...and the bias against those intellectually gifted. Imagine if people told that to sports stars. "We will put you in the honors system but we wont tell you your stats nor where you're ranked because we don't want you to make others feel bad because they arent as athletic as you".
>Not larp.
literally everyone here who is putting a higher number than 100 is lying btw. worth remembering.
>Obviously, if you're on Sup Forums and a true Sup Forumstard; your IQ is
I was tested (WISC-R) as 119 when I was 10 years old. Today It's probably 110 maximum
mine is probably below average
ITT nobody knows an IQ actually is. you don't have one until you've taken an official test.
You're unusually insightful for a Sup Forums-visitor.
When I was 17 it was 121.
Not going to make me a rocket scientist. But, at least I'm not a fucking retard.
i didn't say i was smart. stay triggered.
Measuring IQ will always be inaccurate because of the wide range of things you could be good/bad at. You could retain all the information you learn and apply it, but have zero common sense and/or practical skill. Also needing to validate your own IQ based on a test to prove your self worth, seems like a pretty dumb and insecure thing to me
i tested positive for 67
>you don't have one until you've taken an official test
I have this problem with height.
I havent measured how tall I am so I dont have any height at all until I do.
A measurement of a physical quantity is very different from a rating on some arbitrary model scale.
Mine is always higher in a person-to-person test.
Well OP, I use big college words to make what I'm saying sound more intellectual when in reality it's smarter to use as few and simple words as possible to explain things. A lot of people in this thread do it too, so I'd say my IQ is about 200
135???? And you can't even spell 'your'??? You are a colossal idiot, that's what you are.
I concur, it's quite shallow and pedantic indeed
I guess that depends on the IQ test you take. Depends on whether you’re taking a left brain or right brain thinking test. Not all IQ tests are the same obviously.
please help me be I'm had a large amount of money stolen from me it's quite a bit the girl that was with me her name is Angel Triplett you know she cheated stole a lot of f****** money and I reached out to the authorities and they won't help me I went to where they're at and they refused to talk to me and then have me arrested for disorderly conduct when all I was doing was just stand on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette after I asked to talk to Angel Meghan and Jason Wooten live in Laurens South Carolina and are there heroin addicts and on top of it you know I have tried more than once to ask him just to give me my money back and nobody's helping nothing's being done and I just thought of you know Sup Forums because you know it's not my own personal army but I figured you guys would help so you know thank you for everything I mean I'm a combat veteran I served in Iraq I'm a Freemason you know and I just I'm on my f****** money that's it thank you her number is 8646261522you know I even have the screenshots from her mom and and and her admitting to it and you know the police just don't give a fuk so what can you do I mean goddamn
Idk like effin 94, who test that?
I can count my IQ on one hand
44, Coz I iz blick
In H.S. in the 80s my IQ was tested at 125, about top 5%. It was part of a battery of tests I took one Saturday morning at a private psychologists, trying to determine why I was such a fuck-up in life (probably still-as-yet-un-diagnosed ADD-PI). I gave it a decent try, but I wasn't trying my super-hardest to do my bestest (i.e., probably could have scored a few more point if i tried harder to do my bestest).
That score (top 5%) has been pretty consistent across most IQ tests I've taken in life (I'm, wsigh, 50 now). ACT (top 5%), GMAT (top 6%), best LSAT was top 7%, (first one was top 25% but I took thqat test hungover, and a few years later top 10% and re-took it for the top 7%).
Yes, I understand the criticisms of IQ tests, but I do not believe the scores are completely random scores not representative of an individual's general intellectual capabilities.
That number has held pretty consistent on a number
I feel like i was just threatened in autism.
It's taking you a long time to die
That last sentence is a good example of my ADD
Usual im a 111 but goes down when talking to women
Let's be real if you're bragging about your IQ on Sup Forums, your probably a dumbass. 120 here, by the way
mid 50s +/- 100
>Made the test
>Was asked to join Mensa
>Met the local chapter
>Bunch of arrogant cunts
And what is a high IQ worth when I'm failing in life and regularly post shit on Sup Forums...
We will have to take your word for it
I assure you you have an IQ before you test yourself. You're just not aware of it.
119 when tested by European standards.
135 when I was tested in US by US standards.
eww, that feet is awful.
Mensa doesnt "ask" anyone to join mate.
You can be invited to join, which isnt the same thing.
Was part of the American test, how to plan a route to McDonald's?
I'm a fucking retard. I'd be surprised if it was over 100.
>IQ over 100
>posting on Sup Forums
you can only choose one OP.
Abput 50% of people are under 100 IQ so youre in good company.
Chances are you're in the same group aa your country's leader.
Then call it "invited" as in "they really wanted me to join". I don't really care anymore.
Must be something local.
Here you just get a paper with your score and a note saying you're eligible to join and that youre welcome to do so.
You should get extra mark or two for self awareness
Can you imagine the odor of a room full of people smelling their own farts
Well tbh, my IQ is 233...you wouldn't understand
Yes, I've been to a municipal council meeting.
Idk, Americans are kinda full of themselves so maybe some Mensa meetings there are like that.
Here it was just chill. People wanted to relax and be themselves. It is a support group for people who felt a bit out of tune with society.
That is all.
147 Weschler scale.
I always wonder why people assume intelligent people only want to meet each other to brag.
Is that what they always do when they're good as something?
Trolling the troll. Money
128 and I still feel like a retard. I can't imagine how stupid the average person is.